Why cant't I just tell her all the sweet words spinning in my mind. Everytime, again and again. When will she hear all these sweet words I made up for her, the words that just appeard in my mind because of her. FOR her.

Day after day they were sitting across from each other, never acting up to what they both knew they wanted. Sure they had a few encounters over the years, passioned nights shared together. But the other was always gone when the sun came into the room. Yes, they both knew about their feelings for each other, but there was just something stopping them from getting together.

And it wasn't even like nobody knew, Abby knew, McGee knew, Ducky had tried to push them together. Even Gibbs had made a few comments about seeing rule number 12 flying through the window.

It was right that moment when the whole floor was full of people, Mcgee working behind his computer, Abby looking over his shoulder, Gibbs reading a newspaper and Ziva still sitting across from him typing away on the latest case report that he made the decision and stood up walked from behind his chair and into the middle of the bullpen.

"I never knew something for sure but I do now, I never knew something this sure ever in my life" he started which got the attention of everyone in the bullpen including a few people in the passageway.

"I'd never dare to think I would be able to get this far by actually saying this outloud to you, but I am Zi. I have been silent for way to long so please listen"

He looked into her eyes and spoke the words on his heart

"I want to laugh with you, I want to dance with you, and I hope soon, I mean there is nothing that is standing between us. I want to talk to you, make love to you but most of all lay beside you and look at you when you wake up in the morning"

All the woman that heard his speech made aww sounds. Ziva stood up walked to him and planted a kiss on his lips. And he whispered to her

"can you promise me something? Believe in me? Everything I do is for you"

And with another kiss they knew they would never part again.