
Summary: Ziva has put up with Tony's teasing all week and has had enough. The final string comes when Tony follows her into the lady's room, not giving her the chance to calm down. Ziva can't take anymore so she just...snaps!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or settings in this story. I just took them out of the playhouse to play somewhere more private for a little while.

Ziva threw a chilling glare at Tony before standing up with so much force that her chair bounced off the filing cabinet behind her and hit the back of her legs. She stormed around her desk, made her way to Tony and noticed with satisfaction how the taunting stare he'd been giving her a couple of seconds ago had turned into one of absolute fear.

Leaning over his desk, she whispered, "Tony, if you do one more thing to tease me, taunt me, annoy me, hurt me, push me or to even just communicate with me for the rest of the day I will kill you with a paperclip and a) make it look like an accident or b) castrate you, dismember all the limbs in your body and then burn it all until you're nothing more than ash. Do you understand me?" she whispered nastily, taking silent joy in the fact that Tony had gone from looking fearful to downright petrified. Not waiting for a response, she tapped his cheek with a little more force than necessary before making her way out of the bullpen and into the ladies restroom. Once there, she stormed over to the sinks and began glaring at herself in the mirror, willing her heart to stop racing and forcing her mind away from fantasies that involved killing Tony.

She was so focused on forcing herself not to kill Tony that she didn't hear or see the object of her murder fantasy quietly slip into the room and lock the door. In fact, she didn't notice he'd walked in until he stopped behind her and whispered in her ear, "Feeling a little frustrated Ziva? I'd be happy to help you to come out of your frustrated state."

Tony knew that anyone with half a brain would surely know that sneaking up on a trained assassin in a bad mood was a stupid idea, never mind sneaking up on a severely pissed off woman assassin who was engrossed in what looked like a 'calm down so you don't kill anyone' session, but he just couldn't help it. He'd been torturing Ziva all week with little pranks and snide comments, just so he could see her reaction. So, when she had given him the biggest reaction of all, he just had to see how it all played out, although he desperately hoped that it didn't end in his death, or god forbid, his emasculation.

Hence that even though he knew that his chances of escaping the ladies room without experiencing any physical pain were minimal, he couldn't help being shocked and terrified when Ziva whirled to face him and forced him back to the opposite wall, pinning him there with her body. Oh boy, Tony thought, as he saw the anger in Ziva's idea, this goes straight to the top of all the stupid things I've done in my life list.