DISCLAIMER: I do not own the movie Thor or any of its characters, nor any of the characters or events from Marvel's The Avengers – I am just borrowing them for play.
Inspired by Oceanbreeze7's fantastic story 'Understanding', where the Avengers (minus Tony) watch Iron Man. Go read it.
Inverted Perceptions
Chapter Fourteen: Foundation
"Hey, so how did you get here before – like, when Loki was terrorizing Stuttgart – if the bridge was broken?" Tony inquired across the table's surface to Thor.
"The Allfather made use of the Odin Force."
"…Is that like the Odin Sleep?"
"It is not the same."
"I know that!" Tony retorted in vexation. "Why don't you explain these mystical powers that only belong to your pops?"
Thor's brow furrowed as he confessed, "I do not understand how anything is 'popping' in this-"
Steve explained, "'Pops' means father," as Tony dramatically face-palmed and muttered, 'You two will be the death of me.'
"Ah, of course," Thor indulged with a grin. "My father is able to use the Odin Force – a term that is assigned to his powerful sorcery – to manipulate a great many things. Some regard energy – illusions, force fields – and others the lifeforce of others – teleportation, telepathic communication. The Spear of Heaven, Gungnir, can channel and amplify these powers, and, of course, there is also the wisdom and foresight that he was gifted with when he sacrificed his eye at Mirmir's Well."
"…This doesn't make a lick of sense to me," Tony said. "If he's so powerful, then how come he didn't know Loki was alive – or help us out, or anything?"
"My brother is very talented in the art of sorcery – without much significance in the ruling of Asgard he has had the time that my father has not to explore and expand his knowledge. I'm quite certain that the first aspect Loki perfected was how to remain unseen.
"As for my father's actions… I have never professed to understand his ways. Perhaps he believed we could handle it? It's not beneficial for one to always intervene in a young one's life – it deters growth. Or maybe he knew of Loki's unwillingness and chose not to strike against him?"
"All seem possible," Natasha shrugged.
"If I didn't know that Loki was adopted, and ignored his dark hair, I wouldn't doubt that he was Odin's son," Pepper diverged. "Listening to the powerful magic they can both use…" She shrugged.
"Hold on," Bruce interjected, "why was Loki singled out and abused for his magic when Odin was respected?"
"The Allfather is in command of the forces of the cosmos, and uses his skills in battle so to protect the people and maintain order – there is not one on Asgard who would criticize the methods he sees fit to use," he tried to explain. "However, generally, men do not practice the use of seidr, what you call magic – it is seen as… a study more suited for females."
He winced at the scathing glares directed towards him from Pepper and Natasha, and held his hands up in a placating gesture. "I don't agree with it, but that is how it is seen."
"You don't see it that way?" Natasha deadpanned.
"No," Thor protested vehemently. "Just as I don't hold any doubt of Sif's right or skill as a warrior, I don't think my brother's powers reflect upon him in any negative way. If there is a talent expressed then one should pursue it!"
"But you referred to his magic as 'tricks' and overlooked his contributions," Steve challenged.
He sighed. "Yes, I did… It was easy to copy others' opinions of him when he didn't act as I would have in the same instance, or felt as though he'd done me wrong. But I spent more time with him than anyone else, and though not seeing the benefit of cunning compared to force in combat, his powers are abundant and awe inspiring. It pains me to think of the damage I must've inflicted upon him by not showing him I thought of his practice as such. Midgard has shown me the error of my ways."
"So that's all it was – he never used his powers maliciously?" Natasha interrogated.
"He was never mean-spirited… in the beginning," Thor started. "Loki found much amusement in teasing others though, which only lessened any favour he had with the people."
"I thought he fought with his magic too," Clint mused.
"He did, but he was reluctant to venture out on quests unless at his own propositioning, so his use of it in the palace was more prominent and most remembered."
"So he acted out against what you guys thought he should be, and it sunk to this?" Tony decided with a raised eyebrow. Thor lowered his gaze.
"I have the particle detectors," Erik announced as he moved across their recently reequipped workspace, Jane bent over a brightly lit table piled with electronic devices and a monitor sporting a screen cluttered with data. "Darcy, do you have the SHIELD satellite codes?" he asked as he grabbed his jacket, hurriedly putting it on as he continued through the space.
"Yeah," she answered dismissively as she threw a bag over her shoulder, her other hand carrying a sturdy case. "Have you seen my taser?"
"In the car – come on, Jane!" he beckoned as they rushed through the open glass doors. She pulled up her left sleeve so to check her watch, and grinned in anticipation.
"So they got permission from SHIELD to work on the subject then?" Bruce questioned, glancing at Coulson.
"Yes," he replied. "With Miss Foster's previous work and the information she acquired from Thor, we concluded that it was prudent to hire her so that we could keep an eye on her progress."
"Very well done indeed," Erik praised, clapping his hands together as the agents filling the space traded documents and monitored the computers arranged on the assortment of desks in the area. "Now let's-let's do another simulation of the Foster Theory – and this time we're using SHIELD as the physical record." Another couple agents entered the locale carrying briefcases and more equipment as he instructed, "Now we cross-reference them with the SWORD database – I need another coffee, please!"
"The what?" Steve asked.
"SWORD," Coulson repeated.
"Which is…" Tony led, gesturing for him to continue.
"It's an acronym for Sentient World Observation and Response Department," he elucidated, "a sector of SHIELD for our relations with extraterrestrials."
"Well damn, aren't you guys quick to set things up."
His oration faded into the sounds of the operatives' movements, the clear walls yielding to the sight of the evening sky outside. On top of the squat cylindrical building, underneath the neon vertical sign, footsteps accompanied the sound of Darcy's voice uttering, "Here you go."
Jane's 'thanks' came from where she lay as she accepted the offering of food and drink, before setting them beside her and resuming her previous lounged position on the roof.
"He would've come back if he could," Darcy insisted.
"I know," she stated as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "But if he can't get here on his own… maybe we can help him find his way back." She leant forward and crouched over a piece of machinery that was at her feet, and with a click and a whir a blinding pale beam shot into the sky.
"We need to meet with that girl," Tony articulated, trading a smile with Bruce.
"Is it safe for Lady Jane to come aboard this vessel?" Thor asked.
"I wouldn't recommend moving her until we've secured an alliance with Loki," Coulson stated. "She has access to a lot of sensitive information about inter-dimensionary travel, and could be used against you specifically."
Thor nodded his understanding though his face showed dismay.
Erik stepped warily through a dim concrete tunnel, his footsteps as well as those of an agent, who was passing him in the opposite direction, echoing off the walls. He paused at the end of the hall and glanced down the multiple passageways that led further underground.
"Doctor Selvig," a male voice addressed firmly.
He turned his head and stated as he approached him, "Ah, so you're the man behind all this? It's quite a labyrinth." Erik gestured vaguely to encompass the tunnels he was referring to as he walked towards the dark-skinned man waiting calmly for him with his hands clasped behind his back.
"I was thinking, 'They're taking me down here to kill me'," he continued with a shaky chortle.
"Yeah, that's pretty sketchy," Clint interrupted.
Director Fury shifted his hands to the pockets of his suit pants and merely stared at him, and Erik came to a stop some distance away with an expression of uncertainty. Fury advanced towards him instead, informing, "I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation. Your work has impressed a lot of people who are much smarter than I am." He came to stand in front of him.
"I have a lot to work with," Erik explained. "The Foster Theory, a gateway to another dimension – it's unprecedented." Fury tilted his head slightly and watched him consideringly with his one eye, prompting him to add, "Isn't it?"
He turned and began to lead him further down the hall, announcing, "Legend tells us one thing – history, another. But every now and then we find something that belongs to both." He circled a small pedestal where a thick, silver, armoured briefcase was placed, and unlatched it with reverence. Inside, amidst the red circuitry that locked it in place, was the Tesseract; it gleamed azure and sparked with unrestrained potential.
Erik shook his head and asked, "What is it?"
"Power, doctor," he replied with a smirk, "if we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power."
He looked up, startled, before returning his gaze onto the artefact. The pane of glass alongside him that guarded a display reflected his image, as well as another figure who stepped up 'beside' him. Unseen in the physical world, Loki regarded the Tesseract eagerly.
His lips stretched into a fleeting, yellowed smirk before he turned to Erik, a burn shown having ripped through the skin of his left temple to his skull, and said, "Well, I guess that's worth a look."
"Well, I guess that's worth a look," Erik repeated to Fury with a smile.
Pepper gasped as she held her hand to her mouth as Tony and Clint swore, Agent Coulson standing so to swiftly exit the room.
"I guess that proves what you said about him being weakened…" Bruce said tentatively.
"Yeah, great," Clint agreed, appalled.
"Sir," Coulson interrupted, hastening into the room where the Director had stood arguing with four members of the World Security Council. Their debate had ceased at his entrance, and Fury raised his eyebrows at the intrusion. "This is critical," he justified.
"What is it?" Fury asked as the agent came to a stop beside him.
The shadowed persons on-screen watched curiously as Agent Coulson swiftly began reporting information to Fury, gesturing briefly to the side of his own face. He was received with a grateful look and nod before being ushered from the area, the Director returning his attention to where they were displayed.
"It appears the last few minutes of the demonstration were… enlightening," he began with a smirk. "Where before the extent of Loki's choice in taking part in the attack could only be guessed at, we now have more substantial evidence that he was more-or-less forced into the situation.
"He was injured and plainly just looked like shit when he came through that portal – he would've been in no condition to be making demands of anyone he came across. Whether he really wanted to win the invasion is up for debate, but what isn't is that he's obviously making use of the situation now presented to him. If we agree to protect him he'll have no reason to attack us for a while, and we'll be provided with the unique oppourtunity to advance our weaponry and defenses through use of him.
"So?" he questioned at last. "What'll it be?"
"W-We have him here," Thor reminded, assuring himself and his teammates of his brother's well-being as well as starting to propose an idea. "We can ask him of how the portal affected him."
"Would he answer?" Steve asked.
"Nothing's been approved by the Council – he's not obliged to cooperate yet," Natasha pointed out.
"It's worth a shot," Tony announced as he stood.
They all filed out of the room but loitered outside the entrance to the bridge in confusion as Tony sauntered in. He emerged a moment later and explained with a condescending smirk, "It's not like any of us know where his room is."
They meandered through the halls until they came to an electronic door with an access pad on the right hand side. The sight of the device gave Tony pause, and he grimaced as he looked to the group for ideas.
"Um, should we go back and ask someone for help?" Steve queried hesitantly.
"I doubt every agent knows the code," Bruce replied.
"Should we find Phil?" Pepper suggested.
"Who is this 'Phil' fellow that I keep hearing about?"
They all whirled around at the voice to find Loki standing nonchalantly at the fringe of their group. Clint swore, Bruce placed a hand over his chest as he worked to calm his pulse, and Tony shrieked, "Fuck! Give us heart attacks why don't you?! We're not all invincible aliens!" At their reactions, Loki's smirk grew into a mischievous grin.
"Brother," Thor began solemnly as he took a step closer, "are you well?"
Loki quirked an eyebrow and questioned disdainfully, "What on Asgard are you on about?"
"I did not think of the injuries… you might've sustained during the battle," Thor ended quickly, his eyes looking away for a brief moment as he referred to the invasion instead of his brother's fall. "Now that we are working towards a peace I can ask without guilt if you have healed fully."
Loki's eyes narrowed in suspicion at the pause before he answered in a drawl, "You need not concern yourself with my health – I'm perfectly fine." Before Bruce could speak out and call attention to the difficulty he had observed earlier Loki continued, "What I am wondering is why you all felt the need to congregate outside my chambers."
"Well, Reindeer Games, I don't feel like waiting till the upper echelons of SHIELD set up a lab space to talk about your magic," Tony rationalized with a smirk. "I hate working in safe areas – annddd I don't like it when secret agents are watching me. You in?"
"You seem very eager, considering you might not be able to comprehend any explanations I feel inclined to provide."
"The demonstrations will still be fantastic," he retorted with a careless shrug.
Loki furrowed his brow slightly and titled his head to the side, wondering in curiosity, "And you all decided to come… for what reason?"
Bruce allowed a timid smile as he defended, "I'm curious about the correlation of your powers to science as well."
The others exchanged glances before Pepper admitted, "It's magic – it's a concept that's been fantasized by us for millennia, but was impossible. I think we'd just like to watch what you can do."
It seemed as though some were scrutinizing him for a reaction, so it was easy for Loki to instantly supress his body's desire to reel back in shock at her words when aware of their eyes. The honest interest in his magic that was evidently shared by the group, if their lack of objection to her reasoning was any indication, was such a contrast to the position of Asgard's populace that he couldn't stifle the emotion. Where there they went out of their way to ridicule and demean his studies, here they went out of their way to observe it?
He shouldn't be surprised, as he had reminded Agent Coulson of the mortals' obsession with 'fantasy' not too long ago as well as considering the fact that Midgardian culture is vastly different from the Ӕsir's nowadays. Even the practices of those in the North, who still worshipped them, have evolved with the times. Standing in, or rather, residing within the jurisdiction of, a country whose women have battled against stereotypes and for their equality for a century now should have triggered his recognition of their efforts against sexist behaviour.
Of course, he doubted that they understood that that was what they were doing. Still… Their intense observation led him to be suspicious. After all, it was quite possible for Thor to have told them all about his thoughts on males who practice seidr. But if that was the case, why did his not-brother remain with them when they so obviously supported his exercising of the art?
Loki's gaze flicked over to Thor to gauge his thoughts on the situation as he accepted, "I suppose I have the spare time to indulge your request." His not-brother allowed a smile at his consent to the activity, and Loki narrowed his eyes.
"What's the password then?" Tony asked, stepping aside so that he had access to the number pad.
He raised an eyebrow. "I haven't a clue," he replied before vanishing amidst a swirl of vapour.
Clint sneered and opened his mouth to spit out an angry response but was instantly given pause when the metal door slid to the side to permit them entrance. He shut his mouth as Loki waved them inside while saying, "Welcome to my humble abode."
The electronic door soundlessly closed behind them as Steve said disapprovingly, "I don't think you were locked in these quarters so you could come and go freely."
"Agent Coulson made it clear to me that the security was for the benefit of the agents here," Loki clarified as he sat himself in an armchair, "so that they didn't approach me and harm themselves due to dissatisfaction with my being here."
He received nods to his explanation as they noted their surroundings. There was a kitchenette to one side that opened into the sitting room they were in, a loveseat, couch, and couple of armchairs situated around a glass coffee table. A door was opened on one side and showed a bedroom was attached. Steve, Tony, Pepper, and Bruce settled cozily onto the couch as Clint and Natasha took the loveseat, Thor sitting in the armchair across from Loki.
"I thought you agreed not to hurt anyone?" Pepper mused innocently.
"He can talk his way out of anything," Tony waved away. "If you read between the lines, what he actually agreed to was to play nice and not wipe out all the agents here. If provoked what's SHIELD gonna do?
"Now, magic!" he exclaimed in excitement. "Let's start with that illusion you did in Germany-" Better save the sensitive questions like, 'So, that broken portal, eh? How'd you survive that?' till he's forced by contract to answer. "-when there were a bunch of you."
"Ah, yes – illusions are all about the manipulation of light," Loki began to describe. "For fleeting images, those without detail, or inanimate ones it's easier to construct."
"That makes sense," Bruce nodded. "What about sound?"
"I can project my voice or a mimicry of another's to a certain distance around me, but ventriloquism has its limitations. If I have use of an illusion that is animate, produces sound, and 'interacts' with its physical environment then it's less effort to abandon the image and just create a puppet of sorts."
"Another – physical – person?" Natasha simplified with a raised eyebrow.
"So instead of it seeming like a bunch of you, there'd actually be more of you?" Steve asked in bewilderment.
"Theoretically, yes," Loki replied. "However, such 'clones' require, as you can imagine, much more energy to craft and maintain. I tend to only create one or two compared to around a dozen illusions."
"Could you show us?" Bruce asked.
He considered the request for a moment before he nodded and inhaled deeply, lowering his eyes and holding his breath before releasing it gradually. Suddenly violet strands of mist coalesced at his side before forming his image, flickering faintly once before solidifying. The clone was identical in appearance, from his bright eyes and neat dark hair to his black sleeves and leather vest, pants, and boots. He lifted himself from the arm of the chair upon which he had materialized as the original waved a hand to vanish the coffee table, moving to stand before them in the vacant space, a hand on his hip.
"Well?" the copy asked with a smirk.
"Damn," Tony breathed as he gaped for a second before jumping to his feet and leaning into 'Loki's space. 'Loki' leaned back a bit with a sneer, and raised his eyebrows. "Sure acts like you."
He rolled his eyes from his seat and answered, "It is simplest to fashion 'myself', as it were, because the control I have over him is a result of a part of my consciousness temporarily residing within him."
"And my behaviour and attitude is natural to me, requiring much less concentration than if I had to act in another manner," the other finished from in front of Tony.
"A part of your consciousness?" Bruce repeated, standing as well and warily approaching the copy. "Does that mean your senses take in everything he does?"
"Yes, though muted. I can amplify it if I so desire," Loki elaborated. "Due to the connection between our two bodies, I could move more of myself into him and thereby make this body the 'clone'."
"Does your control waver with distance?" Bruce asked as he circled the body, Tony reaching out to nervously poke the figure in the chest. 'Loki' glared at him, but averted his eyes in acceptance of being examined.
"In a manner of speaking. If he is close and I'm able to spare the attention to monitor him then I can control him from my current perspective and so limit my immersion over there to react. If he is out of my sight or we are both preoccupied with something that requires my attention then my attention is split in two and it's as if I'm separated from both bodies and operating them as one would marionettes."
"That's fucking amazing," Tony praised to pleased smirks from the two.
"The results, sir?" Agent Coulson inquired as Fury strode out of his meeting.
"You're going to have to have a lot of paperwork drafted," he remarked, "'cause in the end they agreed."
"Any concessions?"
"They're going to be watching everything and will probably force a certain direction with questioning and testing, but nothing else." The Director marched past him and led them towards the bridge, ordering, "I want the documents drawn up immediately and the Avengers called together and informed. Where are they?"
"In Loki's rooms, sir."
He paused in his determined direction and glanced back over his shoulder to see Coulson's impassive expression, though he thought he glimpsed an amused glint in his eyes. He then propelled forward again and through the bridge, into the sector with the security monitors. "Agents!" he snapped to the small group of young males gathered around a specific monitor. At their scrambling to return to their assigned screens it was revealed that they were previously all assembled around the image displaying what appeared to be Pepper Potts, the Avengers, and two Lokis.
"Why are there two of him?" the Director drawled to the agent still seated in front of the computer.
He gulped and reported, "The Avengers approached him in order to start discussing his magic, sir. He appears to have cloned himself in a show of power." On screen, Dr. Banner and Stark were obviously surveying the copy.
"I want to be alerted of all further magic performed on this ship," he charged through gritted teeth.
"Yes, sir."
He spun and exited, Coulson at his heels, calling Agent Hill over to him.
"Sir?" she asked as he led the two of them to the center of the control room and onto the large commanding platform.
"The Council has agreed to Loki's terms," he informed. "I want the contract in his hands to sign as soon as possible.
"Also," he continued with a spark in his eyes, "he'll need a living space, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable jeopardising this vessel and all the specialized agents on board. He'd need to be someplace able to financially support him, under 24-7 observation that we control or have access to, and the proper security to stand a chance of containing him if this blows up in our faces.
"How're the repairs going on Stark's tower?"
AUTHOR'S NOTES: THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER OF INVERTED PERCEPTIONS! The sequel, Enlightening Nuances, is up! It features their watching of the Avengers and their continued exploration of Loki's magic.
I hope you enjoy the next one just as much as this!