![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Discworld. Hello. I'm catzetier, which username is based on a combination of English and German. I was previously known as dreamspell on fictionalley, but it's years since I've been on there and I've managed to entirely forget my password, so... Anyway. I've reposted a one-shot I did as dreamspell (many, MANY years ago - back in the Dark Ages) which I still find funny... although since it's a Discworld/Harry Potter crossover it couldn't really be anything BUT hilarious in aim. That one's called Death's Horcrux and it's the first fanfiction I ever completed that had at least a little bit of plot attached, even if it was only there to hang the jokes off of. I only manage to write when I either have a brainwave or a deadline, and since this is fanfiction there are no deadlines involved - ergo brainwave it will have to be. I also don't do well with plotting out stories in advance, so what happens is that I write them all the way to the end and then go back and plug any plotholes. This in turn means that I will never start posting a story that isn't already finished. It drives me mad when I start reading a tale and it stops halfway-though and never goes any further, so I refuse to inflict that on my readers. My imagination tends to be either utterly crackpot or dark enough to scare me half to death. When I write funny, I let "crackpot" have full control. When I write serious, I try to keep a lid on "dark" so that I can actually enjoy reading my own stories. I'm a Christian, and I found that giving Dilemma's Horns to Jesus to have Lordship over really helped with this (to most of you this probably makes no sense, but it's the key reason why the story is not diabolically dark in every sense of the word "diabolical" - and don't worry; I vomit at hopelessly pushy Christian writing as much as anyone! If you have to shove it down people's throats then it's a badly-written story. Case in point: my favourite film is and will probably forever be Dragonheart which is almost unbelievably Christian in terms of theme and worldview but above all just tells a fantastic story, and it was marketed as a secular film... and I can't stand most of the stuff that's found on the shelves of the local Christian bookshop!) And one thing that my imagination has never, ever done is romance - I will put up with it when reading, but if it's the main point of the story I won't see ANY point to the story. So if you're looking for romance, you won't find it here. The most you'll find here is friendship. My fic is exclusively gen. What else? Let's see... well, I'm in my thirties and apparently haven't grown up yet. My main fandom is Harry Potter, but I went off the originals years ago because of a really disturbing bit of subtext that I don't think Rowling noticed, but which I couldn't ignore. Thank whydoyouneedtoknow's Dangerverse for me sticking around in the HP fandom until her Be Careful, which in turn meant that I could actually revisit the story that's been haunting me ever since the Prisoner of Azkaban BOOK came out without giving myself nightmares. Her Be Careful is the key reason why Dilemma's Horns got continued past the second chapter - where it was abandoned ten years ago - at all. Although if you're new to her works, I'd start off with the Dangerverse if I were you. I enjoy fanstuff in a range of fandoms - including Harry Potter, Avatar: the Last Airbender (but not Korra), Rise of the Guardians, Sherlock, Pokemon (if the author can write a decent Mewtwo, that is...) and I have been known to dip into many, many more. I'm trying to avoid doubling-up with my favourites lists, so if I like most of what an author's written (in fandoms I like, that is), they have the great honour of making it onto my Favourite Authors List. Getting onto my Favourite Stories list is a lot easier... all you have to do is write one thing I like to get on there. :-) |