Reviews for Connection
emowoods205 chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
I must say the sex was fantastic!
emowoods205 chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
How could they not have know it was each other all along?
allan calderini chapter 2 . 11/17/2013
Haha in the first chapter before they knew it was each other I thought Sasuke was talking to Deidara or someone else. I never thought they would be roomates and talking to each other it was interesting
Rhistoria chapter 2 . 7/24/2013
Oh wow, this was hilarious! chat buddies lol
HazeofLies chapter 2 . 5/13/2013
FUCK IT ;; im going to cry at my fate and this ton of shit of a life i live; mid-year bio and foreign language coming up on the same fucking week which is like this week and i barely started on anything AND FANFICTION SAYS THAT SOMEBODY GETS TO FIND THEIR SUPER HOT FUCKING SOULMATE, hot blondie x hot brunette 3 they flash, fuck, then fuck more (instead of doing the paper)

i love your yaoi, and whatever tips you read are so doing you good. shit my eyes are bleeding and rolling out of my miserable sockets (from staring at the screen for too damn long) and i am so not getting sleep tonight /!motivation!/ I WILL WORK HARD, GET MYSELF INTO A GOOD OVERSEAS UNIVERSITY, live in a proper dorm because this place is too fucking developed and small for anything ever to happen. /rant about life and living in a tiny first-world country/ /rant about being in a single sex school/ /rant about how its the best school in the country thus stress and work/ /rant about nothing fun in life/ /rant/

becomes bipolar
reads some steamy lemon instead

i cri evytime i c smth soo kewt

shit these hormones
sometimes i wish i could live in a fanfiction
yours and other awesome peoples'
life is so awkward
but written out its not
you haven't updated your stuff in a long while and have probably abandoned it altogether
you wont read this
but man you rock
thanks for making somebody's day (actually night) on the other side of the globe
somebody you'll never meet
but appreciates you, or at least will for a few days
many people's a few days

/end of long irrelevant review/ :D
HazeofLies chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
i want to cry half the time i read your fics from my eyes overbleeding from THAT HOT SHIT AHHHHHHH and since you dont write fics anymore i havent bothered to review (or rather, too caught up with reading another one) BUT THIS IS SO FUCKING HOT COME ON I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FICS AND i think you're an amazing writer and ahahaha -worst review ever- thank you for your fics :
bridmatt chapter 2 . 4/7/2013
This was pretty good up until it was revealed that they were actually roommates the whole time. Then it became really cliche. It's impossible they wouldn't have figured it out sooner if they were webcaming for goodness sake. Even if they only saw one another from the mouth down, how do you not recognize your lust object, a person whose face and body you're *fixated* on? And how do you not recognize your lust object if you live with him, see him every day, and know what his room looks like? At no point in time was the webcam picking up objects on their desks and other things they might have found familiar? And what are the chances of all the people in the English-speaking world, Sasuke would end up IM-ing his very own roommate?

Aside from the impossibility of the situation itself, it's a bit OOC. This is *Naruto* we're talking about. Maybe Sasuke couldn't open his mouth to talk to his roommate, but Naruto would never do that. Especially if he has a crush on said roommate. You can see how acts around Sakura to know that he has no shame when it comes to letting his crush know about his feelings. He doesn't like to be ignored anyway, so even if he didn't have feels for Sasuke, I doubt he'd want to live with a guy he never talks to.

I liked the first part of the story because I thought despite never having met in person, Naruto and Sasuke were going to decide to take a chance on one another and let go of their fruitless crushes on two people who'd never notice them. That's an interesting situation. There's some drama and emotion involved in that. And then it turned out they were the two people who didn't seem to notice one another. Problem instantly solved! :/
HoneyBee137 chapter 2 . 2/13/2013
hahahahahahaha... haha... ha...
that was pretty fucking funny...
Guest chapter 2 . 11/8/2012
This was so yummy...
It also reminded me of one of the reasons I'm a yaoi fangirl - the chemistry.
In yaoi, the uke and seme always fight and argue about comically absurd things. A lot. This chemistry is probably at least half the reason SasuNaru is so popular.

"I'm glad we agree."
*brief glaring contest, then they tackle each other and smut ensues*
Guest chapter 2 . 10/4/2012
that was cute. :)
HanaNaruLight chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
Damn awesome fic! XD
BlackKittyMoon chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
It's funny cause this stuff happens in real life.
BlackKittyMoon chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Ahahah I would have freak out if I was Naruto
Charlie Raey chapter 2 . 7/20/2012
SO ADORABLE! I loved the way they met and all the IMing! You really hit a great train of thought:) Though I wish you would continue, I can see how it might be intimidating. It was absolutely great! FANTASTIC JOB:)
Demyx Nine chapter 2 . 6/30/2012
So cute :3
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