![]() Author has written 21 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Bleach, Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Originals, and 100. 1/1/17 Welcome back my friends. I know I've been missing for a while. Going back to school has taken its toll on my writing for pleasure and for that I apologize. However, I've managed a 3.67 GPA and am transferring to HARVARD (yes, THE Harvard) to finish my degree in their creative writing program. At this point, it seems the hard work has paid off. Right now I'm taking a semester off to work and rebuild my savings up which means the reading I do will be for pleasure and not educational purposes. This also means the WRITING gets to be for pleasure rather than educational purposes. Thank goodness for small miracles. Here's a thank you to everyone who has checked in on me along the way. I'm now wading through the PMs and getting back to everyone. If you've sent me something and haven't heard back, it'll probably be soon. So! On to the writing news! Right now I'm very excited to announce that I'm working on a sequel to Moving in the Dark. I've been inspired to work on this particular story for a while and I'm finally getting the opportunity to write it. I can't wait for you guys to see what's in store for these characters. 10/1/15 It's been a while since I updated my profile! I just want to say thank you to everyone who came back for the ending of Moving in the Dark. What a labor of love that story has been. To everyone who left me feedback, I'll never be able to thank you enough. I'm working on a new TW story called "Nothing Left to Say." It's quite a bit darker and grittier than MitD but I'm totally in love with it. I really hope you guys will check it out and let me know if it's working for you. For all my readers from other fandoms...I promise I'm coming back. But I seem to go through cycles of writing and Teen Wolf is really tripping my trigger right now. I'm not abandoning any stories. I promise. I just have to wait until they sing to me again, otherwise you aren't going to get the quality you want and I won't be having fun anymore. 9/28/13 So some of you may have noticed that my TVD Story, "Slipping Underneath" has been removed from the site. In order for me to submit it for review to be published on Kindle Worlds through Amazon, I had to take it down. It has been accepted and published! Talk about a dream come true. I couldn't have done that without the support of you guys. The e-book is available for $3.99 on Amazon. I've included the link below. Thank you in advance for anyone who decides to purchase this book. I can't thank you enough. Writing for a living has been my dream since I was very small. Thank you all. A little about me? I'm 32 and the mother of four little darlings, Harper (11), Lucas (9), Sarah (7), and Kaitlyn (4). I am back in school full-time and am a writer. I'm working on a book that I hope to get published at some point, but I like to write fan fiction in between to keep me from getting writer's block. I grew up in Virginia, spent six years in Alabama, and now I live in Wisconsin. I love to read, write, crochet, and cross-stitch...when I get the time. I try to write a little of something every day, whether it's on my book or one of my fics. Now that I've started posting here, I'll make sure to continue doing so in a timely manner. With that said, I AM a mom so sometimes things come up that keep me from writing. But I'll do my best and I hope you don't mind sticking around for the results. Pet Peeves: Ship bashers. There is no wrong or right. Everyone is entitled to their own creative expression. People who start their summaries with "I suck at summaries." If that line, or one like it, is in anyone's summary, I automatically skip the story. It makes you sound insecure, even if you are a good writer. Flamers, you know who you are. There is no reason why you have to read a story that you don't like. Don't ruin it for other people. |