Chapter 1 – Shadow

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so excited to begin this new fanfic. This is a Dipper/Stan bonding story because we need more of those!



"What, another sleepover!?"

Mabel rolled her eyes. "It's just for one night Dipper. I'll be back tomorrow." She said as put on her pink helmet. Dipper huffed.

"I know but I wanted to go exploring today. There's a page in the journal about a lake somewhere in the woods." He stated as she got into her pink bike.

She grinned. "Don't worry, bro-bro. We can go there tomorrow when I'm back. Can you take care of Waddles for me?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure." He sighed, then he noticed the worried look she was giving him.

"Dipper, are you sure you'll be okay?" She said suddenly, concern clear in her voice.

He was taken aback by the question. She's not still worried about what happened, right? After all it's been almost a week since that night. "What? Of course, I'll be fine."

Mabel scowled. "Dipper…"

"Look, everything's going to be alright. I can survive one night by myself. Besides, I don't want to ruin the plans you have with your friends. Trust me, I'll be okay." He stated.

Mabel bit her lips, hesitating. "Fine," She then turned to him and gave him the best glare she could make. "Just call me if anything happens, alright?" she said and he quickly nodded.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" with that said, she turned around to leave.


Grunkle Stan was walking through the gift shop with some Mystery Shack signs, looking for someone who could put them up for him. Soon enough, he found his nephew sitting in the porch, reading from his journal. Seriously, doesn't he get tired of reading through that thing!?

"Oh there you are, I need someone to put up these signs down the road so all the drivers could see it. Can you do it for me?" He said and handed him the wooden signs, some nails and a hammer.

Dipper looked up to him and frowned. "Grunkle Stan, do I have to?" he whined.

"Yes, now get going. And make sure you hurry back. It's supposed to rain later." He explained gruffly as he glanced up to the sky.

Sighing, Dipper took the supplies begrudgingly and he watched the boy head out to the woods.

Meanwhile, Dipper made his way down the path through the trees. After searching for a while, he found a good spot where he could put them up. Grumbling under his breath, he moved to a tree he found suitable and took a sign from the pile and began to nail it into place. He then moved to another repeating the same process a few times until one sign was left.

Just when he was about start again, an odd sound caught his attention and he turned around to see something in the trees. It moved so fast and circled around him before disappearing again. Dipper didn't get a good look at it, but he knew it was something.

Dropping what he was holding, his curiosity got the best of him and he ventured deeper into the forest looking for whatever that was.

After a minute or so, he sensed something moving in the bushes. He carefully approach the bush and looked beyond it to find-

"A squirrel?" he muttered as he stared at the small animal in front of him. Dipper scratched his head in confusion and sighed. Well, that was a waste of time.

The squirrel suddenly made a sound of distress and took off as if sensing a great danger.

"What the-"Dipper then felt something moving behind him. He slowly turned around and to his horror he saw a dark silhouette towering over him.

Before he could even scream it lunged at him.


Once Wendy and Soos left, Grunkle Stan walked out of the gift shop and sat down in the porch. His nephew has been gone for a few hours and hasn't shown up yet. I shouldn't' be worried, he's probably taking his time. He thought and took a sip from his soda. Suddenly, rain began pouring down, but it was nothing more than a drizzle.

He waited. Any minute now the kid will come looking for shelter from the rain.

Any minute now….

Nothing. There was still no sign of the kid anywhere and Stan was having a hard time ignoring the knot in his gut. He should be back by now. What's taking him so long?

It started to rain heavily and Stan couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Where is he? Why hasn't he returned yet?

His eyes widen when a loud scream reached his ears, a familiar one.

"Kid?" he stood up and walked out of the porch. "KID!" he cried, but no one answered which only confirmed his fears. Without thinking, Stan bolted into the forest calling his name.

"Dipper! Where are you?" he shouted. "Dipper!"

He began looking around for the boy, but there was no sign of him. A feeling of worry and dread then filled him. Something happened to Dipper and he needed his help.

His brown eyes darted around until they fell on the blue and white cap on the ground and that was enough to set off all the alarms in his head.

"Dipper! Can you hear me?" he shouted loudly. He grabbed the cap from the ground and ran down the forest path. The rain made it harder for his eyes to see and he almost tripped a few times, but he didn't stop.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Stan found Dipper lying unconscious on the ground. His clothes were mud stained and his hair ruffled. A piece of his shirt was missing too.

"Dipper, are you okay? Wake up!" he muttered, but the boy made no response. The kid was clearly in a bad condition. Wasting no time, he scooped the boy up in his arms and ran back to the shack.


A/N: So? What do you think of this story so far? Drop a review and let me know.