Disclaimer: this story does not belong to me.

Author's notes: this is a re-post and the first chapter is a combination of chapters 1 and 2. Some of you may wonder why this stroy was taken off in the first place. well...the only explanation i have to offer involves a very young, naive, and pesky little sibling...

Tempora Mutantur

She fell. The sound of splashing water and mud lost amongst the clatter and cacophony of the battlefield.

It was madness, it was death; it was a losing battle.

Everyone knew it.

There would be no sunrise, no light to mark the dawning of a new day, not for her, at least.

Hermione Granger looked to her right at the tuft of red hair covered in grime and blood. Its owner had died not long after the battle had begun. Just beyond the field, she could make out the crumpled corpse of Harry Potter, defeated at last by the Dark Lord, the memory still fresh as his body gave out under the killing curse, back arching gracefully, even as he fell.

The screams were beginning to die down now, as the last remaining members of the Order could suffer no more of the curses being thrown their way. The wall of human shields slowly collapsing, making entry for the Death Eaters to sweep through the battlefront.

Hermione clutched tightly at the small first- year girl in her arms, as she struggled to rise and seek shelter within the familiar walls of the school. It was only a matter of time now. Only a matter of time before the grounds of Hogwarts was infiltrated.

Ironic, that this should be the place where it would all end. That a place of so many happy memories should soon be her grave.

Behind her, sparks of green light shoot off into the distance like fireworks.

It won't be long now, Hermione tells herself.

Practically dragging the first- year, she runs towards the double doors. All the first- years are secured safely within the school, but not for long. When the Death Eaters come within the walls of Hogwarts, it would be nothing short of a slaughter. Someone had to ensure these children would be given a fighting chance.

Even if there was no other way out of this thing alive, except surrender.

But she was a Gryffindor, and Gryffindors never surrender. She owed it to the memories of her friends and family to carry out their dying wishes. Even if no hope was to be had. Even if they were fighting against impossible odds.

Hermione forced herself to remember that they had fought against impossible odds before and won. Ah, but you're all alone now. There is no one else left. They are all gone.

Another flash of green lightning. Another wave of screams.

It was only a matter of time.

She runs up the steps and throws open the doors, dropping the girl in her arms only long enough to yell out orders for immediate evacuation.

The first years stand confused. They do not yet know that Harry Potter, their saviour, is dead. They think she has gone mad.

And maybe she has. She can almost hear the footsteps of the approaching Death Eaters. Frantically, she screams at the first –years to run, scatter, do anything but stand there looking at her with that wretched hope in their eyes.

They were doomed. They were all doomed.

In her mind, she could make out the ticking of a clock. Tick. Footsteps in the mud can be heard approaching the school. They have broken through the front. Tock. Crash. The walls shudder as a blast of curses collides with those old protection spells cast upon Hogwarts long ago.

Tick. Another shudder. Tock. Bang. Hermione looks to the double doors, charmed and bolted. Their last resistance. The first- years are frantic now. Running in every direction, understanding their situation at last.

Tick. The door splinters but manages to hold.

Hermione finds that her heart is racing, even if she knows the inevitable outcome. Even if she is prepared to face death. Tick. She pulls out her wand. Tock. She will go down like the rest of them, she tells herself, proud and courageous, worthy of the title of Gryffindor.

Tick tock. Tick tock.



It was only a matter of time, really, she repeated to herself.

Only a matter of time…only a matter of-

And then it hit her. They could still win.