"What's this?"

Sherlock's smile was a bit unsettling. "I refined the formula."

"The . . ." John tilted the test tube dubiously. The viscous liquid inside barely moved. "Seriously?"

"Smell it, John!"

He brought it up to his nose and sniffed. "Smells like tea."

"Tastes like tea." Sherlock's grin was nearly manic now. "Hardly a difficult deduction to know you like the taste - you certainly drink enough of it."

"And you want me to . . . right." John took another, longer inhale - the lube did smell like tea, albeit with a bit of a chemical tang. Not bad, actually, and actually rather touching in a Sherlock-y way. Although what, exactly, Sherlock expected him to be tasting . . . John let his gaze rove over Sherlock's body, not bothering to hide his perusal. It had the predicted effect on Sherlock's cock, as it turned out, which was not at all hidden behind those thin pajama trousers.

Sherlock bit his lip in a blatantly manipulative attempt to sway John's decision. "So?"

So. John put down his book and stood. "I guess I'm always trying to get you to eat more, aren't I?"