![]() Author has written 34 stories for Harry Potter, X-Files, Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew, Pirates of the Caribbean, StarTrek: Voyager, Witch Hunter Robin, House, M.D., and Buffy X-overs. Basic info I am trying to catch up on a lot of fanfic pursuits while enduring graduate school. I've been writing fanfic for far too long (or so it sometimes seems - I started in high school; you do the math). I look back at some of my earlier stuff and cringe... I recently removed several of my old fics. Most of them were bad. I still think a lot of the earlier stuff I've left up is bad, but those fics are either awaiting completion or I think they can be revised without starting entirely from scratch. I hope I'm right, and that I get the time to fix those old fics. If not, then by leaving them up, I am at least reminded of the fact that I am continually growing as a writer and learning from earlier mistakes. And I will be honest - if I learn one of my fics has been sporked somewhere, I'll not be surprised. I have an LJ now - that's my profile link. I'll probably use it for fandom-related stuff. If anyone is interested in the normal boring goings-on of my life... look at my Xanga Feel free to friend me on LJ - just note that it applies to ALL of my fandoms, even ones I don't necessarily write for, and also, real life does sometimes intrude. But only sometimes. ;) Original writing also pops up, not all of which ends of on my FictionPress profile. Writing/Fanart Links Hardy Detective Agency - My penname here is "Sparrow." Fics accepted by the HDA: The Bedtime series, Holiday Trials, One Step From Reality, and The Bet (HDA-only at the moment) TesubCalle's sketch for "Holiday Trials, Test 1" can be found on my Xanga under the November 1, 2005 entry, My LJ , or on the Intro page for Holiday Trials on the HDA. http:/// - Twisting the Hellmouth. Penname: SparrowJaneway "Witch," written for the WHR fandom, is also on MediaMiner and DeviantArt, but I don't really have anything else on those accounts. Other Fic Status: Vampire - Harry Potter Undergoing revision as of May 1, 2007. Chapter 8 in progress. Irreparable Damage I: Separation Anxiety - Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Undergoing revision as of October 13, 2008. "Bedtime" Universe (Series of one-shots) - Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Updated October 9, 2008. Current fics in this 'verse (in order) 1. Bedtime 2. The Day Before Mother's Day 3. Mother's Day 4. When In Neverland (ambiguous timeframe) Candles in the Dark - Witch Hunter Robin - Collection closed at 50 chapters. Completed October 9, 2008 A Promise Made - Nominated for Best Anime Crossover in the 2008 Crossing Over Awards at Twisting the Hellmouth. I used to say I wouldn't abandon fics once started. I've since learned something - there are fics I still think are salvageable: Irreparable Damage (H/D) & Vampire (HP). I genuinely want to complete them. But they need major revision before I can continue writing them - Vampire should be made more complaint with the HP series, especially now that all 7 books are out. Irreparable Damage underwent some major changes and I need to map the new plot out. The unfinished HP works I pulled? I have no interest in completing them. I was going to finish them out of sheer stubbornness, except that if I'd done that, the fics would've suffered as a result. I apologize to all who enjoyed them, but I can no longer continue working on them. As such, Nightmaring the Dream, Preserving the Present, and After have been pulled. |