Author has written 21 stories for Inuyasha, Scooby Doo, Death Note, Utena, Evangelion, and Sleepaway Camp. The DN fandom isn't so active these days, but I'm super grateful for all you wonderful readers who have found and reviewed my work anyway. You guys are awesome. :3 And for some reason, Hands of the Beholder is really popular in Slovakia (according to FFnet stats). So, shout-out to my Slovakian fans! :P Current Projects: Scooby-Doo Meets Death Note - One way or another this accursed chapter is getting done. I am working my butt off to get it finished and posted for Halloween. ...because after Halloween is Nanowrimo, during which I'm primarily working on other things. Planning to work on SDMDN also, but even if I manage to get the next chapter done during Nano, I won't have the time to actually edit and post it. So chapter 13 will be December at the earliest, heh.. Future Stuff: Eventually, there will be not one but TWO follow-ups to “Striped” – seriously, that was gonna be a 3-part series until I got stuck in the middle of the second one! At least one of those will end up being 10-15k words long, like Striped itself. The final part might end up as more of a short epilogue, not sure yet. You can also find me on Archive of Our Own (also as 'silvaaeterna'), if you prefer. My newer stuff is being posted to both sites (except SDmDN - since it's so long, I haven't reformatted it for AO3 yet). I'll stick a note here if ever I put anything exclusive over there. :P (Read the following wall of text for boring personal details... assuming you want them.) I haven’t done any serious writing in quite a long while now. Writing and reading have always been very important to me – part of my identity, in truth – but I’ve simply not had the time or motivation to do either for a long time. And I really want to get back to the ‘me’ that lived for stories. Frankly, I’ve been depressed for a long while. I think this longstanding lack of creative energy is part of the reason why, and even if I’m wrong about that, writing has always helped me through times like this. But it’s daunting to just jump back in. I have a couple of novels I’d like to start editing / rewriting, but I feel like I need to get my writing chops back first. I have been making some effort to read more for the last year or so, at least, but I read silly stuff. Pure guilty pleasure entertainment stuff. (Old YA horror novels mostly. I have a sizeable collection. And quite possibly an obsession. Not exactly the kind of reading material to inspire serious writing though.) So here I am, back in fanfiction land. Most people wouldn’t consider that serious either, but I tend to read some heavy, artsy fanfics... and a crapton of slash fics. But those categories overlap an awful lot around here. :) And artistic merit aside, fanfiction has a unique power to bring out a real passion in me. That’s something I need to find and learn to tap into again. What better way than to go back to writing fanfics for a while? As always, I only hope that people will read and enjoy my stuff. I'm an anxious perfectionist, so even a silly fanfic of mine represents an awful lot of thought, effort, time, and love. Reviews are always appreciated, even for super old fics! |
flamablechoklit (19) Her Sweetness (108) | Mikanis (18) RobinRocks (121) | Tierfal (74) |