Twenty-Seventh Sweet- Pounce
Pairing/Characters: Kaname and Zero (no real yaoi, budding friendship)
Summary: Kaname, running a little late since he couldn't quite find Teku, goes to Zero's room to retrieve Nocturne only to find the hunter had apparently been sleepy again...
Credits: Blackened Wing for Trust Me'sTeku
Note: Sequel to "Mew" Haha... err... Sorry for the long wait everyone... Yes, Zero told Kaname to come soon but uh... looks like I was the slow one here. ^^;; *deeply ashamed at her own super laziness*
Read, Enjoy, Review~
Kaname had to admit, he was feeling a little worried since he'd gone to the headmaster's office to look for Teku, Takuma and Shiki's pet rabbit. He had started for Zero's dorm room after the prefects left, but the guilt from throwing his two noble friends under the bus that way wouldn't leave him. The pureblood certainly would not have let anything happen to Teku either way, but... he wanted to let Takuma and Shiki know that he wasn't that selfish...
However, upon easily sneaking into Cross' office, there was no sign of the pet other than a faint scent lingering near the desk. Kaname now wished Cross was in so that he could ask after Teku...
But knowing the headmaster wouldn't be back to the office until tomorrow (since it was the weekend and he only stayed for a little earlier in the day), the pureblood decided to just go on to fetch Nocturne before Zero had a tantrum and fussed at the brunette when he did arrive.
Only a bit surprised to find the door to Zero's room unlocked, Kaname slowly pushed it open. He'd knocked, knowing the younger vampire was in due to the clear and strong heartbeat coming from the room, but hearing no answer, the pureblood tried the knob. When Kaname didn't hear a sharp, reprimanding bark for entering, he slipped into the room and shut the door softly behind him- his now amused gaze on the bed in the corner.
It must be a combination of Zero's natural laziness and his duties that causes him do this... Kaname thought fondly.
Zero was asleep. Flat on his back, his legs sprawled apart, one arm behind his head, the other over his jacket-less chest... asleep. Kaname shook his head at how the hunter could sleep soundly at any hour of the day and almost envied him for it. The pureblood knew he'd never be able to sleep with a natural enemy in the room, and yet, here Zero was again: absolutely at Kaname's mercy...
Kaname tore his thoughts from that line of thought... tore his eyes away from the almost always teasingly exposed neck and collarbones which were framed by the "V" of Zero's unfastened shirt. That sort of reminded Kaname of a flower whose petals were colored to attract bees towards the middle where the pollen was... Ah, no, Kaname wasn't here to think of that.
"Nocturne..." Kaname quietly called, knowing the kitten could hear. He knew she was in here, he could hear quicker, non-human heartbeats coming from somewhere near the bed; he could also scent Nocturne, but then again, what was that other, familiar smell?
Just then, the small black kitten crawled out from under Zero's jacket where it was thrown beside the sleeping vampire's body. Nocturne's ears, looking adorably too large for her cute head, popped out as the jacket slid back and they angled to Kaname for a moment. The pureblood smiled and went to call for her again, but suddenly another sound arrested both of their attentions.
Up closer to Zero's head, from perhaps behind a pillow (Kaname couldn't really see from where he stood across the room), none-other-than Teku appeared, his curious dark stare on Kaname. The first thing that the pureblood wondered was how in the world a rabbit, such a defenseless herbivore, could be anywhere near calm in this room. Zero's scent as a vampire wouldn't be as strong as a born vampire's, but Kaname was in here. Even Nocturne should have scared Teku. However, it occurred that the bunny was the pet of two nobles and he seemed very happy with his owners.
Scent blind...
So Kaname understood that now, after less than two seconds of thinking, but now he was trying to figure out how Teku got into Zero's room...
Kaname may have reasoned it after a few more seconds, but suddenly, Nocturne mewled and Teku turned towards the kitten, the bunny's pink nose working and his ears alert to her presence. Before Kaname even had a chance to consider what to do, Nocturne pounced with rather impressive grace towards Teku and to Kaname's admitted horror, landed right on the poor bunny, both young animals disappearing down from the pureblood's view.
Not really thinking, which Kaname would later chastise himself for ever doing, the pureblood rushed over and leaned over Zero to reach for where he could see Nocturne with her front legs clamped around Teku. Suddenly, like a shot, the sand-colored bunny bolted out of what looked like an impossible grip and dove off the bed. Kaname watched from his half-bent position as Teku hit the ground running, very swiftly followed by Nocturne.
He could move faster than both of them could put together, but Kaname was rather discouraged by the rapid, zigzag darting of the blurs of inky black and dirty blonde all over Zero's room- especially when it could be all over for Teku if the brunette took too long to catch one of the pets. But before Kaname could straighten up, he felt hands grab his shoulders firmly and literally throw him down on to his back on the bed.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Kuran?" Zero growled, leaning over the pureblood, his hands still pinning the brunette down by his shoulders.
It probably looked like Kaname was about to jump Zero or something, but the older vampire just sharply retorted, "Get off of me. Nocturne is trying to kill Teku!"
At that, Zero's eyes lost their icy venom and he looked over to where the kitten and rabbit were literally tearing through the hunter's room. They ran behind a trash can, knocking it over, paper spilling out; they hit a cable which nearly caused the lamp it was connected to to crash to the floor; there were pencils and pens everywhere from where they'd already flipped over Zero's pencil holder... The room was rather disheveled...
"Damnit!" Zero hissed, releasing Kaname who wondered why the other boy was angry rather than panicked. As the ex-human got to his feet, he spared a moment to tell Kaname that, "On the way back, I stopped by Cross' office to pick up the rabbit, telling him that I would get rid of it for him." For a second, Zero's lips turned upwards into a smirk as he regarded the brunette still laying on his back. "I know you didn't really want to have Ichijou and Shiki lose their pet- Teku, you said? We can return him on the way back to your room. Besides, Cross seemed like he was going to feed the poor thing something of his own creation..."
Zero was treated to a shocked look from Kaname who saw Nocturne finally catch Teku, both of them now tangled and wriggling on the floor. The hunter shook his head and laughed softly at Kaname's expression as he watched the seemingly violent battle slow to a stop on the floor. The pureblood had moved to the end of the bed now, also watching with dawning realization while Zero said, "They aren't fighting; they're playing, Kaname. Have been since I saw Nocturne checking Teku out while he sat around in his cage. They looked like they liked each other and I knew Nocturne wouldn't hurt him. Had I known they'd freaking run around like that and force me to try and keep up with their destruction until I fell asleep... Well... They would have been bored waiting for you."
As Zero finished satisfying Kaname's curiosity, Teku settled down to rest and Nocturne sat beside the bunny, starting to groom his already unique fur. Teku didn't seem to mind and was not frightened or hurt from their game in any way. In fact, both tiny pets seemed rather happy that they got to run around and play with another animal his size. Kaname sighed in relief and self-deprecation for not seeing it sooner. Zero looked down at the pureblood, expecting to maybe see him looking at the pets, but instead found the warm red-brown gaze on himself.
"Wh... What?" Zero grumped, hardening his expression and crossing his arms.
Kaname stood now, only about a foot away from Zero, and quietly pointed out, "You called me 'Kaname.'"
At the sight of the hunter's soft blush seeping over his cheeks before he sharply turned away, Kaname smiled. Zero mumbled, "It was an accident."
"It's fine. Call me 'Kaname', if you'd like," the brunette offered.
Zero grunted and unfolded his arms while still watching Nocturne groom her buddy.
"If I do, you have to call me 'Zero.'"
"Very well. Zero."
After a few more moments of silence in which Kaname openly stared at Zero (with a different kind of curiosity than he'd displayed so far) while the latter studiously ignored the former, Zero finally was fed up with being... ogled and he abruptly marched towards the fluffy duo on the floor. He bent and picked up Teku gently, his fingers stroking the satiny fur.
"We have to take them back now. I'm sure Ichijou and Shiki are missing Teku, and I bet he misses them, too. Anyway, Nocturne's probably hungry and thirsty, right?" The last word was directed at the kitten since it had a friendly overtone. She heard this and meowed in eager agreement, following Zero as he went to his closet and opened it to reveal Teku's luxurious cage.
Kaname looked on, wondering if Zero was right to be so kind and sweet to animals rather than vampires, even humans. They certainly asked for very few things from him while vampires asked of his pride and submission, and humans, of nearly everything else. Kaname could feel himself wanting things from Zero, too, more and more everyday- especially when the prefect came to visit Nocturne. Kaname wanted Zero to relax around the pureblood and trust him consciously, not just while asleep. But more than that, Kaname wanted Zero's friendship and everything that came with it: the caring concern, the warmth and the kindness. The genuine smiles and light in those strangely stunning lavender eyes... Kaname was selfish in wishing those things could be for him like they were for Nocturne and Teku.
But it was something Kaname knew would be so hard to gain- to earn. Even so, along with the fact that the pureblood was seeing that he and Zero could be more than odd parents to a kitten, he could tell that it was worth it to gain Zero's trust and companionship. They were precious things to be treasured.
"Ku... Kana-me," Zero struggled a bit, the awkward new first-name basis making his cheeks warm again. More so, when Kaname smirked at the prefect. Zero huffed and bent back down to gather Nocturne up into his arms. "You carry Teku's cage- I've got Nocturne."
Kaname did what he was asked, careful not to move the cage too much as they took a back route back to the Moon Dormitory in an endearing, comfortable silence. Well, save the sound of Nocturne's quiet purring in Zero's arms.
Author's Notes: Haha I went to go find how rabbits play with each other to see how Teku would play with Nocturne, but I found something better: How rabbits and cats play X3 Yup. So that's where I got how they behaved from- wasn't it cute~? 8D I was surprised at the chase game since usually when I see videos of anything playing with a bunny, the bunny is usually just sitting there all apathetic while the other animal freaks out at nothing. XD'
By the way... Sorry I couldn't actually SHOW Teku getting back to Ichijou and Shiki but... Well, I didn't. It's already kind of long for a sweet (I think this one's predecessors were much longer XD) and also, as you can see, I suppose there's still something to add a sequel to. XD Don't forget to review ^^
(P.S. I typed this all in one night 8DD From like... 1 a.m. to 7 a.m.. Good times, right X3 *eyes hurt*)