So, I'm taking a bit of a risk and setting this after Luffy and co. defeat Kaido.

This whole fic is really based on the assumption that the baby Makino is holding in the illustrations of chapter 614 is Shanks'. Hopefully this story will be completed before this is confirmed or denied by canon; but I think I'd be happy for any further information on that front so I don't really mind either way.

I don't think any reviewer would actually accuse a fanfiction writer of owning One Piece or being Eiichiro Oda but I'll go ahead and reassure you all that I'm not, just in case. That would be something, though, wouldn't it? XD

It was a clear, sunny day in Windmill Village. Quiet, as always, but the inhabitants of the small harbor town always had something to do. Many said villagers were sluggishly going about their morning routine sporting hangovers from the previous night.

A village-wide celebration had commenced the previous afternoon upon the arrival of the News Coo, which brought word of their local celebrity pirate's latest accomplishments and subsequent raise in bounty.

Despite the discomfort they were still cheerful as they greeted each other. The only inconsolable one was their mayor, Woop Slap, who snapped at anyone who mentioned their local delinquent's deeds with anything nearing an approving tone. Needless to say, he did a lot of scolding that morning while dealing with a heavy headache of his own. If it made him fiercer than usual, no one mentioned it.

It was in this foul mood that the mayor walked into the town's one and only tavern to find the owner cutting out the offending article to place in a thick scrapbook.

"Makino! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

The woman looked up pleasantly at the outburst, "Oh, hello Mayor, would you like some breakfast?" She rose to walk behind the bar and prepare the food.

"Yes, but that's not the point! You need to quit encouraging such behavior!" He waved his cane at the wall near the back of the room where nine wanted posters hung in simple, but immaculate, frames. Makino took the opportunity to stare at the topmost one fondly.

"We're all relieved to hear Luffy's alive and well, whatever he's doing, I see no fault in that."

The mayor scoffed loudly, ignoring the all-encompassing word choice, and sat down at the table she had left, absently picking up the article Makino had been cutting out. His eyes lingered over the printed words, "What's that boy trying to do?" he muttered absently, but the worried undercurrent didn't escape the bartender. She didn't reply. He shook himself and turned in his seat, "How's your boy doing? He asleep?"

Makino relaxed at the change in topic and brought over his food and a cup of coffee, "Yes, he's upstairs. Maybe he caught on to all the excitement last night, I don't think he slept at all."

"Goodness, I hope we don't have another pirate on our hands here." Woop Slap took a tentative sip of the hot coffee, completely missing the wide grin spreading on Makino's face as she hummed noncommittally. She turned back to the bar before he could look up.

The front doors swung open, allowing in a group of seven rough-looking sailors that briefly paused to look over the other occupants of the common room. Woop Slap glared at them briefly before leafing through the rest of the incomplete newspaper and sipped at his coffee. The group made their way up to the bar at a leisurely pace where Makino was waiting patiently.

"How can I help you, gentlemen?"

A boy, seemingly the spokesperson of the small group, stepped forward with a pleasant smile. "Some food and drink, kind lady, if you please. And perhaps some pleasant company." He winked at the last request, eliciting eye rolls from some of his companions.

Makino kept her current smile, although it threatened to grow wider with mirth, and couldn't help but catch her mayor turn slowly in his seat to glare at the boy. He must have been ten years her junior, at least, after all. "Why don't you all take a seat and I'll see what I can pull together?"

Most of the group did just that but the stubborn youth took a seat at the bar, Makino tensed almost imperceptibly, his seat. "So…" he drawled, "What was all the celebrating about last night? Everyone we talked to just laughed me off, can you let me in on the joke?"

Makino set his cup of coffee down in front of him and arranged a tray for the others, "You're all sailors passing through, then?" She stepped away to deliver the rest.

"Sometimes. Sometimes we're merchants, or mercenaries. Adventure is our only true calling so we stick to the sea, where it resides." He finished with a hand flourish, which Makino missed as she had her back to him. She did raise her eyebrows incredulously at his companions, though. A couple shrugged and gave her apologetic looks while some avoided eye contact altogether from embarrassment.

"My word, and what may I call such intrepid adventurers such as yourselves?" She humored as she returned to fixing their breakfast.

"Well, perhaps our reputation precedes us, we are the Great Adventurers of the East!" He proclaimed profoundly.

An uncomfortable silence followed the statement.

Before the mayor could voice a snide comment, as he seemed ready to do, Makino replied apologetically. "I'm afraid I haven't. But we're a small port town, it's not very surprising."

The boy seemed to deflate somewhat but accepted her reasoning readily, launching into a recount of some of their voyages while Makino fixed their food and set it out. She didn't know it at the time, but some of his tales could rival a certain long-nosed sharpshooter in unlikeliness. Unfortunately, the volume he exuded became a bit much at some point and-

A blast of unearthly wailing exploded from somewhere behind the bar making everyone in the room jump, and the storyteller bite his tongue. Makino was instantly in motion, neatly turning off all heating devices and the small den-den mushi that had been sitting undetected behind the counter that had suddenly come to life. Apologizing hurriedly to the room in general, she asked Woop Slap to watch the front, bustled out the back door and up the stairs they concealed.

In the short silence a faint wailing could be heard from the upper floor, but the table of sailors soon recommenced their conversations. The boy at the bar stared dejectedly at the door Makino had disappeared behind, but his attention was soon drawn to the nearby décor.

"Are those wanted posters framed?" Which effectively ended the current bout of conversation from his companions as they all craned their necks to get a look.

"What does it look like?! Of course they're framed, brat, don't point out the obvious!" The Mayor snapped, patience long-since worn out.

"But… why?" Now he was up and in front of them, examining them more closely and mouthing the printed titles as well as the substantial rewards. A spark of greed couldn't be kept at bay as he read the topmost one with wide eyes. A sudden thought seemed hit him. "Do you… know these people?" By then most of the people had vacated their chairs to join the boy in looking at the posters.

The mayor gave pause, perhaps a little dramatically. "Just one."

"Which one?" The question was unusually eager, like a great secret was about to be revealed, so the mayor gave him a slightly annoyed look.

"The one you're drooling over, brat!"

The boy, unconcerned by the insult, turned satisfied eyes back to the poster. "I see."

He was almost knocked over by the door when Makino returned with her arms full, as it was he caught the door swing on his shin and hopped away in pain. The bar owner apologized profusely as she handed off her burden to the mayor, who had already outstretched his arms with a wide smile at the toddler. "Were you looking at the posters? Perhaps I need to find a more suitable place for them, or at least move them down a bit, out of reach of the door.

"They wouldn't attract so much attention if you didn't have them in those damn frames." Woop Slap commented in an unnaturally pleasant voice, obviously for the child's benefit.

"Language, Mayor." Its mother chided, keeping her eyes on the frames.

"So, you were saying you know this-" He reread the name. "Monkey D. Luffy?" He enunciated the strange name slowly.

Makino looked at Woop Slap in mild surprise, but since he was otherwise occupied she answered, "He grew up on this island. You saw the sign at the harbor labeling the town as protected by former vice-admiral, Monkey D. Garp?" He nodded affirmation and had already widened his eyes in recognition of the name when she continued. "He's our Luffy's grandfather."

"Ah…" He then seemed confused and rechecked the poster, as if to confirm it's continued existence. "But he's a pirate?"

"He wasn't a very present grandfather."

The youth wasn't sure how much of an explanation that was, but the tone seemed to imply that would be the end of it, so he changed tactics. "So you're married then?"

He meant the question to be flatteringly regretful but just as the words left his mouth his eyes darted involuntarily to her ring finger and noticed the absence of such a symbol. He then settled into an embarrassed silence, which many were thankful for, but quickly chanced a quick look at the barmaid's face. He expected embarrassment or a sad smile denoting a tragic tale, not the amused smile she had directed at him. Her smile turned into a full-blown laugh at the surprised look on his face.

"Oh, child, there are many situations on the seas that will distress you if something like this surprises you." She wiped away tears of mirth. "Don't worry, you haven't shamed me. The father of my child and I are not married, that is true, but I wanted it that way." She received a befuddled look and chuckled some more. "He is an honorable man, but I didn't want to shackle him further, no matter his assurances to the contrary." A melancholy air did seem to settle at that. But she soon shook it. "And besides, I like to think we're bonded by something much stronger than a couple pieces of jewelry and the approval of a religious representative. But I'm a romantic that way." She finished with good humor.

One of the men at the table raised his mug to that. "Here, here!"

The Mayor was quick to strike him down, however. "Don't you take that to heart, ruffians! That is to be solely the female's opinion, but you must abide by your responsibility and insist on taking it!" He then quickly changed demeanor to reassure the baby's fussing.

"That is true." Makino asserted. "I know for a fact that, despite my refusal, it pained him greatly to leave our boy behind. Who knows? Perhaps one day he will return for him and set out to show him the world." Makino then turned away before Woop Slap's glare could reach her. Said baby took that instance to giggle happily, which instantly lifted his handler's spirits.

The visiting sailors paid and left soon after as the tavern started to fill with new and regular customers and they didn't want to be in the way, all taking turns to wave or gently tweak the toddler's nose. The unnamed youth paused a few steps from the bar and turned to the barkeep again. "What's his name?" He asked curiously. She raised an eyebrow. He reiterated quickly. "Your son, I mean?"

The briefest of pauses, then she smiled.

"It's –"

A long-range den den mushi was activated and several tense seconds passed as the caller waited for the other line to be picked up. The buruburuburuburu was maddening as it stretched on. Finally, the kacha sounded.

"News?" Was the unceremonious answer from a deep, menacing voice. It seemed to imply the or else.

"I think we have a confirmed link, sir." Came the lightly wavering reply.

There was a pregnant pause, then- "Indeed. Keep an eye out until someone arrives." Kacha.

The snail returned to slumber.

Just to be clear, MakinoxShanks interactions will NOT be appearing as far as I've planned. I don't want to lead anyone on, so I'll say it here. There might be flashback material or dialogue-only, but it's a big 'maybe'. But, hey, leave me a suggestion in a review, maybe it'll spark something, right?

BUT! If you DO want to read MakinoxShanks you can check out the story yours truly was inspired by: Heed the Siren's Call by Miss Mungoe. It's super fantabulous! In fact, if you know the story and/or read it to the end you probably already know the baby's name. XP Let's not spoil it, though, all right?! Be mysterious when referring to it so other readers will be curious and go read the story! ;)

I have the second chapter written but I want to get a bit ahead before posting it, so it could be awhile. Also, school started up again and it's going to be really hectic. Ick.