Description: Edward has a secret. Edward's secret is that he is actually a she. Unfortunately a certain Colonel found out about said secret. (Roy/fem!Ed)
Rating: T
Stuff: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist
World: Loosely based on the first anime.
Warnings: Language
Trisha Elric knew. Call it a mother's intuition or whatever you like, but she just knew. Van tried to convince her that you couldn't really know, but he was wrong. She knew the child she was carrying was a boy.
"Ok, remember to breath now."
And since she knew, she decided on the name Edward. She's always loved the name Edward, and it would make the perfect name for her son.
"Just a bit longer now, you can do it."
Trisha tried to ignore the pain. She's been waiting for months to meet her Edward and it was finally going to come to pass. She closed her eyes and continued to push.
"Congratulations! And what a healthy baby! What name did you pick out?"
Trisha kept her eyes closed, basking in the joy of the moment while she replied.
Trisha didn't know why the midwife sounded surprised. What's wrong with the name Edward? Van was trying to get her attention, but she was too distracted by the midwife questioning her choice. She opened her eyes and gazed sternly into the eyes of the midwife. "Yes, Edward."
"...Ok, Edward it is!" The midwife handed over the baby to the waiting mother.
Trisha smiled. She was finally going to meet her Edward. She looked down to meet the lovely gold eyes...
...of her daughter.
Well, Trisha has always loved the name Edward.
-Author's Note-
First off, thanks for reading!
I'm going to be putting my author's notes at the bottom so people who don't feel like reading my wall-o-text can just scroll past them easier.
This is my first fic ever so hopefully it doesn't suck too bad. I generally hate gender swap fics myself because they make the char so OOC. So hopefully my Edward doesn't become whiny, crybaby Mary Sue-ish. I fear the simple fact that I made him a girl makes him more inclined for Mary Sue-ness, but I'll try to keep it in check.
I'm not gonna beg for reviews, but I do request that if you feel the need to post that my story sucks, at least post why. If you don't give a reason then I'll just assume it's a bad attempt at trolling.
Also, for Gate's sake please tell me if there are any errors (especially grammar and spelling errors). Coming across errors when reading fics annoys the fuck outta me so I certainly wouldn't want them in my own fic.
Finally, I'm making no promises on any sort of update schedule. I will at least try to finish the story, because the last thing the world of fics needs is another story that lacks an ending, but I also am easily distracted and may end up just reading fics instead of writing my own half the time. This story is in no way fully planned out at the moment though, so we'll get to see where it goes together. ;)