Author has written 40 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Misc. Books, Brokeback Mountain, and RENT. Update, August 2018: Yes, I do intend to finish Another Prisoner, Another Professor! I've spent the last few years having two babies, dealing with some health issues, having my fanfic skills monopolized by a kid who insists I make up stories about Winnie the Pooh, Paw Patrol, and Octonauts, and, within the last year, getting consumed by Call Me By Your Name and its fandom. APAP has always been a tough fic to write because I have to manage all my clues and red herrings while remembering all the details of the HP universe and all the ways that the AU differs. It's kind of daunting at times, and I tend to be a perfectionist with my writing. I appreciate all the devotion to this fic from its fans and I hope to be able to update soon. The chronological order of the If In The Series is as follows: If In The Beginning, If In The Past, If In The Future, If In The End, and If In The Heavens. I've always said that they can be read in any order, which is why their summaries say "part of the If In The Series"; most readers have read them chronologically. I don't loathe this series, but looking back I consider it to be very much an early work. It's also certainly one written before OotP. Some days I think I did a pretty good job for my first works, and other times I want to crawl under a rock. I have assorted NC-17 fics on and under the name Marauder The Slash Nymph. The Language Series is not going to continue. I don't know enough of the little details about LotR to make it is good as it could be and should be, and I don't have the time or the desire to do so. I hope you like my fics. My favorite ones are Another Prisoner, Another Professor; In A Time Of Uncertainty; Ultimatum; People Sirius Loves; and Late and Belated. |