EDIT: Argh! Misspelled Onji's and Hide's names. Thank you ASN!
New story! I'm surprised there aren't that many fanfics about Onji after "The Headband" aired. I for one think the pairing could have potential if done correctly. I don't think Aang and Onji are really going to get together, but I reckon it's going to be built upon as the series progresses, as a love triangle with Kataang. I just don't think Onji was just a one-off character, and we'll hopefully see more of her.
This first chapter is based off of the ending to "The Headband," so there will be SPOILERS for those who haven't seen it yet. The first part is from the episode, just from Onji's perspective, and the second part is my own little addition.
I do not own "Avatar: the last Airbender" or any of its characters. This is just a fanfic.
Onji stood in the crowd of onlookers, watching Kuzon and the tanned girl perform their graceful dance. The two leapt and spun around one another with magnificent elegance, as if they were in a majestic bending duel.
But as beautiful as it was, Onji could see the look in Kuzon's eyes as he danced. It was a look of longing adoration for his dance partner, a look that triggered a small pang on jealousy within the Fire Nation girl. But she couldn't be envious, not of Kuzon. He was too nice a guy, someone who had taught her the true meaning of expressing oneself.
Besides, she already had Hide.
The dance finished with a round of applause from the surrounding crowd. Even Onji couldn't help but join in with the clapping.
The music started up again, and everyone started dancing once more. Most were simply improvising dance moves, just letting themselves go wild. But Onji could see a good few people trying the simple Ba-Sing-Se ballroom dance, and one or two attempting (and failing) the Phoenix Flight dance they had seen Kuzon demonstrate earlier.
Onji saw Kuzon dancing away happily, the ends of his headband whipping this way and that like charmed snakes. She blushed as he passed by her. She couldn't help but be amazed at his sheer level of stamina, especially after the performance he had just given a few minutes before. His partner was still sitting down to catch her breath, but he danced on, expressing his enjoyment.
But at that moment, the cave went silent. The music stopped and the happy dancers stood still. Onji looked to the cave entrance and gulped. The school headmaster stood there, his aging face wrinkled into a frown. He was accompanied by three armored guards and (Onji gritted her teeth) Hide. He must have told the headmaster what was going on in order to get back at Kuzon.
"He's the one we want!" the headmaster said to the guards, pointing at a shocked Kuzon. "The boy with the headband!"
With a worried "uh-oh", the dark-haired boy took off into the crowd, followed by one of the guards. Onji lost track of him for a few moments before her brown eyes fell upon the ends of his telltale red headband. But as the guard approached, Kuzon didn't move.
Come on, Onji thought desperately. Come on, Kuzon, run!
The guard's hand gripped the boy's shoulder and spun him round…only to reveal a different, darker-skinned boy, who smiled and said "Looking for me?" The guard looked around, bewildered.
"That's not the one," the headmaster said. "He's here somewhere! Don't let him leave the cave!"
As the search continued, Onji realized the boy's plan. She turned away from the guard whipped off the sash around her waist and fastened it around her forehead. Sure enough, after only a few seconds, she felt a rough hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at the guard with a smirk.
"Yes?" she said innocently.
Others seemed to be getting the idea. All around her, other school children were tying their sashes around their heads, making it nigh impossible for the guards to locate the real Kuzon.
"Who're you looking for?"
"Do you need something?"
"Over here!"
The taunting comments soon rang through the cave, only mounting the headmaster's frustration. Onji caught sight of the real Kuzon running for a cave exit, unbeknownst to the guards. She smiled and looked back towards the headmaster.
"That's it!" he shouted. "Enough of these childish games! Where is Kuzon?"
Hide was standing behind him, looking just as angry as the older man before him. Onji had a sudden idea.
"Kuzon?" she said, stepping through the crowd to face the fuming headmaster. "He should be around here somewhere. I mean, you did invite him, didn't you Hide?"
"What?" Hide said angrily, but the headmaster looked at him suspiciously.
Onji flashed him a devious smirk. "Remember?" she said. "You're the one that organized this party and invited us."
The listening crowd realized Onji's plan and all nodded, muttering in agreement.
"Is this true, Hide?" the headmaster said, rounding on the boy.
"What? No!" he retorted indignantly. "It was that Kuzon kid…!"
"You organized this ridiculous gathering and tried to place the blame on another student?" the headmaster said, ignoring Hide's protests. "I'm disappointed in you, boy. I would have thought you of all people would have known better."
Hide glared at Onji, who responded by placing her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrows at him. That's for trying to hurt Kuzon, she thought.
"I'll be speaking to your parents about this," the headmaster finished. "And as for the rest of you, return home immediately. I will hear no more of this absurd 'dance party.'"
And with that, the crowd made their steady way out of the cave, smiling and chattering to one another. Onji removed the sash from her head and refastened it around her waist.
She had made it quite clear she was through with Hide. And now that Kuzon was off the hook…that tanned girl would have to watch out.