I won't keep you waiting for long!

"Hermione dear." Mrs. Weasley called from down the stairs. "Ginny's earrings are lying in my room!"

"Oh crap." Ginny said. She looked up at Hermione in the mirror who was doing her hair.

"Just accio them." Hermione told Ginny, without taking her attention off of the strand of red hair she was styling.

"Accio earrings!" Ginny cast the spell and two glittering bits of diamond came flying in through the door. "I haven' left out anything else right?" Ginny asked anxiously.

"No. Calm down." Hermione said absentmindedly.

"And the marqee-"

"Harry, Luna and Neville are all there Ginny." Hermione dropped the last strand of hair into place and cast a spell, sealing it all in. "There, all done!"

The two of looked at Ginny in the mirror. She wore a sleeveless white gown which elegantly flared from her hips. Ginny's hair was styled in the most complicated and intricate bun ever, but with her luscious red hair, she looked perfect. She wore her earrings and Hermione got out her Ginny's heels. They were pearly white.

"I'm never gonna be able to stand in those." Ginny eyed the 3 inch heels unhappily and apprehensively.

"Put them on first, won't you?" Hermione smiled at her.

Ginny slipped into her heels and stood for a moment. "Oh my god." Ginny gasped. "It feels like I'm wearing shoes!"

"Luna suggested the spell." Hermione grinned. "You look stunning, Ginny." Hermione remembered Bill and Fleur's wedding and how Fleur had looked like a queen. Ginny looked like an angel.

"Oh Mione', I don't know, I'm so bloody nervous!" Ginny said. "I'm never nervous, but today...the butterflies aren't leaving my stomach."

Hermione shook her head and looked Ginny in the eye. "You're a beautiful, confidant and independent woman. Own up to it. You'll be fine. Luna and I are right with you."

"You counted us out." Mrs. Weasley and Fleur stood at the door, both smiling widely. They rushed forward and gushed at how beautiful she looked.

"Ah she looks zeemply wonderrful." Fleur said, air kissing Ginny.

Hermione watched Mrs. Weasley. She looked like she would break down right then and there but she held herself up. She hugged her daughter tight. Hermione's own throat constricted, thick with emotion.

"We need to be downstairs." Mrs. Weasley told Fleur. "You'll bring her, won't you?" she told Hermione.

"Of course. We'll meet with Mr. Weasley right outside the marquee. As Mrs. Weasley and Fleur left, Hermione and Ginny looked at each other.

"Ready?" Hermione asked.

"I think so." Ginny said, blinking rapidly. Hermione held her best friend tightly, and then they disapperated. The marquee hall was near the place where the Quidditch World Cup had taken place. Blaise wanted it to a place that resembled both of them. The sun had set, and the stars had started to shine. The marquee seemed to glow gold as the darkness descended. Really fairies were shimmering with light all around them. Mr. Weasley stood at the side waiting for his daughter, while Bill and Charlie welcomed the guests. Inside the marquee hall, Harry, Luna, Percy, George, Neville and Ron (who had come after all) were showing people to their seats. Among the chatter of the crowds, Hagrid's loud roar of apology and Aunt Muriel's unpleasant nasal voice stood out the most.

"Wow." Ginny said, looking at the assembly of people and laughing nervously. Mr. Weasley smiled widely at his daughter.

"You've grown up so much, Ginny." Mr. Weasley said softly. "I'm so proud of you and everything you've achieved. Today's the big day for me." His laugh was bittersweet. He was letting his daughter go today, out of the comfort of his arms and into someone's else's. His daughter was going to be a married woman.

"Ginny!" It was Luna, who flounced up and down in her red and gold gown, which matched Hermione's. "Oh you look so lovely!"

"Thanks Luna." Ginny smiled.

Suddenly music started playing softly in the background. The atmosphere changed ever so slightly. Talks became hushed whispers, laughter became soft giggles, and Hagrid tried to apologize as quietly as he could. Ginny took a deep breath, and hooked her hand into her father's. Hermione and Luna took their places behind Ginny and Mr. Weasley and the procession started.

As they entered the hall, every eye drew towards them. Smiles and cheers and hoots and thunderous claps welcomed them. Hermione's own heart was beating fast as she looked beyond the crows and straight down the aisle. Ginny's smile was radiant and Blaise's was infectious. He was dressed in gold and white to match his bride. He grinned from ear to ear looking at his bride-to-be with such love in his eyes, that Hermione's heart melted.

Hermione's eye shifted from Blaise to the man standing next to him. All the air seemed to rush out of her lungs. She clutched her bouquet tightly. Draco stood tall and silent next to his best mate, dressed in robes of bottleneck green and black. His eyes danced as he looked at her, a slight smile on his face, and by God, if he wasn't the most handsomest man she'd ever seen...Hermione's heart beat fast, but steady. As they approached, she returned his smile, not able to help herself.

The wedding proceeded smoothly after that. The bride and the groom took their oaths, and they wouldn't stop smiling at each other. Hermione's eyes were so filled with tears she could barely see what was happening. Mrs. Weasley cried on George's shoulder, who was trying not to cry. Everybody felt it. The happiness of Ginny and Blaise's union, yet the sorrow and pain of Fred's absence. Remus, Tonks and Sirius were missed with equal measure. Ron and Harry stood next to Bill, Harry grinning and clapping with the others, and Ron smiling in spite of himself.

The wizard presiding over the ceremony announced "You may now kiss the bride." As Blaise pulled Ginny into a passionate embrace, the marquee hall exploded with claps and shouts of congratulations. Hermione smiled through her tears and Draco had the most genuine smile on his face that anyone had ever seen. Soon the chairs and tables vanished to the sides and Blaise and Ginny were dancing enthusiastically on the floor.

Hermione danced with both Harry and Ron and the third time with Blaise, as Ginny danced with Ron.

"You're a lucky man." Hermione said, laughing as Blaise twirled her around.

"A very lucky man." He admitted.

"Take care of her."

"With my life." he promised.

"Mind if I but in?" a polite drawl came from none other than Draco Malfoy.

Blaise looked disappointed but stepped back. "Don't worry Blaise, I'll save you a dance." Draco said. Blaise rolled his eyes.

Then he took Hermione's hand in his, and placed another on her waist, gently pulling her close. Hermione put an arm on his shoulder. She was sure he could feel her heart racing. He looked devilishly handsome as he smiled down at her.

"You look stunning, Granger." he complimented sincerely.

"I'd say the same about you, Malfoy." Hermione said, slowly dancing with him. They swayed with the music, back and forth...back and forth. He placed her other hand around his neck as well and put both of his tightly around her trim waist. She was flush against him now, chest, stomach and hips touching.

"They look happy." Hermione commented, looking at Ginny and Blaise laughing together.

"They are." Draco said, not looking anywhere but at her.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible." she confessed.

"Neither did I, and neither did they actually." Draco traced soft patterns in the hollow of her waist using his thumb, which sent tingles up and down her back. "Blaise wasn't sure she'd forgive him for being an ass, but it didn't stop him from asking for a second chance." The truth behind the words hit Hermione hard, and she looked up at her favorite Slytherin. His grey eyes were clouded with regret.

"All men are assholes." Hermione whispered, even if she knew she was generalizing.

"Maybe...but not as stubborn as some women can be." He smiled at her.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" she challenged. He leaned closer, so close that they shared the same air.

"I'm not suggesting anything Granger." he said, in the softest voice she'd ever heard him use. "I'm asking...no, begging, for a second chance."

Hermione's heart leapt at his words. She looked up from under her lashes...from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again. She searched for any lies behind the words, but all she could find in his grey pupils were layers and layers of honesty and truthfulness. "I'll think about it." she said at last. He leaned his forehead against hers. She could feel his hard pecs against her soft breasts, feel his forearms flex, feel the stiffness in his cock as they swayed slowly to the music.

"That's not a yes." Draco observed.

"It's not a no, either." she said. He looked at her for a moment and then pressed his lips softly against hers, a feather light touch, enough to ignite the fire kindling in her belly. It had been way too long since she had felt the pressure of his lips, the sinful texture of them. She laced her fingers through his hair and he deepened the kiss. God, she'd forgotten what a good kisser he was. His tongue plundered her mouth remorselessly and shamelessly, as though he owned it. He twirled her tongue around with his own, a tempting salsa, enough to weaken her knees and make fire course through her veins. She didn't care who was watching. She didn't care what was happening around her. She just wanted to be in his arms again, kissing him.

His mouth left hers and she whimpered. "If you don't stop making those sounds Granger." he rasped quietly. "I'm going to fuck you right here in the marquee hall."

"Hmmm." she hummed, slightly dazed, and licked her lips. She didn't know what came over her, but she really wanted his lips back on hers.

"Bloody hell, you little witch." he cursed, eyes darkening as he stared at her kiss swollen lips. "You make me lose my mind." He nibbled gently on a sweet spot on her neck and sucked. He could feel her pulse race beneath his lips, and knew they couldn't continue this on the dance floor. His eyes found Ginny and Blaise who were looking at them amusingly. He asked with his eyes if it was okay that they left and the bride and groom nodded. Grinning down at Granger, he disapperated and apperated them into Granger's room.

"We're in my house?" she asked surprised. "I thought-"

Draco was already loosening the buttons on his robes. "Get that book of yours Granger. The one I caught you in the library with." he said calmly.

Hermione's eyes widened at the sight of him undressing in her room. It was all so bizarrely sexual, she giggled and got the book out of her desk drawer.

"Give me the book and undress." he said firmly. With shaking fingers, she passed him the book and slowly unzipped the back of her gown. The sleeves slipped down her shoulder and her breasts came into view, pale skin and dusky pink nipples.

"You wore no bra?" he growled dangerously.

"It's meant to be worn without a bra." she defended herself.

"Keep that mouth shut, and get naked." he said, watching her with a predatory gaze. With his eyes, he traced the swell of her breasts, the points of her nipples, the curves of her waist and hips and the juncture between her legs. The hunger in his gaze made her pussy leak with juices. He hadn't even touched her and she feeling so aroused already. She stepped out of her gown, pulled down her panties and got rid them.

"I'd imagined you like this..." he walked around her in circles, looking up and down. "Naked and wanting to be touched." he brushed his fingers ever so slightly on her bare butt. He handed her the page he had picked out and said, "Read it. Out loud." he commanded.

Hermione wondered what on earth he was doing but did as she was told. When she read the line in her mind, she freaked out.

"I have to read it aloud?" she squeaked.

He was standing behind her, breathing down on her neck. "Any problem?" he asked.

Hermione shivered and cleared her throat. "She could feel the light patterns he was drawing on her bare back, moving from the back of her neck , down to the crevice of her butt cheeks." Hermione was flushed pink. The last words caught in her throat, because Draco had done exactly what she had read out of the book- traced his fingers from the back of her neck and down to her butt crack. That kinky bastard.

"Continue, Granger." Draco said calmly enough, but she heard the impatience underneath.

Breathing heavily, Hermione focused on the words. "As she failed to stand still, he cupped her butt tightly." Draco complied by doing the same. Her voice quivered at the next few words. "Rubbing the cheek gently at first, he landed a sharp slap and was delighted to see her skin blossom into a beautiful shade of pink."

Slap. He's spanked her, none too gently. Hermione moaned loudly, closing her eyes. Her pussy was so wet, she wondered if her pre cum was milking her inner thighs.

"Read." he whispered into her ear.

"He pressed himself on to her from behind, and grabbed her breasts tightly." Draco's hands snaked around her torso from the back and cupped firmly around her heaving breasts. Hermione's breath hitched. "He twirled her rosy nipples between his thumb and forefinger, enjoying...enjoying.." Hermione's head fell back as Draco massaged her tits. Words failed and her and she could only moan.

"C'mon Granger." Draco chided. "I expected you to last for longer than that."

Getting her bearings together, Hermione continued. "enjoying the sounds she was making. Then one of his hands snaked down her belly and slipped between her legs, to find that her pussy was..."

"Wet." He growled in her ear. "Soaking wet."

Draco snatched the book out of her hands and threw it onto the table. Then he attacked like a snake.

"Spread your legs." he barked and Hermione obeyed. He pinched one nipple tightly while his other hand cupped her wet pussy. Firm and unyielding. Her cunt was so slippery, she was worried she was going to drench his hand.

"I can smell your arousal, Granger." Draco said roughly, as he plunged two fingers into her pussy. "I can fucking smell it."

Hermione's back arched and she cried out at the sudden intrusion. But Draco didn't stop. He fucked her cunt mercilessly with two of his long, deft fingers, while playing with her nipple and sucking on her neck. Then he suddenly stopped and turned her around...and as she watched, he put those two fingers in his mouth and licked them clean. Hermione had never felt so dirty and hot at the same time.

"Get on your knees and unzip my pants." he rasped. Hermione dropped to her knees, unzipped his trousers and got out his magnificent cock. The tip was wet with his arousal, and she licked her lips.

"Get your hands behind your back." he ordered, then gripped her hair in one hand and his cock in the other. "Look at me and open your mouth."

Then he fucked her mouth. He was slow at first, then increased his pace. "Just like that, Granger." He cooed. "Look at me when I'm fucking your pretty mouth." She was so sexually frustrated she groaned and pleaded with her eyes. He got her up on her feet and walked her over to the bed.

"Bend over, hands outstretched in front of you."

Hermione complied, writhing with anticipation. He kicked her legs apart, gently enough, and in one smooth stroke he'd settled inside her. God it had been far too long since she'd had him inside. Over a year.

"Fuck." he groaned. "Fuck you're so tight and hot, Granger. Fuck I missed your sweet pussy so much..."

"Oh fuckkkkk." she moaned as he slowly slid out of her, and slithered back in. Her pussy walls sucked greedily at his cock, clenching and unclenching. He'd sheathed himself balls deep, and she could feel every twitch.

Now he truly fucked her. He almost bruised her hips with his tight grip as he plundered her pussy with his cock, cursing and saying dirty things to her that made her scream his name.

"Draco." she said loudly. "Please."

His hips moved back and forth, and he reveled in the sound of their bodies slapping together. His cock thickened and his balls tightened. Her screams grew louder and louder until he climaxed with a roar, shouting her name. "Hermione!"

She came soon after he did, panting his name like a mantra. He slid out of her, used his wand to clean them up, then collapsed on the bed with her in his arms.

"Remind me to never show you the books I read." Hermione said tiredly into his chest.

Draco laughed.

The end.

Sorry, ending the fic here due to some personal problems at home. I hoped to end it another way, but I can't now. I hope you all enjoyed the read.

Lots of love,

La icepopsickle