![]() Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Good Omens, Thor, Hannibal, Transformers, and StarTrek: The Original Series. I have written a good deal of fanfiction, but so far the VAST majority of my fic is posted on my LJ rather than here (my LJ handle is the same as my FFN one, "harmonyopc"). No reason other than laziness. I'll get it all posted here eventually ... or at least my favorite ones! Most of my fic is Fullmetal Alchemist; only one Naruto at the moment; and then some random Watchmen, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, and Good Omens throughout the years. I LOVE reading fic. I would normally prefer to read others' fic rather than write my own. I have gotten a little better about reviewing, though. I am joyfully and unapologetically in love with slash and femslash, simply because most of the romance I have read/seen during my life is hetero, and therefore het feels like "old hat" and it doesn't usually do a lot for me (though there are several notable exceptions!) Here are some of my favorite pairings: Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy/Maes, Roy/Ed, Ed/Hei, Schiezka/Winry Watchmen: Rorschach/Ozymandias Naruto: Gaara/Naruto Gaara is my favorite character from Naruto, and I also really like Itachi (in many ways he reminds me of my Most Precious Person in real life). I love Sakura, too. She has come such a long way since the beginning of the Naruto series. Batman: Crane/Talia!!! I love Dr. Crane, like a lot. Good Omens: Aziraphale/Crowley Supernatural: Dean/Castiel (not a huge fan of the show but LOVE this pairing) |