![]() Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Beyblade, Naruto, Ocean's 11, and Dexter. Author's update(Dec. 7 2008) I'm going to be totally honest with all of you. I've been toying with the thought of leaving fanfiction for a while now. I don't remember the last time I read a Naruto manga and not a fanfiction, I haven't touched Harry Potter except as a reference since I finished the last book, and I can't seem to find it in my heart to finish the majority of my stories that now seem like crap. The only fics of mine that I can look at and not cringe are my oneshots and TBU. Looking back on it I realize that I've never really had the time to be writing like I have, therefore my writing has slipped. Tremendously. So yeah. Been thinking of fading away quietly. Until I wandered to my author's page in order to track down one of my fav stories and saw that amazingly TBU has reached 200 reviews. Since it's conception people have either loved or hated that story. Personally I love it. If I ever finish one of my chaptered fics it'll be TBU. It's written so much better than any of my other stories, excluding one or two of my oneshots. It's also much darker compared to my other stories. But it only has maybe a few dozen hardcore fans. So 200 reviews. Wow. Never thought I'd see it. Looking at it I have to keep in mind that quite a few of those are from people that told me it sucked and that I should rewrite the entire thing to suit them. So I said I can do this. I can at least finish this one. It may not be quick. It could take quite a while. But I'm working on it. I'm editing chapter eight right now, and writing chapter nine. They both should be up in a few weeks. Thanks everyone. About Hooked & Fixated Fun. That's all there was to it. Almost everyone who reviewed loved it apparently. I just wanted to address some concerns. The main problem the readers have had is with how emotional Dexter seems. I haven't read the books. If you're watching the tv show that I got my info from we've obviously been watching a different show entirely. There are so many hints about Dexter in the show that it makes a writer itch to write. The first thing I said when Rudy was introduced to Dexter, or even talking to Deb about him was "Does Rudy want to kill him or fuck him?" In the show Dexter feels for his sister. He wouldn't have saved her otherwise. He cared for Harry. Deeply. Why else would he have followed Harry's Code? Why would he go to all the trouble to have Paul put in jail, risking himself, if he didn't care for Rita and the kids. Yes, he may say over and over again that he doesn't feel, that he doesn't understand feelings. But he does feel. His emotions are just more darker than normal. That's why I wrote him so possessive of Harry (Potter that is). Another is where did Dexter get the information about Harry. From the newspapers. It's Canon HP that the wizarding world does have contact with the regular world. The Prime Minister would have to explain Deatheater attacks somehow. Use your imagination for the rest. My fics With A Stronger Faith Embrace: An AU Hellsing, Harry Potter Crossover. Integra dies but leave Alucard with some last orders. After all he's served the Hellsing family for four generations, why fix it if it ain't broken? Oneshot. Complete. Sequel up! Arashi ni narimasu: What would happen if Harry was raised by a relative that Dumbledore wasn't aware of? What if he was raised a shinobi? Follow Harry and his team as they take the Wizarding World by storm. Arashi no mae no shizukesa: Oneshots from the same universe as my story Arashi ni narimasu. This is a sidefic that goes more indepth. It explains what happened in the past and gives some ideas of how certain characters developed into who they are. A Reason To Stay: A twist on the twin story. What happens when it's found out after Voldemort's return that an abused Harry was the one who really defeated him? How will they convince him to help, especially since he was adopted by his great uncle? Mates: This insanity can be blamed on my cousin Sarah. It's a Beyblade fic. Rei/Takao. Basically it's set after G-Revolution so in the first few chapters Takao/Tyson is about 16 or 17. Rei and Kai split after G-Revolutions, Kai, for once, being the only one to say goodbye. Max decided to stick with Takao and Daichi and they renamed themselves the BBA Evolution. Some time passes and Takao makes a trip to Rei's village to get out of a marriage contract only to find that the one he's promised to doesn't seem to dislike the thought of marrying him... The Bastard Uchiha: My new baby. I originally had over 30 000 words typed up before my computer decided to break down on me. In the process of being rewritten, it's an AU Naruto and Harry Potter Xover. After being expelled for killing Quirrell and dealing with the newly developed Sharingan courtesy of his real father Uchiha Fugaku, Harry is more than a little lost in life. Until a charismatic blonde stranger decides to stick his nose into his business and take him on a wild ride. Nearly ten years later can Harry turn his back on his youngest brother like their father did to him? Obscure Facts: Notes and drabbles pertaining to TBU. Want to know how Orochimaru reacted to Arashi? Look no further. Wondering about the ironies of Arashi being a bastard child? Click and find out. Loved I Not Honor More: Summary: I've been accused of being a Dark Lord in the making and have been exiled from the Wizarding World. Now, I find myself pulled into Court intrigues, by a Queen that betrayed the cousin I never knew, who sees me as little better than Hellsing's pet abomination. As I struggle to save myself and those that call me Master, I and those who serve me face yet another threat. It seems that Alucard is not the last of the true nosferatu, another ancient has shown his face, upsetting the delicate balance of power in England. One that seems to have an unsettling fascination with me. -Yes, I've started the sequel to With a Stronger Faith Embrace. It will not be updated often. Light Mauve: Oneshot HP/Oceans Eleven. How not to have your wallet stolen in Vegas. Outsourcing & Papa Terry: HP/Ocean's Eleven drabbles, Slash. How to recruit a wizard. How to win over an overprotective father. Stick: HP/Oceans Eleven drabble. Harry really should find a safer place to store his wand. Name of the Game: HP/Ocean's fic. A series of drabbles portraying Rusty trying to fix his relationship with Harry. Slash. Hooked & Fixated: The same story, different category. A Dexter/Harry Potter drabbleshot. Slash obviously. Dexter's rambling thoughts about Harry. Update Info! I updated. Now go screw off for a while. I have a livejournal account now! I figured I'd need a backup incase this account was deleted. The address is http:// (Don't even bother going there, I think I managed a grand total of three chapters before I got sick of the whole layout. I know people complain about fanfiction but at least it doesn't overheat my computer.) Reviewing in General Meh, if you're rude I'll ignore you. Or I just don't have time to rant. If you are particularly offensive I'll humiliate you publically. Fitting huh? Namikaze Minato vs Arashi I'm aware of his true name. I'm not changing it. Get over it. |