Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Pen name: KyuubiMan (Yes, I know you already knew that) Internet personality's name: Daryuu (If I told you where it came from, you'd have me put away...) Real name: Never Y. Mind Age: 19 years as of June 24, 2007 Gender: Male, definitely male Hobbies: Coding, anime, manga, fanfics (duh), video games, science (I'm a nerd, deal with it), math (did I mention I'm a nerd?), random internet surfing, webcomics, and TV (not redundant because I hardly ever watch anime on TV any more). Favorite food: MEAT!!! Least favorite food: Watermelons (seriously, can't stand that crap) Likes: Everything in the hobbies and favorite food sections, time to myself (I'm a loner), the rain, and my mom's and sister's dogs. Dislikes: Watermelon, amerime (badly-dubbed anime; think U.S. Naruto), annoyingly idiotic people, and my mom's and sister's dogs. Favorite anime (now in alphabetic order): 2x2 Shinobuden, Bleach, Blue Gender, Case Closed/Detective Conan (saw it in English first), Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Samurai Champloo, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, and Trigun. Favorite anime phrase: "Kumo wa iiyona..." ("The clouds are so nice...") - Shikamaru mid-battle during the chuunin exam This is going to make a lot of people angry with me, but I've decided to give up on PtPW. For whatever reason, my motivation for writing it has disappeared completely, and I really have no lingering desire to see it written. The background story was actually pretty cool, but if I stop now it's still possible to put it in another story (should I ever come up with one). So... yeah, giving up. Sorry to those of you who have actually been patient with me all this time, but that's just how it all goes. If I'm not writing it for myself, I'm not going to write it at all. 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile. - I'm part of the two percent, so I copied and pasted it... I could fix the bad grammar, but I won't. |