![]() Author has written 4 stories for X-overs, My Little Pony, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and Anime X-overs. For media content, information, and progress updates on MSLN Test Dummies, see the forums located above. Sleeping with the Girls, Vol II: Chaos Theory Hello, and welcome to the Profile of Ernest 'Admiral Tigerclaw' Hart. I am a Sound Engineer and owner of Samurai Penguin Studios. A small company trying to find its place in the world as I write music and try to bring my imagination to life. I'm not claiming to be much in the way of writing skill, but I do consider to have come a long way from my less than spectacular beginings. Currently I am enrolled as a Student at ITT Technical Institute of Austin under the Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology program. To me, it's not about the prestige (Though prestige is an admittedly nice perk), it's about having fun and letting something flow. Just like my music. I've always enjoyed 'playing in the sandbox' whether it be video games like Sim City or Harvest Moon, writing stories, writing music, or just plain creating something. There's just something I enjoy about creating something I can call my own, or even taking other things, and applying a twist to them in my own style. I write to see what I can forge from my imagination, to see what I can bring together from the jumble of images, sounds, and emotions running through my head. Just remember that at the end of the day, when you've read a story, enjoyed or hated it, flamed or praised the author, and spent six hours explaining the whys of your point of view... It's all just fiction. Make Believe. It's Not Real. So take it all in stride and relax. Short of acts of god, the fiction produced is not going to change the world, the arguments or flames of hatred aren't going to do anything to the economy, and most of all, I'm going to laugh at anyone who can't separate fiction from reality. This is not life and death. I'm here for a less extreme reason. I'm here to entertain. If you like it, I have done my job. If you sat here going paragraph by paragraph looking for things to critisize and hate, I STILL have done my job. I have successfully kept you busy and your mind going. If I have not made you think, one way, or another... Only then have I failed. So sit back and enjoy the ride, take a load off, and suspend that disbelief. There is no such thing as the perfect story. Only the story that entertains. If you're interested in Samurai Penguin Studios, you may check out music on youtube at: (No, the missing S on the end is not a typo. The name's just too long for Youtube.) You may also go to my new blog 'The Antarctic Shrine' if you wish to keep track of my work in general. Those who favorite author me may find this of particular use. As I intend to use The Antarctic Shrine as a centralized place to announce/discuss my work across all the mediums I'm proficient in. Take it easy readers, and stay cool. A special note on the fanfic 'Sleeping With the Girls'. "This fiction began as a simple experiment. At its inception, there was a series of discussions at spacebattles that involved the 'you wake up next to X' scenario. (You wake up next to X, what do you do?) I read so many absurd responses, I just wanted to explore what would really happen, what one would REALLY do. I chose to do this as a self insert for the obvious reason that, well: "What would 'I' really do?" I know myself very well, I know what I'd realy do, and why I'd do it. The experiment was meant to be a short story, but as it progressed, the whole thing snowballed. Lo and behold after the first six months and the completion of volume one, the story had quickly become popular. With the popularity came my dedication to working on it. The story expanded in its focus. And I've done a lot, and learned a lot. One could say, I've earned a lot working on this story. Reviews have ranged from the 'lol-cool' responses to well-thought-out questions and commentary. By far, I feel the most honoring reviews have come from those who outright admitted they didn't like Self Insertion, but have so far loved this fic. I consider it an honor to have had such a positive response to this fic in general. Sure, I've made my errors and have had some speedbumps along the way, but I am confident in the fact that I have, according to the readers, written a successful self insertion fic that is engaging, funny, and (to quote some people) 'awesome'. And to do so with a premise that could have so easily flopped like so many of those self-indulgent fantasies. I feel it is thus, my duty to the readers to continue this work, and to put an equal amount of effort into every last part of it, to ensure a quality story all the way to the end. From the hours spent on google earth mapping tokyo, to endless wikiwalks on wikipedia sidetracking me on topics I'm quick-reviewing. And the hundreds (literally) of pages of discussion that seem to go places at random. As I progress, I learn, review what I've learned, and think of ways to employ it in the story. And such, I found that I had improved as a real person. Knowlege is power. (And Hild LIKES power...) And through this fic ands its popularity, I have been able to look at myself objectively, Identify my faults, learn new things, and improve myself. In this form, I feel that it is my duty as the Author to keep up with 'Walker' (As many of the fans have affectionately dubbed my Insert-self.) and continue to improve myself. Because I realized. Every time someone cheers for 'Walker', they're cheering for 'me'. And when I look at the simple improvements I've made as a character, I figure it is not something I merely 'can do as well'. It is something I 'SHOULD' do as well. If the fans are going to form a cheering section for me, I should give them something to cheer about. Not just a good story, but a good author. Since this story began, I've learned a great deal (more) about flight using Flight Sim X, and much about orbital mechanics and rocketry in Orbiter. (Both of these programs I enjoy quite a bit.) I maxed out at 185 lbs, and decided it was time to lose weight. I have done so, and I plan to lose more. Recently, I started college at ITT Tech for the CEET course. I'm already relearning math I couldn't be assed to more than give cursory glance to in high school. And I plan to keep it that way. This fic has become more than just a story, it's a self-improvement project. And while I may only be starting college, stuck in a small room, working for less than a thousand bucks a month wages, I have made improvements to myself, my time, and my space. If anyone who reads this wants, feel free to follow along, give me a pat on the back. Whatever. You can even throw money at me if you want. (A little extra cash is always helpful.) But I'm not asking for handouts, and I don't like begging for money. I'd rather make an HONEST profit. Anyone who's actually read the fic knows I'm not comfortable with handouts. (I'll take them, but it'll feel awkward.) If it ever comes down to that. Come up with something doable. Buy shirts in my linked shop, suggest designs for said shirts you'd like to buy. Suggest something that motivates me to DO something. If I have to 'beg' for money, I'd rather contribute something back and earn it. Even if it's easy. At least I know I did SOMETHING. But I digress. The fic will continue, though it may take longer to get these chapters out between school (especially when the more difficult courses begin), and work. It will continue. And I will continue to d my best to make sure it's a good read. (Not to mention, a disturbingly public insight into my inner thoughts, motivations, and insecurities.) I thank each and every reader here for the support. Even if you didn't do anything. (Because the site tracks your hits, and that goes to a graph, and I look at the graph, and I become MOTIVATED. And Motivation is key.) And remember, I like interactivity. If you're in Austin, give me a buzz, if you're itching to do art or take my writing challenge (Posted in SWTG Vol. II), take it. If you want to give me your input, head to spacebattles. (Just wear a flame retardant suit. It can be rough in there.) Just play nice, and I play nice too. If you're a JERK... ...Well, ask Zoicite about that one." Addendum: On 'Anonymous Reviews'. "I will not enable Anonymous Reviewing on my stories. There are several reasons for this." 1 - Kneejerk Reactions. "People often speak before they THINK. This is not exclusive of verbal covnersations. And often a review may be fired off the moment someone hits something that they don't like, or do not understand. A reaction like this could be akin to interrupting someone in the middle of a conversation I want to ensure that before someone opens their mouth, they stop to think about it. And the easiest way to control that is to ensure that if you REALLY want to say something, you better go through at least the process of registering an account." 2 - Inability to Respond. "I can't respond to an anonymous review and explain something, correct a misunderstanding, or thank them for catching something I may have missed. I despise one-side conversations and if I have no way to respond to you, what's the point?" 3 - Some people are just dicks. "There's no way around it. You can't reason with some people. And anonymity makes people abnormally brave. And I'm not going to tolerate that kind of cowardice. If you wish to say something, you should be prepared to stand behind your words as a person. I've been on the internet for ten years and I know how people behave when all their inhibitions are removed. I know young children with better manners than some of the supposed thirty-year-olds I've seen. So I won't deal with the faceless. Grow a spine, or be quiet. You know who you are. Being 'In the Crowd' doesn't make you 'safe.' Actually it tends to attract cluster bombs." |