Reviews for Damned If You Don't
SarahDrav3n chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
I am impressed! You are a very good writer, thank you for your work. I would write you so much more - but my english spelling is not so good :) and with my random hungarian gibberish you are not helped out :) But I have one more thing: I saw the story as one episode of the series in my head, with all the dark atmosphere and everything ... thanks chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Professional! Engaging, and exceptionally well written. The author has orginal concepts that are in line with the show, without being just re-treads. Good job ! And oh yeah, the smut is juicy too!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
You should continue little domestic fics Witt this couple. I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
You're probably my favorite Clairedevil writer *o*
pumkinteacup chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Ugh! Such a brilliant fic here just, ugh, bravo!

I loved every minute of this. Not only did you bring parts of Matt's life (Foggy, Karen, his father) but you also brought along parts of Claire's life within this fic which I hope to see more of in the show. Claire's cousin and her huge defense of him, Matt's arguing that he is of a criminal was great. They both made great sides, her cousin was only just a kid when he had gotten into drugs and growing up in a tough neighborhood, people do make mistakes and that truly does not create their full identity (and the whole him already knowing he won't be able to receive fafsa because of his time in jail broke my heart). Everyone is deserving of second chances! And ohhhhh! The fight they had and the throwing of the mug, DAMN! That was quite ... startling. Felt like I was there myself, experiencing what Claire was experiencing. Having them just both go at it was just a treat because of course their relationship is going to have some speed bumps, couples fight! And even more so when someone within the relationship is a vigilante! Also I loved how apologetic Matt was when they got intimate. That catholic guilt must have killed him and making it up to her the morning after xD I can toads see that. I just completely felt the chemistry here. So real, so in character, so excellent! Be very proud of yourself and I hope you continue on writing on these two :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
He said I love you! Goodness, this made me so happy. I hope you continue to write about them!
yeahthathappens chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
Sexy, emotionally deep and realistic. You are a fantastic writer