Reviews for Orexis
Sukee93 chapter 11 . 7/15/2013

I read the Leptos Universe a few years ago; at that time I didn't speak english very well - but enough to understand the story. Now I'm rereading it, and it's a real pleasure to be able to appreciate all the little details of your stories. It's very well written, and true.

I suffered from anorexia for two years - that was five years ago. And I'm truly amazed by your work, really. I can't find the words to tell you how well the disease is descripted, and how well I can see myself in Sasuke's behaviour.

Thank you for writting it, and bravo for writting it. It's simply beautiful.
LovelySpiral chapter 6 . 1/4/2012
You are a lovely writer - I do not know anyone else who can make such wonderful transitions. This story has such a meaningful voice, it's so personal and beautiful and I don't know how it explain it.

Excellent work, luv.
suuuy chapter 6 . 2/5/2010
Sasuke needs to stop overanalyzing and creating drama- it's messing up his mind.. :(

Then again, the whole "blind faith" thing is easier said than done. "Paranoia wants me to believe it to be just a ploy but rationality says that’s stupid and farfetched."

I like that you gave him background and reasons.. even if he's a little antisocial, he's not just a jerk- he's a jerk with issues.
Tarn Vedra 5 chapter 11 . 10/12/2009
Great story! How did you put it, explain it, describe it,... everything was just so great. Thank you for this story. :)
Bubblegumcrazed chapter 11 . 9/5/2009
A very detailed story, with pangs of emotion and honest to god problems. I enjoyed it.

Also the toast part was adorable. 3
sasori-chibi chapter 2 . 9/2/2009
lol when jiraya walked in and said lock the door boys i had an instant flash back of the narusasu song that had the real voice actors in it 'lock the door boys'

maybe whats missing is naruto :D

great story! i really enjoy reading it _
kitsunecoyote chapter 11 . 7/20/2009
I can't wait for Peina 33

This fanfiction was amazzingg~
Nanaki Lioness chapter 11 . 6/24/2009
I've just read all three fics in this Universe. Thank you for writing them- you've captured the essence of Sasuke and the kind of thing he would do perfectly. Amazing work.
Redallover chapter 8 . 5/7/2009
This chapter really touched me. It actually made my chest and eyes ache. The fear Sasuke felt when he realised what he was doing to himself. He knew he was playing with fire, but didn't truely realise it until things got scary.

Naruto saying he wanted to break Sasuke leg was quite the mix of amusing and depressing. You did a good job protraying the therapy. I like the overall theme and feel of "you have to want to get better."
Redallover chapter 4 . 5/6/2009
I'm very impressed with how well you've protrayed someone with a eating disorder. Someone in my family had an eating disorder so I know it well.

They definately aren't rays of sunshine. They can be pissed off, hungry, low-blood-sugar-grumpy, and very defensive people. Very sneaky and sometimes harsh too. An eating disorder can change someone like that. You protrayed this well in Sasuke.

Alot of people miss that and just write the person with the eating disorder as this sweet, sad, and tearful person. Rather unrealistic
Shinobi Mi-chan chapter 11 . 5/4/2009
God, this story is just so amazing. Reading it is like going on the same rollercoaster that Sasuke's brain is going on, ya know? It's very refreshing to read something this deep into eating disorders. I mean, it's such a (welcome) contrast to the people I'm usually surrounded by; the people who think that people commit suicide because they're stupid. (argh, don't even get me started on that...)

Anyway, can't wait for Peina! 3
stargazer92 chapter 11 . 4/6/2009
Hey! I would be reviewing using my account but unfortunately I'm having trouble signing in. .

I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed Orexis. The emotional development throughout the story (actually the whole Leptos Universe so far) is really well thought out and very good to read. Its easy to understand his thoughts from the way you write them instead of mindless angst that others write.

I'll definetly read Peina! :]
yoko chapter 11 . 4/6/2009
wonderful chapter I love Naruto; he's sweet in a way.
Ephemeral Blossoms chapter 11 . 4/6/2009
I definitely look forward to reading the sequel! I enjoyed the ending because Sasuke wasn't better, but he was trying. I hope he'll be okay in the sequel.

Thanks for the great read! I loved this fic :)
drawingdownthemoon chapter 11 . 4/6/2009
wow, this wasnt exactly concluding, bt yet again, it was actually like the disease. reflecting, hoping and unsure..from a positive angle lol

happy unbirthday

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