Author has written 59 stories for NCIS, CSI, Holby City, Sherlock, and Stargate: SG-1. Hey, hey! The name's mollygibbs101. Molly isn't my real name but it's a beloved nickname I possess :) Only a select few use it, and if you're reading this and/or have spoken to me, you are one of them ;) Five random facts about me: I am a Cancerian, my favourite colour is green, I'm Irish :P, my dream occupation would be for me to become an author aaaaand I'm in love with Tom Hiddleston... but come on, who isn't? I'm also quite opinionated but I have this terrible habit of trying my best not to hurt people's feelings, so, my ideas conflict -.-" but I do try to have a balance :D speaking of opinions I believe that everybody has a right to express their opinions and ideas, whether it be in fiction or a review, however if you don't like what someone has written... don't review! There is nothing worse than getting reviews saying that your stories are crap! It's not fair, fanfic authors make stories because they want to and they put lots of effort into it! If you don't like it- go to a different fanfic site or at least keep out of order comments to yourself! I am a die hard Disney and Harry Potter buff too XD seriously, like, 50% of my brain is Harry Potter and Disney XD Any questions? PM me :D Mistakes are mine, but enjoy reading :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo DISCLAIMER I haven't really written a disclaimer in my fics, so I thought I'd post one here. To be honest, if I owned any of those rather awesome shows, do you think I'd be sitting here? HAAAA, no. I do not own any show or its characters. I merely borrow them and return them ;) I own nothing, nada, zilch. LINKS The Random Pairing Generator Link :) http:///ncis.html OMG! The amazing talent that is Cote de Pablo... a song from when she was on stage. It's an incredible song, she really gives it her all and it's just so pretty :) Please enjoy it like I have :) Unfortunately it's not my video but wow.. An awesome website with a ton of quotes, which is great for Grissom (CSIVegas) and Ducky (NCIS) . http:///quotes Random Pairing Generator for a few shows. Really good! http:///index.html SCRIBBLES So, CSI Vegas has always been an interest but I've never really written for it. I love how Grissom can just pull a quote out of thin air for any situation, so I've kind of done the same for my Vegas fics. I've found Shakespeare quotes for my fic titles... channeling my inner bugman here, impressed? :D haa |
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