![]() Author has written 36 stories for NCIS, Rizzoli & Isles, Lost Girl, L Word, CSI, Saw, and Criminal Minds. Hello. If you have stumbled upon my profile, allow me to say thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read what has been written below. What do you say we become friends, hmm? ;) Well, there is quite possibly a laundry list of reasons as to how and why you are here but am I going to make a big fuss over it? No, not really. None of that truly matters, does it? What matters is that you are here now, and you are taking time out of your day to get to know me a bit better. It is greatly appreciated, it truly is. I am aware that not many of these profiles/bios ever truly get read, because we are not here to ramble on and on about our life stories. We are here to connect via the one thing all of us have in common. Fan fiction. That's the one reason why (most) people are here. You read what others write, possibly post a review, favorite, subscribe, etc... and you are on your way to read something else in which feeds your addiction in ways the shows, movies, books cannot or did not. Am I hitting the nail on the head? Yes? No? Maybe so? And every now and then people use the highly ingenious device on this site known as private messaging. Me, personally... I am rather glad that exists on this site. I have made so many friends on here, and for that I am grateful. Okay, so, let us cut to the chase here. You want to know a thing or two about me? Then, allow me to introduce myself. I do not go by aliases. I am not a spy, yet. My pen name is to strictly a little bit of a pun, just a bit. Ziva David is my favorite NCIS character. Les Ninja is basically just calling Ziva a lesbian ninja, which I also happen to be... just a bit of a ninja...and Femme Love obviously refers to Lesbian Love for Femme is the term in French for "lady" and is used in the term "FemmeSlash" to describe sex between to females in a fan fiction.And it is (fairly) obvious that I pair Ziva with woman much more often and frequently than with men. So there you have it. Now, as for my name... I simply go by Sammy. Sammy? Now, this may leave you asking some questions. Am I am male? Am I a female? The answer is I am a girl. Eh. Correction. I am a woman. Ah, now I have solved one mystery for your curious little minds. But, trust me. There are many more mysteries about me in which you may solve... or perhaps not? Hmm? Intrigued yet? Alright then. So, my name is Sammy. Obviously, I am a writer... and I plan to perhaps publish a novel someday. However, I do not want to do that as a profession. I have known writers and they tell me that they don't make quite enough money to live off of... but that's certainly not the main reason for it. For as long as I could remember, I have always wanted to work for government. Being an Israeli loving girl, whose heart and soul essentially were "born" there, I would love to attend American colleges to study Law Enforcement and Foreign Affairs, taking foreign languages and creative writing as elective courses. Then, hopefully afterwards, I will work as a liaison agent between the United States and Israel. Sound familiar? Anyway, some things about myself that are pretty much basic informational tidbits. For starters, I am sixteen years old and on August 16th, 2012 I will starting my Junior year of High School. Currently, I live in the Midwestern region of the United States... Kansas to be precise. However, I am by no means a "country bumpkin" and if you even begin to think such an absurd thought I shall hurt you myself. Religion, to me, can be important and has a big influence on the world. I totally agree with that and believe it. However, I do not and refuse to make a big deal out of it. I am by no means a religious freak... in fact, I utterly despise those who are so devout to the point of hating other groups, religions, and forms of lifestyles... most of them I refer to as "ultra-Christians". In other words, they are the Christians that go on incessant rants and protests preaching that God hates gays and anyone who isn't white, Christian, American, heterosexual, etc is going straight to hell. Why does this kind of ignorant malarkey irk me so much? Because I, Sammy, am a Jewish lesbian and to be honest, I am proud of it! So, to the ultra-Christians reading this. Leave... now! You have no business being here... and yeah. I am a hell bound B-I-T-C-H, now step off! Expressing who I am is important to me because in my honest opinion, hiding who you are is acting as though you do not even exist. So, be yourself... please? So, now that you have read a few paragraphs you have learned that my name is Sammy, I am female, sixteen, Jewish, and a lady loving lesbian. What else is there to know about me? Well, quite a lot, actually. Let us start with television programs. If you were to ask me what my favorite television show ever is, do you know what I would say? Well, you have seen my pen name so I suppose you could deduce the answer to that. NCIS, of course. The show is excellent written and well acted out... well, most of the time. Sometimes, just sometimes, the writers are stubborn... somewhat idiotic... and every now and then a mixture of the two. Does that sound a bit too harsh? Eh, who cares? I sure as hell do not. Now, as much as I love NCIS, and worship it at its feet. It is not the only show that I watch. Not by any means whatsoever. I also enjoy a couple of other hit television programs... rather a lot. My second favorite television program would have to probably be... Rizzoli & Isles... that, or the L Word. And whichever other one is left is third. Rizzoli & Isles is also a pretty freaking epic show. Janet Tamaro is awesome. However, the show would not be possible without an amazing author named Tess Gerritsen. This show was inspired by her books called "The Surgeon" and "The Apprentice". She created Jane and Maura and I am forever grateful for it. My favorite book by her though would have to be, "Vanish". The L Word... one word: Rawr! This show has to be one of the sexiest, and diverse show I have ever seen. The actors (well, more actresses) are geniuses and really know how to sell it. I fell in love with it since I first saw it. Let us see... anymore shows I can go on about? Ooh! Lost Girl! Yes! Anna Silk, Zoie Palmer! HELL YES! I absolutely love them!!! A List of My Television Show True Pairings (OTPS/Ships) 1. Mova (Monique Lisson and Ziva David; NCIS) To Be Continued Hmm? What else to tell you guys. Let us see... Favorite Actresses/Actors! Now, that's a great topic of discussion. As for actors... I do not like one enough to call them my favorite. However, Adam Sandler is hilarious! As for actresses, mm. There are two magnificently lovely ladies that I could go on and on about for centuries! Their names? None other than Cote de Pablo and Karina Lombard! Who? What? If you do not know, I am going to tell you... right now! Cote de Pablo... born November 12th, 1979 in Santiago, Chile... Cote de Pablo, who came to the United States at the age of ten, Miami, Florida to be precise... is currently an actress who stars on the hit series I have mentioned above, NCIS. her birth name is, however, Maria Jose de Pablo Fernandez but when she went to school in the US, people had... troubles... saying it. I must point this out that I am a white ass gringa and I can say it with the perfect inflection. None of her teachers would say Maria Jose... they would call her Maria. So, to remedy the annoyance, she shortened it to Cote... a common nickname for Maria Jose. She attended college at Carnegie Mellon and studied theatrical arts. She is so perfect. Before working on television, she appeared in Broadway shows such as "The Mambo Kings" and she was featured on television programs such as "The Jury", "The Education of Max Bickford", and "The $treet". She was once in a movie called "The Last Rites of Ransom Pride" as well. Karina Lombard... born January 21st, 1969 in Tahiti... Karina Lombard was born to a Native American medicine woman and a European man. She spent her childhood in Europe and is well traveled. She starred in "The L Word", "Wide Sargasso Sea", "Kull The Conqueror", "Legends of the Fall", "4400"; and she made guest appeared in "CSI", "CSI: NY", and my favorite Karina role in "NCIS". She has, quite possibly, the most alluring accent known to human kind! Both actresses are very beautiful, and I am madly, utterly, in love with them both! To me, my soul mate is a perfect merging of them both. Creepy? Nah! Hmm... okay, now... what else to tell you? Let us see! Ah, I know... my ships. For those who are unaware, ships are couplings, pairings if you will, taking two (or more) people and putting them together in the hopes of them becoming cannon. My one true pairing (OTP) has got to be Mova. What is Mova you may ask. Well, Mova is the pairing of Monique Lisson, a former Interpol agent who was Ziva's mentor back in the day, and Ziva David, a Mossad officer turned NCIS special agent. Monique and Ziva, who are portrayed by Karina Lombard and Cote de Pablo, have got to be the perfect pairing. Ziva's not into girls! See, I know what you are thinking! I know! Believe me, I do! Well, being lesbian, I must point out that, in rare occasions, there is always a straight girl that would go gay for that one special girl. She meets this one person that impacted her to the point where she simply falls in love. After all the bullshit Ziva has been through with men, and in life in general, I would figure Monique would be that one. Plus, on the show, there has been plenty of Ziva teasing, making implications of her possibly being bisexual and it is not as if they right out told us Monique is a straight girl. For fans' information, did anyone notice the looks they shared in the episode "The Missionary Position"? Hmm? |