Ziva fic: Paternity Unknown


M Rating - but only for safety ;)

*There is a pairing but I'm not saying otherwise it gives everything away :P

A/N: A very happy birthday to my bestest friend in the whole wide world- Ishty. I know you might not see this for a while but here's your pressie anyway ;)

I will finish it eventually but I have another thing I'm writing :D I'm currently writing my Secret Santa fic... I hope there isn't a word limit 'cause it is starting to get a little long XD SO EXCITED!

Oh! How's NCIS for you guys? :D Enjoying the new season? :D

Chapter One

'' Ziva?''

Ziva winced and opened her eyes to see a bloody and bruised McGee looking down at her. She blinked and saw Gibbs and Tony in the same state. Once she saw her team, different pieces of equipment materialized around her. She saw enough to know that they were in the back of an ambulance and that she was lying down.

'' McGee?'' whispered Ziva, her tongue feeling like sandpaper in her mouth.

'' Hey! She's awake!'' called Tony over his shoulder. A paramedic looked up and began to move towards her as best as he could, given the amount of space that there was.

Ziva looked back at McGee. '' Tim?''

'' It's okay, Zivs. We're on our way to Bethesda, they got the guy. He's dead.'' croaked McGee, his throat in the same state as Ziva's.

Ziva's eyes began to flutter shut and she felt a heavy hand gently touch a part of her arm that wasn't bruised. '' Ziver, you have to stay awake.'' said Gibbs, hoarsely.

But Ziva was already asleep.


Growling as a nurse cleaned the cut on his head, Gibbs fought the need to sleep. He just had to know how his team were doing, Ziva especially.

His understandably troubled mind went over everything that had happened since the beginning of their case.


They had received a call for a case concerning a missing marine. Gunnery Sergeant Tina Weathers, her name was. As well as releasing BOLOs and a media appeal, they had gone over the police reports with a fine toothed comb and had found nothing. The woman was simply nowhere to be found, at least, until McGee had spotted something interesting in the psychological profile Ducky had made for the abductor.

The abductor had an unhuman need for control but they were also very violent. Both Ziva and McGee had stuck their heads together and had come up with possible locations and reasons why.

After pinpointing an exact location, the team grabbed their gear and went, intent on bring the missing marine home and the abductor back to NCIS for their interrogation. They had arrived silently, their bulletproof jackets on. They had crept through the supposedly abandoned warehouse, miles from any civilisation, to find their marine.

That's when things started to go downhill. Their marine was dead, bruises all over her marbled body, the smell told them that she had been dead for a while. Ziva's test for a pulse just confirmed what they already knew.

A new kind of fire began to pulse through Team Gibbs' veins, they weren't just after an abductor, they were after a cold blooded murderer. They turned to go back out through the way they came when they saw a figure standing in the door way.

Gibbs raised his weapon, a surge of pride flowing through him as he heard three more weapons being raised.

'' Oh, there's four of you?'' came the taunting voice.

'' Come out slowly, there is no need for a fire fight.'' said Ziva's voice, calm and collected. Gibbs had to admire her for that.

'' True, there is definitely no need for a fire fight.'' said the figure, not moving from his spot in the doorway.

Gibbs took a step closer. '' Come out, with your hands up.''

'' Hmm, I'd rather not.'' came the reply before the door was slammed on them.

'' Oh no, he didn't.'' said Tony as Gibbs walked over to the door. He pulled on the handle and was half surprised, half pissed to learn that the door was locked. Gibbs tucked his weapon away and dug in his pockets to find that he didn't have his lock picking kit.

'' Ziver?'' He heard her put her gun away and groan in frustration when she discovered when she didn't have hers.

'' I do not have my kit either, Gibbs.''

Tony looked at her, his weapon also away. '' D'you not have those hair thingys?''

Ziva reached up into her hair and pulled out two hair grips and handed them to Gibbs. '' What movie did that small piece of genius come from?''

'' Oh, well, it came from Thunderbirds, only they used Lady Penelope's bra wire.''

'' I am glad you said hair thingys,'' smirked Ziva before looking at Gibbs. ''Any luck?''

'' No, they're too big.''

Ziva took them back and cut them down with her knife. '' Try them now.''

Gibbs fiddled with them and the lock and growled as the door never clicked open.

'' Shoot it?'' suggested McGee.

'' We cannot risk the bullet ricocheting off of the door and tampering with the body.'' said Ziva, looking at McGee.

'' True, but we can't stay here either.'' he pointed out.

Gibbs turned around and looked at the small window. He looked at Tony. '' How far's the drop?''

Tony walked over to the window and looked out of it. '' I'd say, twenty to twenty five feet.''

'' There goes that idea...''

'' Is there not a drain or something to grab onto? Maybe one of us can climb out and re-enter the building to let everyone else out.'' shrugged Ziva.

Tony pressed his face right up to the glass and looked out. '' No, not from where I can see.'' Tony turned to look at the team. '' Have you got any spoons? We can dig our way out.''

'' Through concrete?'' asked McGee.

'' Damn.'' said Tony, clicking his fingers.

Even Gibbs had to join in with the laughs. Trust Tony to make a joke out of where they were.

Suddenly coming over tired, Gibbs slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

His first big mistake.

Ziva walked over to join him and smiled when the other two did aswell. '' I wonder why he has us locked in here anyway.'' yawned Ziva.

Gibbs looked at her. '' You're tired too?''

'' Yes.''

'' I am too, Boss.'' As soon as Tony said that, alarm bells began ringing. He knew from that moment that things were about to get considerably worse.

Ziva pulled herself up and looked around the room.

'' What you looking for?'' asked McGee.

'' Vents, air ducts, a pipe, anything. We need to block it before we loose consciousness.'' she said, scanning the room with her eagle like eyes.

'' Zivs, sit down before you fall down.'' said McGee, his head bobbing.

Ziva looked at him and slowly made her way back over to her team. She sat in between Gibbs and McGee and rest her head on McGee's shoulder.

'' Man, if I wake up in a room with a chain attached to my leg, I'm gonna be so pissed.'' said Tony, referring to the film Saw.

'' DiNozzo, shut up...'' said Gibbs, before his world went black.