Reviews for The Adventures of the Mini Gibblets
Tivagoals chapter 61 . 5/11
Please update this story it is really good and I would love to read more
Gigi chapter 61 . 7/19/2019
It has been a long time since I read NCIS fanfiction. To be honest, I stopped when Cote left the show. Now that she is coming back, even for just a brief appearance, I have been rereading some of my favorite stories. I know that it has been a LONG time since you have written anything, but if you ever decide to write more to this story, you will have a faithful reader. It should give you pause to know that this story has stuck to me over all these years. It is that memorable. Thanks for writing it and I really enjoyed rereading it.
Guest chapter 61 . 4/20/2018
Ammy of Asgard chapter 61 . 11/3/2017
hi please update this is an amazing story though I would love some more stories about tony like a few where he raises hell for ibbs and maybe one where he meets his father
Kikilia14 chapter 61 . 7/3/2017
Will you update this?
DevParo chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
This is my favorite story of Ncis kids! I like how you included Hebrew. And Gibbs is so cute with little girl. I love it!
MSerrada chapter 61 . 6/19/2016
Enjoyed your storytelling. Any chance you will post more for those of us missing Ziva?
ncistivafanforever chapter 60 . 6/12/2016
more please
ncistivafanforever chapter 61 . 6/8/2016
hoping for more
martymax chapter 61 . 10/31/2015
Great story but fell Tony has been left out too much would like to see chapters of his life as a teen etc
amiebeca chapter 61 . 7/31/2015
Thanks for updating! When I started reading this, you hadn't updated in a while so I thought you'd finished or given up. Luckily your story is so brilliant that I constantly come back to reread my favourite chapters and I noticed another chapter.
I really hope you have found more inspiration. And I think life and a noisy notebook is a perfectly good excuse. Those factor half my writng all the time!
I like all the deaging fanfiction out there and read a couple of others before finding yours. I have to say that I believe your story to be the most enjoyable to read and the best written, with the characters exactly like they'd be if there ever was a deaging episode. (Which would be no good without Ziva anymore).
I love Gibbs chapter 61 . 7/21/2015
Awesome! Let me know when you add a new chapter! :)
Guest chapter 61 . 7/3/2015
Please update!
serenity3695 chapter 61 . 5/4/2015
Hey your back ! I missed this story . Nice chapter.
seher143 chapter 61 . 5/3/2015
ohhh I am so to read a new chapter after so many months...thanks for updating but please do not stop the good till you update everything can be forgiven. update soon may be in next 24 hrs ;)
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