Author has written 18 stories for Vampire Knight, Final Fantasy VII, Glee, Sherlock, and Harry Potter. My LiveJournal account: http:// My AO3 account, where I post all my edited fics: http:///users/janrea My tumblr account: http:/// ABOUT ME: Going to be a third year student starting the next semester! I'm just an insane girl who loves to sing, read and write. I fangirl deeply over the things I love, and write fics when I'm inspired! A supporter of all things LGBT, and LOVES CATS. One thing to know, I'm a major Chris Colfer stan. So me= Colferite and Kurtsie all rolled into one. Obsessed with these few series: Glee, Merlin, Castle, Sherlock, How I Met Your Mother, Teen Wolf Dabbles/Lurks around these fandoms: Glee, Merlin, Sherlock, X-Men 1st Class, Harry Potter, to name the major ones. ABOUT MY FICS: I have a few WIP Stories right now, and I promise that I'm going to complete each and every one of them, but currently: -Pursuing Fate and Destiny -A Very Non-Typical Weekend In The Hudmel Household -Fiendfyre These works are ON HIATUS at the moment, and I might revamp/rewrite them, but I will definitely finish them in the future. NOTICE!!!! I'm currently editing all of my stories. Also might possibly revamp them all over. Edited stories will be posted over on AO3. Also, I might be posting new fics/moving all my fics over there. Eventually. All my WIP stories will still be updated here. Current Favourite Pairings (In the order of Seme/Uke or Top/Bottom): Glee Blaine/Kurt Puck/Kurt Sebastian/Kurt Any male/Kurt (Yeah, I love Kurt, and I adore him with any young male except older men like Schuester, or godforbid, Figgins...*shivers*) I basically ship Kurt/Happiness anyway Merlin: Arthur/Merlin (OTP) Any male/Merlin (with the exception of Gaius...) Harry Potter: Harry/Draco & Draco/Harry Severus/Harry Voldemort or Tom Riddle/Harry (Guilty pleasure, anyone??) Sherlock: Sherlock/John Mycroft/Lestrade Moriarty/John (Another guilty pleasure!! But I can't stop this obsession after reading one particular fic...!) XMen First Class: Erik/Charles Kinks I Love: Loads and loads, the only things that I don't really like are watersports, scat, bloodplay and very strong BDSM. Everything else is fairgame. I do have a strong penchant for Possessive/Protective!Tops though MISC: The following post is my own believe--An equal world where people can learn to be open minded to accept what their current narrow perspective of a world can't accept. As a self-proclaimed Love Protector, I believe there is no difference in this feeling. As why does one hates another who has been blessed with the same mutual feeling of love? Yes, it is a feeling, and there is certainly no variation in Love. Be it homosexuality, heterosexuality, or what other kind of love, it is still Love Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it. : |