A/N: I am so sorry about how long it took to get this posted! I've had chapter 9 done and posted on my AO3 account for awhile, but I couldn't get it to upload here for some reason. I had to break down and download a second internet browser just to get this posted. Anyway, I am sorry. I appreciate all the reviews and the patience. This story has probably one more chapter left and it will then be done. Thank you again and hope this does not disappoint.

Ten days. Ten long days. Days filled with nurses poking and prodding. Walks to the rec room in the afternoons. Doctors worrying over his fever and his weight. Ten days in the hospital with the Washington's, Lafayette, and John always by Alex's side. They all made good on their promise, staying with him through it all. Alex didn't know what to make of it, but he tried not to question it. Not yet. But now, the real test came. He was going home.

"Once the nurse comes in, I'll carry these things down and pull the car around, dear," Martha told Alex as she gathered up the cards and balloons strewn about his hospital room. "George is on his way up now and will help you get downstairs with the nurses."

"Okay," Alex softly replied. His legs hung over the edge of the bed as his fingers fiddled with a string on the blankets anxiously. He stared down at the IV still sticking out from the back of his hand. The nurses should be coming to remove it soon.

Martha walked over and ran a hand through his long hair soothingly. "Nervous?"

Alex shrugged in reply, but knew Martha noticed how his shoulders shook.

"It's normal to feel anxious about it all." Martha sat down on the bed beside him. "I haven't told you about the time George was hospitalized for ten days have I?"

"No, ma'am."

"I swear," Martha laughed next to him, "you two are more alike than you realize." She moved her hand from Alex's hair to his back, rubbing comforting circles as she spoke. "Well, it was when we were first married. George was fresh out of the military and was starting a new job working in the governor's office. It was his first political job and he couldn't have been more excited. Unfortunately for George, his lungs decided to throw a wrench in his plans."

Alex turned to look at Martha. She sent him a small smile before continuing.

"Well, my dear George started to feel poorly a few days before he was to start this dream job of his. He neglected to tell me this of course. Instead he carried on like he was fine, hiding coughs from me and ignoring any warming sign his body gave him. He went to work. Worked for, oh, I think a week despite the fact that he was sick as a dog. He collapsed during his first big meeting. Case of pneumonia. Pretty bad one given how much he ignored it. Sound familiar?"

The glint in Martha's eyes informed Alex that she was simply teasing him. "Maybe," he replied with a smirk of his own.

"Just like you, he ended up in the hospital in worse shape than he expected. They had to put tubes in to drain the fluid and everything. He spent ten days confined to a bed before the doctors allowed him to go home. I think he had asked them daily if he could leave, but come the day of release, he was shaking like a leaf at the thought of having to manage things on his own and dealing with all the work he'd missed."

Alex shifted nervously. "That sounds very familiar," he relented.

"I thought it might." Martha nudged his shoulder with her own. "I'll tell you the same thing I told him that day. Right now, you're going to have to let us help you. Right now, work isn't going to be the most important thing on your plate. Getting better is. Giving your body time to heal and your mind time to recover from all of this." She gave Alex a hug from the side. "You've been through a lot. I hope you will give yourself time and not push yourself all at once."

Alex sighed. "I'm going to be behind in everything. And I'm already putting a lot of stress on you guys and—"

"Alex, we're fine," Martha interrupted. "We've been stressed because we are worried and care. That is not something you need to apologize for. Ever." She squeezed his arm. "As for school, we've already talked to Principal Franklin. He, along with your teachers, has come up with a plan of action for you. They have prepared your workload for the coming weeks and will allow you to do it at your own pace until you return to school. They plan to upload it to their online system so that you can work and turn it in, as you are able to. Furthermore, they have agreed to record lectures and upload them to their online system for you as well."

"What about tests?" Alex questioned, still concerned that it wouldn't work.

"Franklin has agreed to bring them to the house if needed and monitor you himself. However, many will be put online for you to take. Franklin is giving you a lot of trust, and has ensured your teachers that you will not cheat if they do so."

Alex shook his head in disbelief. "But why?"

"He believes you deserve a shot. First and foremost." Martha moved a strand of hair out of his face. "And I think to make up for Thomas Jefferson's behavior as well."

Alex snorted at the mention of his gym teacher. "So what happens with my gym class? I can't make up that work. Not with everything and the doctors and—"

"Shh," Martha soothed. "You're right; physical activities like that will be out of the question for some time. Franklin is aware of that. George spoke with him extensively on what your doctors believed your limits would be. Because of that, Franklin has decided to waive your gym requirement due to health concerns. He feels that would be the smartest option given what has happened already. When you return to school, you'll be placed in the library as an aide during that time period. It will give you a new elective credit that will take the place of your gym class for now."


"Really," Martha replied with a smile. "You'll have to work in the library during that period, don't get us wrong. But it also tends to turn into a free period, according to Franklin, so it will give you extra time to work and catch up if needed." Martha put an arm around Alex. "What do you think?"

"I-I, well, I won't throw away my shot." He gave Martha a shy, tentative look.

She pulled him into another hug and kissed his forehead. "And I hope you also use this as a time to heal. Not work yourself to the ground."

"I'll try."

"All I ask." She squeezed his shoulder once more.

Before either could continue the conversation, the nurse knocked on the door. "Hello guys," she said kindly. "How're you today, Alex?"

"I'm okay, Sarah," Alex replied. "Nervous but okay."

Sarah smiled in return. "That's pretty normal, kiddo. But let's see how you feel once the IV's and all are taken out, huh?"

"That would be nice."

Martha stood from the bed. "I'll let you get to it. Alex, I'll be waiting downstairs for you. George should be up soon. He was just finishing up some things in the billing department downstairs."

Alex frowned at the mention of the bills he was no doubt wracking up for the Washington's.

"Don't do that," Martha scolded softly. "I can practically see your brain working from here."

Sarah giggled at the exchange as she moved across the room with her supplies. "I think you would do good to listen to her."

Alex sighed and nodded. With that, Martha left with the last of his get well gifts and some of his things. Sarah set to work on removing the last of the wires and tubes connected to him.

"Alright kiddo," she said. "You'll feel a slight pinch and there will probably be some blood."

"Okay." Alex was getting tired of blood and pain.

"I know; it's getting old, huh?"

"Yeah." Alex watched as she gently pulled out the needle in his hand and quickly replaced it with a gauze pad to stop the blood flow.

"It's not been much fun for you," Sarah continued, grabbing tape to secure the gauze in place. "But you've handled this all better than grown men though. I can say that from experience."

Alex looked up to meet her eyes. "Thank you." He rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. "And…not just for that."

Sarah smiled. "I would say any time, but I don't really want to see you back here."

"I second that."

Alex looked up to see George leaning against the door. "Hey," he greeted.

"You about ready to get out of here?" George replied.

"I think so," Alex answered.

"What do you think, Sarah?"

"I think he's all set," Sarah said, finish up with Alex. "Martha has his recovery information and appointment cards and all. We gave it to her earlier this morning. All Alex needs is to change into a shirt now that all the wires have been removed and he's all set."

"I think I can manage that," George stated, already moving towards Alex's backpack and pulling out a zip up sweatshirt.

"Good. I'll grab a wheelchair for you then." Sarah squeezed Alex's hand and left.

"Thought this might be the easiest to change into," George offered.

"Yeah, my arms still don't like lifting motion," Alex sighed.

"Martha went out and bought some button ups and zip ups for you until that changes. But it'll get there. Do you mind if I reach around to undo the gown?"

"That's fine." Alex ran a hand through his hair. "I know it will. Just sucks."

"How are you feeling? Really?"

"I don't know," Alex sighed as George pulled off the gown. They both got a good look at the bandages and scars the gown had been hiding. "God that looks awful."

"Hey." George lifted Alex's chin up so he couldn't stare at his chest. "It doesn't. It looks painful, yes. But it does not look awful. It's okay."

Alex closed his eyes and swallowed thickly. "I'm scared."

"That's pretty understandable." George guided Alex's arms into the arms of the sweatshirt. "And you know what? We're scared too, Alex."

Alex's eyes shot open. "What?"

"We're all scared too. We don't want you to have to go through anything else like this. But we know there is still a pretty long road ahead of you. So we're scared too."

Alex swallowed again. "What if I end up back here?"

George zipped up the hoodie so that it covered Alex's bandages. "Then we'll deal with it and go from there." George put a hand on each of Alex's shoulders and squeezed gently. "But we're going to do all we can to try and prevent that from happening for your sake. Okay?"

Alex met George's gaze. "O-okay."

"Now," George clapped his shoulders, "what do you say we get the hell out of here?"

Alex laughed loudly at George's word choice. "Yeah. That sounds good."

George gathered up the last of Alex's things and placed them in his backpack. Sarah returned with a wheelchair. She helped Alex slide off the bed and into it. George slung the bag over his shoulders and followed behind Sarah as she wheeled Alex out of his room and towards the elevator.

"Do either of you have any more questions or concerns?" Sarah asked as the elevator began its descent.

"I think I'm okay," George replied. "Martha has all the paperwork and the information already in the car."

"Alex?" Sarah prodded, rubbing his shoulder gently.

"Huh?" Alex twisted a little in his chair so he could see her face. "Oh, um, I think I have a handle on the whole 'don't do anything right now' thing." George raised an eyebrow at that. "Mostly."

Sarah shook her head fondly at him. "Just don't overdo anything and let this guy back here help you out."

"And call the doctor if things start to feel worse?"

"Exactly." Sarah ruffled his hair. "And let that boy of yours spoil you. I think you could use some of that too." She winked at him, making him blush as George laughed in the background.

"I think we all plan to spoil him," George chuckled as they reached the ground floor.

"Good," Sarah replied with a smile. She pushed Alex towards the door. Martha's car came into view; the woman stepped out as soon as the glass doors slid open. "It looks like your chariot awaits."

Alex rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh a little. "Thank you." He looked up at her and smiled. George walked around to help Martha ensure that the backseat was set up for Alex.

Sarah gave him a small hug. "You're welcome sweetheart. Let these guys take care of you, huh?"

He looked towards the car as his foster parents argued good-naturedly over the state of the pillows they were arranging. "I'll try."

Sarah squeezed his arm. "Good luck. I better just see you back for check ups."

"Yes ma'am."

Sarah winked at him and pushed him towards the car. She steadied the wheelchair as George helped Alex out, taking on most of his wait as he transferred him to the backseat. Alex couldn't help but groan at the movement and relaxed as soon as he fell back against the pillows Martha had laid out. Sarah waved at him as she stepped away from the car. He returned the gesture, knowing he would miss her kindness. He still couldn't quite believe how different this experience had been from his first surgery.

"Are you okay back there, dear?" Martha asked, climbing into the driver's seat once more. George followed behind her on the passenger side, glancing back at Alex.

"Yeah," he answered around a yawn. "George fixed the seat belt so I could lie down some. Well, mostly at least."

George chuckled. "It's not a long drive at least. Then you can be back in your own bed."

"That would be great," he replied. He closed his eyes as the car began moving, and they didn't open again until they pulled in front of their home and George gently woke him.

"Hey, Alex," he said softly. "We're here, bud."

Alex blinked and rubbed at his eyes. He flinched as the motion aggravated bruises on his hands from the various IVs he had had.

"Easy." George pulled his hand away from his face a little.

"I'm okay," Alex mumbled. He felt exhausted, but he tried to push himself forward in the backseat.

George bit his lip as he watched until he finally took action. He slowly moved forward and knelt down so that he could pull Alex out of the seat. He lifted him into his arms, letting Alex's head settle on his shoulder. He kept an arm under his legs and the other around his back.

"You don't have—"

"I know," George assured, letting Martha shut the car doors and unlock the house for him. "Let me." George adjusted his hold on Alex as they entered the house, and for once, Alex didn't argue. He was tired and it did feel nice to be taken care of for once.

"Alex?" Laf called from the couch, jumping up at the sound of footsteps on the foyer.

"We're home," Martha called as he all but ran into the room.

"Slow down, son," George chuckled. "Let's not knock us all over. Don't think Alex wants another trip to the hospital."

"Not particularly," Alex yawned in reply.

"No worries, mon ami," Laf replied, rubbing Alex's arm where it dangled. "We will do whatever it takes to prevent that."

Alex sent Laf a smile at the words.

"Yes," George agreed. "Like getting you up to bed so you can rest."

Before Alex could protest, George set off toward the stairs. He carried him up to his bedroom and carefully tucked him under the covers.

"Thank you," Alex muttered, settling into his bed for the first time in ten days, in the room that he never truly realized was his home until he was away.

"Get some rest, son." George leaned down and kissed the top of his head. For once, Alex didn't feel the need to correct his word choice. Instead, he fell asleep with a smile gracing his face.

It was the best sleep he'd gotten in a long time.


"What are we going to do?" Martha sighed, worry obvious in her voice. "I have to stay at the office all evening to meet with the new clients."

"I don't know," George continued. "I don't think I can get out of those meetings in D.C. either"

"I could back out of my trip," Laf added.

None of them had noticed Alex and John in the kitchen's doorway. Alex had been home from the hospital for a few days now. George, Martha, and Laf had all made sure that he was well taken care of, bringing him food, helping him to walk around his house, helping him with his medications. They were all fantastic, but they were all starting to be mother hens in their own ways. John was as well, but Alex was finding that John could be persuaded with a kiss to do small things, such as trips down the stairs.

"No you can't," Alex piped up, giving himself away. He leaned against the door jam, his blanket, the gift from the Schuyler's, draped around him.

"Alex," Martha gasped. "Baby, how what are you doing out of bed? And those stairs!" She rushed to his side, running her hands over him and checking to make sure he did not pull out stitches.

"I'm okay," he muttered. "Stairs suck, but John helped. And you shouldn't change your plans because of me."

"Mon ami—"

"No, you've been looking forward to that trip for weeks," Alex interrupted. "You said the French Club has been doing everything they could to get to that international festival."

"But you're more important," Laf assured.

"It's not fair to you," Alex continued.

"Alex, let's sit down," Martha instructed, guiding him towards the nearest chair. John followed, sending him an apologetic look as he took the barstool next to him.

"I'm fine," he sighed, although his voice gave out on him, hinting at just how out of breathe the trip down the stairs had left him.

"Alex, we know you're doing fine, but it's only been two weeks since your surgery. Laf and I would be in D.C. all day tomorrow, and likely spending the night considering a snowstorm is supposed to go through tomorrow. And Martha has dinner meetings in town til late with new clients for her firm. You'd be home alone all day, with the potential for a snowstorm. I'm sorry, but we can't do that."

"I could stay over," John offered. Everyone in the kitchen turned to him all at once, causing him to laugh. "I know Alex's medication regime and can help him around the house. Plus, if something were to happen, I could always drive him back to the hospital or call for help." He shrugged. "Would be better than everyone cancelling and rearranging their plans."

"I don't know," Martha said softly.

"It would help," George added, much to Alex's relief.

"John could help with things if needed," Laf continued.

"Guys, I'm right here," Alex huffed, not caring if it was rude. "Stop talking like I don't have a say."

George laughed, squeezing Alex's shoulder. "Okay, I think he has a point. Martha, let John help. Besides, I'm sure Alex would like some alone time with him anyway." He winked at Alex as the boy blushed fiercely.

Laf cackled from the other end of the counter. "Oui. Let's give les amoureux some time to themselves."

This time, both John and Alex reddened at the words.

"John," Martha spoke up, ignoring her husband and Laf's teasing. "Will your grandmother mind?"

"Nah, she's already said I can stay over any time I need or want while Alex recovers." John took Alex's hand under the counter. "So it won't be a big deal."

"Okay," Martha relented. "But double check with Abuela, please." Martha leaned over and kissed both their foreheads. "I have to go to work for now, but let me know what she says."

"Yes, ma'am!" John exclaimed, squeezing Alex's hand and nudging his shoulder. Alex frowned at him in return. "Hey, what's wrong?" John spoke softly so the others wouldn't hear as they all went back to their tasks, leaving the kitchen to carry on with their day.

"I don't need a babysitter," Alex sighed.

"Good, because last I checked I was your boyfriend," John teased.

Alex huffed out a laugh. "Is that what we are calling this?"

"I think so," John continued playfully. "Therefore, this is not me babysitting you but is me concocting a brilliant plan to get my boyfriend alone so we can have our first real date."

"Date, huh?" Alex blushed as he spoke. "I'm sorry, but I doubt I'll be much of one." He pointed to his chest.

"Hey," John slung his arm around Alex's shoulders. "I liked hanging out with your ass when you were laid up in a hospital bed half asleep against me."

Alex groaned and hung his head. "You shouldn't have to—"

"I don't have to do anything and you aren't forcing me to. I'm choosing to spend a day with my new boyfriend who I want to get to know better." John leaned over and kissed Alex's lips. "And maybe kiss some more too."

Alex smiled at that. "How can I say no to that?"

"Say no to what?" Laf asked, returning back to the kitchen.

"This," John replied, kissing Alex once more.

Laf just rolled his eyes and smiled at the boys. "Save something for tomorrow, mon amis."

"Whatever you say," John huffed. "But I should get going. Alex, do you want help back upstairs or—"

"I don't really want to go back up to bed just yet," Alex interjected.

"Want to watch some movies down here with me?" Laf asked. "Martha has to run out for work and George is working in his office upstairs."

"Yeah, sure," Alex replied. He started to move from his barstool on his own, but slipped a little. John and Laf both grabbed him, helping him to get back on his feet without falling or jarring himself too harshly.

"Easy," John gasped.

"Ouch," Alex wheezed, rubbing at his chest.

"Alex?" Laf prodded.

"I'm okay. Just, jarred myself," he sighed. "I'm sorry."

John pressed a kiss to his temple. "Don't apologize."

Laf ran a hand through Alex's messy hair. "You have no need to."

Alex took in a shaky breath. "Okay. I'm okay."

"Alright," John relented. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Thank you." Alex leaned up and gave him a kiss goodbye.

"Have fun at the festival, Laf," John called out as he walked towards the door.

"Merci!" Laf replied, never taking his hands off Alex's shoulders. Once John was out the door, he looked back at his foster brother. "Are you sure you are okay, Alex?"

"Yeah. My foot just slipped and it jarred me. I'm okay." Alex rubbed a hand over his face. "Not going to break, Laf."

Laf pulled him into a hug. "I may need reminded of that for awhile. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Alex gave his shoulder a squeeze. "I don't mean to worry you."

Laf shrugged. "You aren't doing anything wrong. I just want you to feel better."

"I do. I am. Comparatively."

"Well, how about we take things slow for now?"

"Fine," Alex huffed. "Movie?"

"Oui! Movie! Hmm…Disney marathon? Are there any you haven't seen?"

"Um, I honestly think it would be easier to just say I've only seen The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast so—"

"That's so horrible! We must fix it!" Laf grabbed his hand and carefully pulled him towards the living room. The two spent the rest of the afternoon going through all of Laf's favorite movies. Alex fell back asleep about half way through, missing the end of Mulan. Laf didn't seem to mind. He let the movies play in the background and pulled Alex close. He let the boy sleep.


"Are you sure you will be okay?" Martha asked. "It's already starting to snow. Maybe I should call in and cancel. I could just stay here and—"

"No," Alex stated vehemently. "I know these clients are a big deal for your firm. No."

"Alex's right, Mrs. W," John agreed. "We've got this."

Martha sighed wearily, rubbing a hand over her face. "Okay. I'm sorry. I just worry."

"No need to, ma'am," John assured. "We're just going to hang out and watch Game of Thrones."

"Please, Martha," Alex pleaded.

"Fine." She held her hands up in defeat. "But call me if something happens or if you think—"

"We will!" both boys exclaimed in unison.

"Alright. I'll take the hint." Martha kissed the boys goodbye and hurried out the door. The wind blew snow flurries in behind her as she closed it.

"Did Laf and George make it to D.C. alright?" John asked as they walked back toward the living room.

"Yeah." Alex shivered a little from the cold air. John pulled him close and wrapped the blanket tighter around him.

"Good. Wasn't sure if the weather was any worse over there."

"They said it's snowing, but nothing terrible."

"Yet," John laughed.

"Yet," Alex agreed. He took John's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thanks for staying over. I know I was kind of bitching about needing a babysitter, but it's nice to have you here."

John replied by kissing him. "Always." John pulled Alex closer, deepening the kiss until Alex had to finally pull away to breathe. "Maybe should take it easy though? Cool it a little?"

"Thought this was supposed to be a date?" Alex groaned.

"Dates can include more than just kissing." John grabbed the remote and turned the TV onto HBO Go. He found the next episode of Game of Thrones and set it to play. "Besides, I thought you wanted to see how season one ends?"


"Come here." John pulled Alex until the other boy was lying against his chest. They watched the show together, neither movie. Alex yelled at the screen as the final episodes played out, complaining about Joffrey and the events that unfounded. John just laughed and told him to continue to watch. Unfortunately, Alex fell asleep on the second episode of season two.


"Hmm," Alex moaned sleepily. He opened his eyes and blinked at the dark room. "John?"

"Hey, sorry to wake you, but the power just went out. Do you know if the Washingtons have their generator already hooked up?"

Alex pushed himself into a sitting position on the couch. "Um, no. I don't know." He rubbed at his face. "What happened?"

John squeezed his shoulder. "It's okay. The power went off. The snowstorm just started picking up outside. It's okay."

"Fireplace?" Alex yawned.


"We can turn the fireplace up," Alex clarified. "It's gas. I remember that much."

"Okay, we can do that. And blankets." John stood from the couch. "Hey! I have an idea!"

"Yes?" Alex pushed himself to the edge of the couch.

"Well, I said I wanted to make this a date."

"You did." Alex stood shakily. John steadied him.

"How about dinner inside a blanket fort? That way we can stay warm and it can be comfortable and kind of romantic."

Alex laughed at John's enthusiasm "That sounds nice."

"Help me find some blankets down here while I run upstairs? I know Martha keeps a bunch in the hall closet up there."

"Yeah, think there are some in the chest in here too."

"Perfect! I'll be right back."

Both boys set about grabbing blankets and extra pillows. They used the flashlights on their phones to navigate the darkened space. It wasn't long before John was setting up the blankets along and over the Washingtons' oversized sectional.

"Found some lanterns upstairs too," John informed Alex as he tied down the blankets. "I also snagged your laptop. Figured we could watch some movies after we ate."

"That works," Alex replied, easing himself down onto the arm of the couch. "Do you care to turn on that lantern? I'm not a big fan of the dark. Not during storms."

John nodded and did as he was asked. Alex was grateful he didn't press.

"How are we going to cook?"

"Gas stove," John replied. "Just need to find some matches or a lighter. I'm not much of a cook, but I think I can handle a can of Cambell's."

"Works for me." Alex's phone pinged in his hands.

Laf: George and I are stuck in D.C. Trains have shut down. You okay?

"Which one is freaking out first?" John asked, pointing to the phone.

"Laf," Alex sighed, typing out a reply.

"You should probably call Martha while you are at it."

"Probably." Alex clicked on Martha's contact and let the phone dial the call.

"I'll go start food," John said. "Chicken or veggie?"

"Veggie please."

"You got it!" John hurried off to the kitchen to start cooking while Alex talked to Martha.

"We're okay," Alex said as soon as Martha answered.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Um, the power went out. I just wanted to let you know that we're okay. We set the fireplace up and grabbed some blankets."

"Damn! I'll head back home now and—"

"No! Martha, you should stay in town. It looks pretty bad out and it's starting to get late. Don't try to come home in that."


"Please? John is here and we're okay. I don't want you to try to get back in this weather."

"Fine. Promise you will call if something changes?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay," Martha sighed. "Keep me posted if you can. Love you baby."

Alex swallowed thickly at her words. "Love you too."

The call disconnected. He stared at the phone for a few moments, surprised at how easy the words were to say. He had never said that to a foster parent before, but this time…

"Alex? Do you want bread with this?" John called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, sounds good!" Alex got up and walked into the kitchen, brushing off his thoughts. John had fixed another lantern on the counter, illuminating his work. "Smells good."

"Ha, it's just Cambell's. Pretty hard to screw up."

"Hmm." Alex walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around John. "Still. Thank you."

John set the spoon on the counter and twisted in Alex's arms. He kissed him. "Any time."

Alex hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry I'm not much of a date. Hell, not much of a boyfriend really."

John pushed him away so that he could look him in the face. "Hush. I told you, I chose to be with you. I like you, a lot. I liked you when I first met you."

"You threw a snowball at me," Alex teased.

"Yeah, but isn't that what you're supposed to do? Throw things at your crush?"

"Only if you're five."

John laughed. "I'm just playing. But seriously, I want to try this. I think it could be something really good."

"I'm not sure I'm any good," Alex sighed softly.

"I disagree with that and will just have to prove you wrong." John kissed him deeply, earning a low moan from Alex.

"As much as I hate to stop that," Alex said as he broke away from the kiss, "I don't want to burn down the kitchen."

"That would probably be bad." John turned back to the soup. Alex took his pills while John finished heating it up. They then divvied it out into bowls and found the bread from the town's bakery in the cupboard. They carried everything back to the living room and set up camp on the couch. John made sure to fix the lanterns so they could see before he joined Alex on the cushions.

"Thanks for bringing those down," Alex said in between bights of soup.

"You're welcome. I'm not a big fan of the dark either."

Alex bit his lip. "I, um, used to not mind. But I ended up in the dark for a few days after that hurricane. After that…" Alex shrugged, not knowing how to finish it.

"I can't blame you. That sounds pretty horrible."

Alex nodded. "It wasn't fun."

"I'm really sorry that happened to you."

Alex hung his head. "It could have been worse."

"True," John agreed. "But that doesn't mean what you went through wasn't terrible."

"Maybe," Alex shrugged.

"Not trying to make you uncomfortable," John added. "I just mean that you don't have to compare yourself to others or belittle your own experiences."

Alex bit his lip once more. "I think I'm very used to having others belittle them. Kind of the norm there for awhile."

"I wish I could kick all their asses for treating you that way."

Alex huffed a mirthless laugh. "You could take them. Wouldn't be hard. But I kind of hope I never see them again."

"I don't blame you there." John took Alex hand for a moment. "Are you happier? With the Washingtons?"

Alex nodded quickly. "That's never been the problem here." He set his empty soup bowl to the side. "It's just, different. Not bad. But…"

"It takes time to get used to," John finished, earning a look from Alex. He took the empty bowls and set them in the floor next to the couch. "I felt the same way when I first moved in with Abuela. After everything with my dad." He shook his head. "I didn't know what to expect and it took some time."

"I think I feel the same right now. I know they're trying to take care of me and want to, but I'm used to doing things for myself. So it's weird."

"Yeah, it is." John sent him a sympathetic smile. "It took me awhile to accept that Abuela wanted to do those things for me."

"Does it get easier?"

"Some." John reached up and caressed his cheek. "Takes time but it feels nice; to know people care about you like that. It's a good change."

"Mmm." Alex took John's hand and kissed it. "Maybe in more ways than one."

"Ha! Maybe." John kissed him. "I will say, kissing you is a nice change."

"Definitely," Alex readily agreed. "It might be my new favorite thing."

"Might, huh? Well, I will just have to convince you more then." John helped Alex adjust so that they were lying down on the large couch. He pulled the blankets tightly over them. Others hung about their heads, making the fort's roof. Pillows were stacked in every direction around them.

Alex twisted a little so that he was facing John where he lay. "I think I'm going to like this challenge." He dove in for another kiss.

The boys spent the rest of the night in their fort with the fireplace roaring across from them. After awhile, they turned on the laptop and began watching various DVDs until they both fell asleep, arms wrapped around each other. The rest of the world forgotten for one night.