Sweets bundled into his coat, boots, and gloves, longing for the warmer, wetter weather he'd experienced in DC. It had been three years since he'd left, but the feeling of wistfulness for that time of his life had never quite left.

He'd done what both Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan had asked. Wyoming hadn't been his first choice, but there was an opening and he took it. There were a few questions, but rumors had already made it up the ladder as to what exactly happened between his two colleagues. If he hadn't asked, it was pretty clear he wasn't going to get to stay anyway.

As Agent Booth had recommended, he also considered what kind of person he wanted to be. Despite his youth, people here trusted him, something he'd worked hard to achieve since his first day. He was careful to do nothing to risk losing it.

As he turned to lock his office, a young man approached him. Recognizing him as a young agent, Sweets hoped he didn't need anything pressing. The snow was falling rapidly outside and Sweets wanted to get home while he could still see the roads.

"Good evening, Dr. Sweets. This was just dropped off for you and I wanted to make sure you got it before you went home."

Curious, Sweets looked at the envelope in the agent's hand. Pulling off one glove with his teeth, Sweets took it from the man's outstretched hand.

The postmark caught his attention first. He hadn't had any mail from DC since the day he'd left. It was a standard envelope with no return address. Nothing to indicate what might be inside.

"Thank you," he said. Turning away, he unlocked the door of his office and went back inside, making sure it closed securely behind him.

Slowly, he took off the other glove and his coat, returning to sit at his desk. He laid the envelope down in front of him, staring at it for a long time.

No one here knew of his time in Washington. He was careful about what he shared. It was an incident he wasn't proud of, and he didn't want his past mistakes to color people's opinions of him.

Still, barely a week went by without him thinking of the people he'd left behind. Usually, it was Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan that he thought of the most. He hoped he hadn't done permanent damage to their relationship, with no way to find out without someone asking uncomfortable questions, he tried not to focus on it.

A little surprised to see his hands were shaking, he turned the envelope over and tore it open. Out fell a letter and a picture. The picture landed face down and he hesitated to turn it over.

Instead, he reached for the letter, unfolding it slowly. He was surprised to find he still recognized Agent Booth's handwriting.

Dr. Sweets -

I thought you might be interested in this.


That was it. No questions on how Sweets was doing, no sharing of information. Not that Sweets expected it. But considering just the letter was unexpected, he couldn't be disappointed with whatever he received.

Still, Agent Booth knew enough about Sweets to locate him. He could have gone through channels at the Bureau, but Sweets had a feeling it wasn't the first time the agent had checked up on him.

Sweets wasn't sure if that piece of knowledge made him happy or sad.

Sighing, he finally reached for the picture. As he turned it face up, a delighted smile slowly grew on his face.

It was Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth, on their wedding day.

A/N: This is the end of this tale. I want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments and hope you enjoyed the story.

Until next time...