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![]() Author has written 10 stories for Disney, Harry Potter, X-overs, Avatar: Last Airbender, Justice League, One Piece, Ironman, and Fate/stay night. Hello. I'm the guy with the strange point of view. Like anybody, I have many favorite stories, both movies and books. That's probably why I'm on fanfiction. I'm a big fan of Schrodinger's Cat Theory. Namely, if you put a cat in a box, and flood the box with radiation, you can be pretty sure that cat's dead but you can't know for sure until you check it. Until you open the box, the cat might still be alive. Now, that's all fun and good, but people focus so much on the two options; that the cat is either dead or alive. People don't consider that, unless you look into the box, the cat may very well have been teleported away. The cat may have turned into a dog. The cat may be an unstoppable energy being, that WILL kill you if you open that box. And now, to truly understand Schrodinger's cat, understand that the cat was never really inside the box in the first place. You are. You are inside Schrodingers box. The box's limits are what you can observe. What you can see, hear, taste, smell, feel. And you can never, ever, be absolutely sure of what's happening outside of the box. Is there a masked man with a knife behind you? Are you sure? You might check, and the box would open up to a place with no serial killing maniacs. But the box might open and something wearing a mask will jump out of it with a knife. The box might open and an eldritch horror beyond time and space will emerge. You'll never know unless you're constantly checking, because your back is contantly up against the wall of Schrodinger's box. And once you open a box, you can't close it again. Well, now that I've sufficiently blown your minds, I hope you enjoy my fanfics. I used to update once a week regularly, but as any author on this site will tell you, real life gets in the way. So, I'll be updating irregularly, at times very irregularly, but rest assured I will never abandon a story, without telling you on my profile page. Unless you see me telling you, it will eventually update. (\)_(/) My stories; The Lost Tales Of Fantasia: This story is a homage to all of those darkfics out there. This is a Disney darkfic which will crossover with every single Disney movie or television show out there. And it will not rely on gore or rape to shock the readers; it will rest on solid story-telling to scare the reader, and even then (because it's a Disney darkfic after all) it will have a happy ending and musical numbers. Also it takes place during WWII. It's A Small World Universtiy: The sequel to Lost Tales of Fantasia. Not that Lost Tales Of Fantasia is finished yet, so be warned; spoilers. Because it's a sequel to Fantasia, it will have some dark moments, but it will not be a darkfic. Magnificent! A three-part saga including all of the greatest minds in fiction. Artemis Fowl, David Xanatos, Lord Veterinari, Light Yagami, Jack Sparrow, Bane, The Master, Three Doctor Who's, Darth Sidious, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Sir Crocodile, Lelouch Vi Britannia, Akiyama, James Moriarty, Granny Weatherwax, Ozymandias, Col. Hannibal, Alex Russo, Riddick, Rumplestiltskin, John Constantine, Captain James T. Kirk, Lex Luthor, Severus Snape, Doctor Octopus, The Red Skull, Parson Gotti, Ceasar, and more, all at war with each other. Harry's Eleven And The Mirror's Secrets: A Warner Bros. crossover. Can you tell yet how much I love crossovers? The first story of what will hopefully be the Harry's Eleven And The Dark Knights Series. The Adventures of Ronald B. Weasley: The adventures of a red-headed wizard who travels through lands of completely baffling fantasy. As confused as he is by children riding dragons, or talking animals, or octopus faced pirates, or Mad Tea Parties, Ron will continue his search for his friend Harry Potter. A Bridge Between Worlds: A crackfic/shipfic. A bridge between every single fictional universe is accessable to any who are invited - and Tony Stark accidentally signed up for the interdimensional dating service while drunk. What could go wrong? Ask Luna Lovegood if you really want an answer. The Sound Of The Future: This is a crossover between the two most uplifting things on the planet; Disney, and One Piece. Weird Worlds: These are stories I want to write, can't, and so I put chapters of them in here because I hope that somebody else will be inspired to write a story based off of them. Important Notice: The Friendship Inception has been moved to my FIMfiction account. Any who are interested in reading it may go there. Philosophy of fanfiction: Creativity means creating a good, original work. The goodness part is complicated. Originality isn't easy, but it is simple: Just don't do stuff that's already been done. The First Law of Fanfiction states that every change which strengthens the protagonists requires a corresponding worsening of their challenges. Or in plainer language: You can't make Frodo a Jedi without giving Sauron the Death Star. Read any book on writing ever and it will tell you that stories are about conflict; a hero too strong for their conflict is no longer in tense, heart-pounding difficulty. The Mary Sue is not defined by its power, but by its lack of an even more powerful opponent. I mention this (1) so that you know I know it and (2) because the First Law of Fanfiction ought to be in a giant banner on every fanfiction site. The most fatal temptation of fanfiction writing is to think of how much easier some character's life would be if they were a ninja. We are naturally inclined to think up ways to solve our characters' problems for them, but must learn instead to make their lives more difficult. All fanfiction involves borrowing the original author's characters, situations, and world. It is ridiculous to turn around and complain if your own ideas get borrowed in turn. Why write fanfiction in the first place if you don't believe that somebody, somewhere could have a better idea? Provided that credit is given to the fanfiction in question, anyone is welcome to anything from any fanfiction I write. I have joined the Review Semi-Revolution: I resolve to leave at least one review on any fic of which I've read 15,000 words, regardless of the number of previous reviews, its age, or whether I have anything wittier to say than "Nice fic". On the theory that if I like it enough to read 15,000 words, I like it enough to leave at least one review. If you enjoy reading a fic, that's easy to repay; just leave a review - reviews make authors happy. But what if you learn something from a fic, what what if it changes your mind? A favor like that isn't easy to repay, but what can't be paid back can often be paid onward. Blog the fic or tweet it or tell your friends, and someone else will get a chance to learn. (This Philosophy of Fanfiction is a modified version of the Philosophy of Fanfiction found on Less Wrong's profile page. If any other writers agree with the core concepts of the Philosophy of Fanfiction, I urge you to post it on your profile.) The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... |