![]() Author has written 61 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Digimon, Naruto, Shugo Chara!, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and Sherlock. Who am I? A 30-something mother of three kids, who has been writing on/off for over 25 years since I was a child. What do I write? Whatever strikes me in the moment. I have my favourite haunts, but that doesn't mean I won't suddenly throw out something in a totally different fandom occasionally. I've done that a few times! I tend to write slash if I write romance, but I'm not a fan of writing sex for the sake of it. Novus Inceptum is missing again; why? Sorry. I'm grieving heavily right now, and since it was written when I was grieving someone else I just can't have it out there because it's making me feel too vulnerable. I removed a couple of other loss related fics that were more personal too. October 2019 FUTURE PATH IS DONE. It actually has a name now, and is posted below and at AO3. |