A/N: Just a really, really quick Christmas fic for Christmas - duh, LOL.

Um, it really lacks the plot, but I was in a real rush, so I apologize.

Disclaimer: I don't own it!

A Very Merry Christmas Under the Mistletoe

Written by law-chan23

Zero couldn't believe he was doing this, but he endured, and stalked right up to the front door, his cheeks flushing a faint pink from the cold. Before he even knocked, Yuuki had opened the door, a happy little Santa hat on her happy little head. Zero twitched at the offending item and shoved the Christmas pudding into her hands. "Here," he said gruffly, his cheeks reddening.

"Oh, what a lovely thought, Zero!" Yuuki sung, smiling a sweet smile as she led Zero into the house.

Zero irked as he recalled quite clearly that it was Yuuki who ordered him to bring the damned dessert in the first place. He irked even further when he walked into the dining room. Christmas decorations hung everywhere. There was even a singing Santa Claus sitting in the middle of the dining table. Obviously the Chairman's doing, of course. Who in their right mind-

"Zero! My dear son, what do you think?" The Chairman asked, twirling about the room madly. "It took daddy all night, but he got it finished, didn't he, Yuuki?"

A dark aura began encircling the tall prefect.

"He thinks that you are a twit, and that you have an obsession with us being your so called children," Yuuki interpreted. She walked into the kitchen and slipped the pudding into the fridge.

The Chairman sunk to the floor, crocodile tears streaming down his face. "I'm so hurt…."

Zero sighed as he took a seat at the dining table.

"Oh well." The Chairman's tears stopped and he stood up. What a flamboyant twit. "Time to resume cooking!" he tittered before he too, disappeared into the kitchen. "Yuuki! Help me with this, please!"


Zero slid back in his chair. Yet another Christmas in Cross Kaien's house that he'd have to put up with. He hated that warm fuzzy kind of feeling, it was very alien to him.

A crash came from the kitchen.

"Oi, are you two okay? Do you need some help?" Zero called out.

"N-N-No! We're fine Zero, don't worry!" Yuuki chirped.

"YUUUUUUUUUKI! Watch what you're doing-!"

Another crash.

"Woops! Sorry, Chairm – daddy!"

A sigh. "It's okay Yuuki."

Zero rolled his eyes. He stood up and started walking towards the kitchen when he heard the doorbell. He was genuinely startled.

Yuuki popped her head out from the kitchen. "Uh, um, sorry, Zero. But could you please get that? We have to mop up the egg on the floor."

"Yeah, sure," Zero muttered as he backtracked to the front door. He didn't even want to know what the eggs had been for…. He opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Kiriyuu-kun." Kuran Kaname greeted him kindly.

Zero's eyes widened. No. This couldn't have been happening. Did Yuuki invite him? Why?! Why?! "K-Kuran?" he regained his composure as best he could. "What are you doing here?"

Kaname smirked in his usual fashion before gesturing inside the house. "I just dropped by to say 'Merry Christmas' to Yuuki, I hope you don't mind."

Zero narrowed his eyes. "Whatever. Hang on a second… Yuuki! Someone's here to see you-!"

"Oh, Kaname-senpai! What are you doing here?" Yuuki asked as she materialized next to Zero. Flour and egg stains were covering the expanse of her clothes.

Kaname blinked in slight puzzlement. Was cooking really that… dangerous? "Merry Christmas, Yuuki."

"Oh? Thank you, Kaname-senpai!"

Zero folded his arms across his chest in a disapproving manner. And suddenly, Zero felt ridiculous. Well, more ridiculous than before, but ridiculous none the less. He felt like the horrible old grouch judging his daughter's boyfriend. Zero turned and left the two at the door so he could go back to being a lump sitting at the table. Better a lump than an old fart.

The Chairman bounced by to see what the commotion was about. "Oh, Kaname-kun! What a lovely surprise! Why don't you join us for Christmas dinner?"

Zero bit his lip and tried to smile. This was all a dream. They wouldn't dare –

"Chairman! Kaname-senpai might already have plans!"

"No, I don't actually," Kaname replied all too quickly.

Zero laughed, even as the corners of his mouth threatened to plummet below his chin. His eyes started watering with the effort.

"Oh, then come in, come in!" Yuuki said, smiling heavily as she guided the vampire into the dining room where Zero had given up pretending to be a crazed happy person. "Go sit with Zero. Dinner will be finished soon."


"Thank you, Yuuki," Kaname said in his smooth deep tone. He took the seat opposite Zero and placed his hands in his lap. "Merry Christmas to you too, Kiriyuu-kun."

Zero muttered something rude and undecipherable under his breath before mumbling an audible 'You too.'

Kaname smirked. This sure was going to be an interesting Christmas.


Okay, so dinner hadn't been so bad – apart from the food. Even Kaname had to pass on the egg and mayonnaise glazed ham. Zero had actually quite enjoyed the light topics and happy chatter. It was a change for him.

"Why don't you both go into the living room while the Chairman and I go get the pudding you made ready?" Yuuki suggested to Zero with a smile.

Kaname turned his attention to the silver-haired prefect with a raised brow. "You cook?"

Zero 'mm'ed. He stood and started walking to the living room with Kaname following closely behind.

"Stop!" Yuuki yelled as the two boys passed under the doorframe. "You two are under mistletoe! You know what that means, right?"

Oh no. Zero gripped his head in dread. Yuuki was a strong believer in these god damned traditions, and god how he'd copped it now.

Kaname looked at Zero with a wide eyed look which basically said: she's got to be kidding, right?

"…I think I had a small stroke," Zero murmured, glaring at the petite brunette still standing in the kitchen.

Yuuki acknowledged the two with a frown. "Come on! You have to!"

Zero sighed breathily as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yuuki," he said warningly.

"It's a tradition – you have to! Stop being such babies!"

Kaname opened his mouth. Go on then, Zero thought amusedly, your turn to get us out of this. "Yuuki, I hardly feel that this is appropriate, given the circumstances. Think of Zero, Yuuki, please be considerate of his feelings too."

Yuuki placed her hands on her hips. "Mistletoe is mistletoe. And you two are standing beneath it. Therefore, you have to kiss."

Zero had never wanted to thump a girl more in his life. Nice try, vampire.

"Yuuki…," Kaname sighed.

"Oh for god's sake," Zero huffed. On tip toes he leaned up and quickly pecked the suddenly amused vampire on his cold lips.

Yuuki smiled in pleasure.

Kaname felt the warm breath and lips on his own. They were quite a contrast to his own, he noted as Zero pulled away and stormed into the living room. Kaname followed, but little did they least expect, a certain blonde-haired ex-hunter had just taken the photo of his life.


"Hm, delicious," Kaname said. It was true, the pudding was marvelous. He scooped another spoonful and put it in his eager waiting mouth.

Zero's ears reddened.

"Oh Zero, you should cook more often!" The Chairman commented happily as Yuuki agreed, nodding her head.

A knock came from the front door.

"I'll get it," Zero said, getting up quickly from the couch he had been sharing with Kaname. He was relieved to get out of the embarrassing atmosphere. He opened the door and was met with yet another surprise. "Ichijo-senpai?"

"Sorry to have interrupted you, but we were just worried about our dorm leader, Kaname-sama. He hadn't returned at the designated time…." The blonde smiled.

"Kuran!" Zero shouted, and the pureblood was by his side in a second.

"Takuma. Well now, if you have come out to get me, then I suppose it's time to leave," Kaname said.

"N-No, that's alright, Kaname-sama. We were just a little worried," Ichijo said. He also, Zero realized belatedly, was wearing a happy Santa hat.

"Oh, you're leaving already?" The Chairman whined, suddenly have appeared at the door along with Yuuki.

"I'm afraid so, thank you so much for your hospitality," Kaname said, nodding his head in thanks to the Chairman.

"Thank you for coming, Kaname-senpai," Yuuki exclaimed cheerfully, despite his leaving.

Kaname dipped his head and gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning to Zero, also leaning in to kiss him on the cheek when he stopped himself. "Oh my," he exclaimed, embarrassed. "Well, I'll see you later, Zero."

Zero grunted, blushing as he did so.

Kaname turned and left, Ichijo by his side.

"Enjoyed the dinner I see," Ichijo commented with a smile.

Kaname 'hmm'ed.


A few days later, Kaname received mail, well, more like a photo from an anonymous sender. He smiled briefly before slipping it into his desk drawer, having long ago stopped thinking about the boy in the photo as just a mere shield.

Not sure about a sequel... but I kind of left it hanging, didn't I?

Oh well, I'll come back to it after Christmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! And Happy New Year! Thanks for supporting me through the year!

Love for you all : )
