Hello! So, this is my first official Rise Of The Guardians fanfic! I've tried before, but could never manage to write a whole chapter until now!
So, this story will mostly focus on the brotherly friendship between Jack and Bunny, because I just love the idea of Bunny acting like a big brother! XD There won't be any pairings between Jack and anyone here, only family and friendship!
This will likely be a string of different arcs that interconnect! So, like, the first few chaps will be one arc, and then the next few chaps will be another arc that mentions stuff from the previous arc! There may also be some oneshots here and there!
I absolutely LOVE hearing ideas that other people have! I know that when I read stuff that I like, I get tons of ideas! So please, feel free to share! I don't bite!
I also really want some reviews, because I want to know what you all think of my first attempt at ROTG writing! I want to know if I'm doing well, or if I might be a little off at portraying some characters!
I'm gonna warn you now, since this focuses a LOT on Bunny, there will be some Australian slang and lingo! But never fear, I have translations at the bottom of this note XD
My disclaimer is on my profile, but to just be clear, I don't own ROTG! If I did, there would be a lot more family moments in the movie XD
So, please enjoy reading!
Ace = Good / Excellent
Ta = Thanks / Thank you
Apples = Fine / Alright / Good
Ever since defeating Pitch, the Guardians had become something foreign to all of them...A family. With the energetic, fun loving and slightly naive Jack Frost around, the group had become so close knit that nothing could rip them apart. Everyone had fallen into their own roles gradually, though no one noticed at first. Bunny was the one who realized it first, and it likely had the hardest impact on him.
North was like the father of the group. He always had words of advice, or kind words of support. He was fiercely protective of his rag-tag family, and was always ready to protect anyone and everyone.
Tooth was the mother, constantly ready to offer warm, sweet hugs and soft words of comfort. She would dote on all of the Guardians, despite Sandy being the second youngest of the group, and like North, she would become fierce if anyone threatened her friends.
Sandy, sweet, smiling Sandy, was like an uncle. He was always willing to listen (not that he quite had a choice in the matter). His smile could seem to melt away all worries, and he always had the right thing to fix a problem. He was good with advice, much like North, and enjoyed, at meetings, snuggling into a couch, wedged between whatever two Guardians happened to be sitting there.
And then...Then there was Jack.
Jack Frost, the youngest of the little 'family', was the glue that held the group together. He had the brightest, sweetest smile that could always light up a room. His bright blue eyes always had a mischievous glint, but it was more playful than anything. Although young, he was amazingly good at giving advice, answering the most complicated problems with such simple answers that only a child could give, yet it always seemed to be the perfect solution. To Aster, the youth was...Was like a little brother.
That was hard, for some reason, to accept.
He supposed it was because it seemed like all those he allowed close to him always seemed to get hurt. His entire race was wiped out, and the near loss of Sandy, one of his best friends and losing the hope of children, oh how it hurt-
Spring green eyes snapped up, and Bunny was drawn from his deep musings by a young voice that held a childish, teasing lilt.
Jack was standing before him, waving a pale hand in front of the Pooka's face in a rather juvenile attempt to gain Aster's attention. Bright blue eyes showed confusion and- was that concern?
With a slight, irritated frown, Bunny swatted the Winter spirit's hand away.
"Stop tha', ya bloody show pony! I ain't blind!"
A grin pulled at Jack's lips.
"Yeah, but you sure you aren't deaf?"
It was Bunny's turn to look confused.
"What're you goin' on abou', Frost?"
Tooth, who had been flitting about with her normal amount of energy, moved over.
"We've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now, Bunny. It's your turn to talk! You know, about Easter preparations and such." She tilted her head, amethyst eyes sparkling with nothing but the deepest worry and care. "Are you alright?"
Bunny, not wanting to concern the others, waved a paw noncommittally.
"I'm ace, Tooth. No need t' worry. Ta, though, for th' concern."
Seeming to not quite believe him, but not wanting to push the subject, Tooth backed off. Aster's gaze flickered to Jack who still stood in front of him (rather amusingly only reaching the Pooka's chest, if only barely). The boy didn't seem to be going anywhere, and so Bunny raised a furry brow in question.
"Somethin' I can do fer ya, Frostbite?"
A long silence, and Aster was surprised when bright blue eyes narrowed, the Winter teen pursing his lips in thought as he inspected Bunny.
Then, a smile.
"You're waaaay too tense, Kangaroo!" The boy laughed out, jumping into the air. He flipped over the Pooka's head, landing behind the large rabbit and leaning forward, resting his elbows on one of Aster's broad, muscled shoulders. "You need to lighten up!"
"Ah rack off, ya show pony." Bunny muttered, though it lacked any real venom, unlike his words before the youth was a friend and Guardian. Now, the words weren't harsh, but rather a simple, light tease that made Jack's smile widen.
With a shrug, Jack strode back to the wide windowsill he had vacated earlier.
"Suit yourself."
Bunny rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, an ear flicked back in slight irritation.
"Anyway, as fer Easter preparations, everythin's goin' apples. Th' memories and dreams Tooth and Sandy gave the ankle bitters helped me get back a good number of believers, so ta, t' both of you." Sandy gave a thumbs up while Tooth smiled and inclined her head while Bunny continued. "Still replantin' some of the flowers though, it'll be a long time 'til everythin's back to normal in the Warren, but my Googies are helpin' as much as they can."
Jack straightened slightly in his seat, something flickering across his expressive face, though no one seemed to notice aside from Aster, who decided the boy was likely just showing the same concern as the others.
North clapped his large hands, rubbing his palms together.
"Good! All iz now settled until next meeting! Come my friends, yeti's have prepared lovely meal for us all!"
Sandy (having a surprisingly large appetite for one so small) was the first out of the room, followed by North and Tooth. Bunny went to follow-
"Hey, Bunny?"
The Pooka paused, looking back to where Jack was. The Winter spirit was standing from the windowsill, looking...Nervous?
"Yeah, Frostbite?"
Jack rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the floor, the distant wall, anywhere but at Aster.
"I...I was wondering...Well, it's just..." The teen gave a small huff of frustration, looking irritated with himself. "Look, I was wondering if you wanted help in the Warren. No-not that I don't think you can't handle it! I just thought that maybe...Y'know, since it was my fault that Pitch ruined Easter last year, maybe I could try to...To make it up to you."
By now, Jack's cheeks were a light blue and frosted, the young Guardian's version of an embarrassed blush. Bunny was looking at him with a great amount of surprise. He'd never seen the bold, energetic teen act so...Bashful and nervous. It was actually quite endearing that the teen wanted to help, but it also made Bunny's heart sink to know that Jack still thought it was all his fault, when it was actually only Pitch's.
Jack shifted nervously, fiddling with his staff and bothered by the silence that hung in the air.
"I just...I thought I'd offer." A shrug of thin shoulders. "But I mean, if you don't...If you don't n-need help, then I...I get it."
Bunny wondered, for a moment, if this was all a joke. If maybe Jack was planing a prank, because it wouldn't be too outlandish a thought since this was, after all, Jack Frost. But taking in how the boy was acting, down to the slightest twitch of pale hands, Aster saw nothing but blatant truthfulness. And being the Guardian of hope, the teen's own hope was palpable. He wanted, more than anything, to help.
Jack sighed as the silence lingered, shoulders slumping as he looked at his hands that held his staff with such care that only he could muster for the object.
"I...Okay. That's what I thought. I get it, though, don't worry. I get it, I'd probably freeze everything. C'mon, the other's are waiti-"
"Think ya can find my Warren on yer own?"
Big, bright blue eyes blinked owlishly, and for the first time in the past five minutes, Jack looked at Aster. The boy was shocked, pale lips open in a gape that would've made Bunny laugh, had this been any other situation.
Bunny rolled his eyes, an ear flicking back.
"Ya heard me. Can ya find my Warren?"
Jack nodded shakily, licking his lips nervously, seeming to hope this wasn't a cruel joke, that Bunny actually would let him help with preparations, let him try to lessen the guilt from the previous Easter.
"Uh, y-yeah! I-I just...Just gotta ask Wind."
Bunny nodded once, sharply.
"Alrigh'. Then come aroun' in th' morning."
Jack looked unbelieving.
Bunny snorted.
"'Course really. Ya asked, didn' ya? I could use 'n extra set 'f hands, I've still got lotsa work t' get done. Your help would be appreciated, mate."
Jack beamed, the expression so bright and innocent that Aster couldn't help but smile slightly as well.
"Tha-that's great!" Jack managed, sounding overjoyed. "I'll be there! You won't regret this Bunny, I'll be the best helper of Easter ever!"
A small chuckle left Aster. He'd never heard that before.
"Good. Now c'mon, 'M starvin' an' th' others 'r waitin'." The Pooka said, jerking his head in the general direction of the door.
Eagerly nodding, Jack's feet lifted from the ground and he flew past. Bunny barely managed to open the door in time to avoid the teen crashing. Aster shook his head with a sigh as he followed. He really hoped he wouldn't regret this.