I realized that I forgot to acknowledge the prompt for chapter sixteen from Torriya. I also didn't follow that prompt exactly because I didn't know how exactly Skye would set May and Coulson up without one of them catching on.

Prompt from I Like Skylin. Skye gets hurt out on a mission, Lincoln tries to get her to go to Simmons, but she refuses and he just lets her be for a while, but then things get worse and Skye keeps trying to hide it because she hates having everyone worry over her like when she was shot.

Is it hard for anyone else to refer to Skye as Daisy or is it just Coulson and I? Sorry it's taken me so long. I have been so busy that I didn't have time to watch Agents of SHIELD much less write fanfiction about it.

Lincoln was still not used to working for the people he had hid from for so long, but working with Daisy, well, she spending time with her was worth it. Now, at least, he didn't have to wonder whether or not she was lying to him about being ok. He could see for himself.

"Tremors, Sparky, you two ready to go?" Mack called.

"Yeah." Daisy replied.

"Sparky?" Lincoln looked over at Mack who was currently boarding the jet. "What did I do to deserve that?"

"Tremors doesn't complain." Mack chuckled.

"C'mon, Sparky." Daisy laughed. It was a nice to see her smile for once, so Lincoln quietly boarded the plane.

"Where exactly are we going?" Lincoln asked.

"Arkansas. We found another Inhuman. Bellamy Evans, she's- she's invisible." Mack answered.

"Invisible as in you see right through her or does she blend into her surroundings like a chameleon?" Lincoln asked.

"I guess we're gonna find out." Daisy said with a straight face. Sometimes even Lincoln forgot how often she dealt with this kind of thing. It was hard to reconcile her with the woman he had met, the one who had been absolutely terrified of her new powers.


"How exactly are we supposed to find this invisible girl?" Lincoln questioned.

"We know where she lives. We'll wait for her to come home." Daisy answered stepping past Lincoln and off the plane.

"Will that ever not creep me out?" Lincoln mumbled under his breath.

"From what I've heard it took her a while to get used to too." Mack said as he prepared to relaunch.

Lincoln shook his head and followed Daisy. "Let's go find an Inhuman and toss them into a completely white box while they have a mental breakdown. I have become what I feared as a child."


The team pulled up to Bellamy Evan's house just minutes before she got home from work.

She had been jumpy ever since she had been encased in stone. She hadn't done anything different that day, but still she had still found herself trapped in some sort of rock, and when she had broken out of it, she couldn't see herself.

Needless to say it had not been the best day of her life. She had seen the news broadcasts. The regular people turning into alien terrorists. She had been trying to act normal around her coworkers, and she didn't have friends, but she still worried that someone would see her turn invisible and the government would arrest her for something she didn't want and couldn't control.

So when she saw the van parked-waiting-outside her house, she panicked. It had to be the government. Someone knew who she was. She was not going to let them take her. She had seen too many movies where the government had experimented on the alien, and Bellamy was not going to let that be her.

There was a knock on the door. The hairs on the back of Bellamy's neck stood on end.

She grabbed a knife.

Another knock.

She walked slowly toward the door.

Bellamy opened it just a crack. There were only two people at the door, one man and one woman.

"Bellamy Evans." The woman phrased it more as a statement than a question, but Bellamy nodded anyway, her knife poised. The action of stabbing them playing through their mind.

"We know you're scared, but we're not going to hurt you. We're here to help." The man said.

"'We're from the government, we're here to help.'" Bellamy mocked. "Not a chance." She threw the door open and swung the knife at the woman. C'mon, turn invisible. She thought to herself. It worked. She turned invisible as she cut a deep gash into the woman's side.

"Daisy!" The man shouted. Funny that her would be captor would be named after a flower.

The woman gasped in pain, but that didn't stop her from grabbing Bellamy and tossing her to the ground. She wasn't sure how the woman had managed to grab her, but she felt the pain from where her head hit the ground. The woman pointed some sort of gun at her head and everything went black. When she woke up she was in a white box.


"Daisy, how bad is it?" Lincoln asked.

"It's fine. Just a scratch." She lied. She grabbed a bandage and a fresh shirt from the back of the van. Daisy wrapped the bandage around her abdomen as tightly as she could stand and put the new shirt on. "Don't worry about it."

Lincoln didn't quite believe her, but he also knew there was nothing he could do to stop her. They drove off as soon as the containment cell had risen to the jet where Mack waited.


"You really should let Simmons look at that cut." Lincoln begged. He was met with a look that clearly said 'drop it.' "At least let me look at it. I am a doctor."

"I. Am. Fine. Lincoln. Let it go." Daisy said.

The cut had been bothering her pretty badly the past few days. It didn't seem to be getting any better, but she didn't want anyone freaking out about it.

"You're not fine. You wince whenever you work out. It's getting worse. Let me look at it. Daisy, please. I just want to help you." Lincoln pleaded. "It's okay to let people help you."

"Enough, Lincoln." Daisy walked out of the room. Lincoln hung his head. There really is no changing her mind is there?


A week later there was a meeting with Fitzsimmons, May, Coulson, Hunter, Bobbie, Mack, Lincoln, and Daisy. They had discussed progress with the portal, Ward, and Inhumans. When they all started getting up to leave, Daisy dropped to the ground unconscious.

"Skye!" Coulson shouted.

Lincoln scooped her up, careful to avoid touching her wound. He ran with her to the med lab and set her down on a bed. Simmons was not far behind. The two got to work immediately. Daisy's wound was badly infected and it was making her sick. It was a wonder she had lasted as long as she did without passing out.

The team crowded around outside. She was family to them. May looked ready to kill someone, the only trouble was she didn't know who to blame. Coulson could barely move out of fear for his little girl. Mack was preparing to beat Lincoln as soon as he was finished helping Tremors. He knew something had been wrong when they had gotten back to the plane, but Lincoln had kept his mouth shut.

Simmons and Lincoln stepped out into the area where the team had been waiting. Mack grabbed Lincoln by the throat.

"Whoa, Mack." Bobbie yelled.

"Why didn't you tell us she was hurt? Why did it get this far?"

"Do . . . you think . . . I could . . . change her mind . . . on anything?" Lincoln choked out the words as he gasped for breath. Mack released him and he fell to the ground. "I tried to help her. She wouldn't let me. What could I have done?"

"Why wouldn't she come to us?" Coulson looked broken as he stared back at his girl lying on a stretcher attached to machines and tubes.

"I didn't want to see that look on your face again." Daisy spoke so softly as she woke up.

"What do you mean?" May said. She was at the girl's bed almost immediately.

"I don't like you guys worrying over me." Daisy coughed. "When I was shot you guys risked so much to save me, and then when most of you knew I was going to be okay you were all still so worried." She took a deep breath. "I don't like feeling like I'm hurting you with things I can't even control."

"Skye- Daisy-" Coulson corrected. "We're you're family, it's our job to worry about you."

"You're not hurting us, Daisy." May added. "But you are hurting yourself."

"I know."

"If you don't want to worry us any more than we already do, than you need to let us help you." Simmons added. "Cause now I have to put you on bedrest."

Daisy groaned.