Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hey everyone! My name is Mandy, I'm 20, I live in Florida, I can't drive (too scared for some reason), and I work in a coffee shop but I don't drink a lot of coffee. I'm more addicted to Red Bull. I swear, those drinks will either give me a heart attack or make me go broke. I guess I'll see which happens first. Fan fiction is wonderful. :) I love seeing what other authors come up with outside of canon. I'm more of a reader then a writer, but I have a few stories out there. I mainly read Harry Potter fan fiction, but I may stray to another fandom every once in a while. If you have a Tom Riddle story then send me a message to let me know. I LOVE Tom Riddle stories. Favorite pairings: Harry Potter - Tom Riddle/anyone, but to be more specific: Tom/Hermione, Tom/Minerva, Tom/Harry (sometimes), and Tom/Luna (I wish there were more Tom/Luna's written, but it's a pretty rare pairing, which sucks because it's brilliant!) Harry Potter/Hermione (sometimes) Lily/Snape Hermione/Cedric Hermione/Snape (It has to be really well written though, and they both have to be in character for me to like them together.) Twilight - Edward/Bella (They annoy me sometimes, but that series is based around them, so you just have to accept them.) Bella/Jacob Alice/Jasper Where to find me: LiveJournal is where you'll find me, so if any of you want to chat then just head over here: http:/// Updates: Once I finish a story I tend to forget about it. As soon as Saving His Soul was complete, I never went back to read over it for mistakes and what not (I needed a long break from that story) and after recently re-reading just the first chapter I felt sick to my stomach. This was the first fan fic that I had ever written, and I wasn't too worried about grammar, thinking that no one would really read it. The chapters became slightly better over time, but I still never had a beta look over much of them. I plan on re-writing it. I won't be changing too much, but many things need to be re-done. I'm going to get started on it right away and hopefully it won't take me too long. (It probably will though, since there are a lot of mistakes.) ;) |