Disclaimer: Its all Rowling, baby.

Note from author: This will eventually become a Tr/Hg fic. My very First one!

Summary: All Tom wants is a challenge.

This Day in Age

Chap 1: Circumstances

Very little was expected of a woman in 1944.

Besides giving birth, a woman was groomed from childhood to cook, clean, and care for her husband and children. Women were left with very few options, and little was different in the wizarding world. In fact, besides the need to learn simple domestic household spells it was debated why it was necessary to send girls to Hogwarts at all.

With their only resource being to marry, and marry well, the whole of Hogwarts was brimming with vapid, giggling, doe-eyed gold-diggers.

At least that's what Tom thought of them as he passed a gaggle on his way to Potions. Every. Last. One. But he smiled, and managed a charming "Evening, Ladies." just the same. He had a reputation to maintain, after all. Whispers and giggles were all he recieved in return as they passed him by. As he turned to walk away one girl broke from he group and tugged gently at the sleeve of his outer robes.

"Tom?" Her voice was soft, timid and vaguely familliar.

"Tom?" she repeated. He turned


She kept her eyes were averted, never looking at him directly for more than a moment. Her mousy brown hair fell to her waist. She was clutching a Divination textbook tightly to her chest.

"Do you think you could meet me in the library later on?...To erm..Study?"

Ah, now he remembered her. Lucy. Lucy...Something. Ravenclaw.

"I'm terribly sorry Lucy, I've got a meeting with the prefects that will take up most of the evening and being Head Boy and all and I'm afraid I simply must attend...Perhaps tomorrow?"

"Ah, Yes" She said. Eyes to the floor. No attempt to hide the dissapointment. "Tommorrrow, then."

"Well, Good Evening then Lucy." He managed an unnoticably forced smile, then turned to leave.

'Silly girl.' Tom thought. The last thing he needed was a needy, clingy girl shamelessly following him around like a lost puppy. As a boy, Tom asserted to never associate with girls or succumb to their wiles and lies. Now that he was older, However. He learned that they were very useful when he wanted to sate more carnal needs. But once he was through with them, he always made it clear that their services were no longer required. This Lucy girl was no different. He never worried that one of them would start blubbering about his mistreatment of them. In 1944 a witch would rather eat flubberworms than admit that she was not completely untouched by male hands before she was married.

But it was all too easy. Far to easy to single a girl out and charm her with a few sweet words and gentle touches. He was handsome. He was Head Boy. He had a bright future ahead of him. And in their eyes, excellent marriage material. They would bat their eyelashes, smile widely, and feign interest. Fantasizing that they were snagging the next Minister of Magic. But he wasn't biting, and they were easily fooled.

What he really wanted was someone who could match him. Match him in intelligence and ambition. Where would he find a girl like that? Definately not this day in age.

So that's it! the very first chapter of my very first fic! Hope you all like! constructive critisizm is welcome but no flames please.
