A Single Picture
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Me I had two pictures. Two pictures caused the 'Golden Trio' to have its worst fight yet. I'm Hermione Granger and this is the story of my sixth year at Hogwarts.
Ch 1 Times Keeper
I stepped off the platform at Hogsmeade station and breathed in the cool night air. An arm draped around my shoulder and Harry grinned down at me.
"It'll be a great year" I said or at least I hoped it would be.
I pulled Crookshanks closer to me as Harry led the way to the carriages. He helped me up and followed me in then came Ginny and Luna then Ron and Neville. The ride to the castle was a quiet one. Harry still refused to talk about Sirius. I was last out of the carriage and last into the castle I bent down to let Crookshanks off when I was pushed hard from behind. I fell on the hard stone floor I felt my wrist twist and knew it would be soar for a week. I got up and turned around to see the culprit who just happened to be Malfoy.
"That's were you belong Mudblood" he said a sneer on his pale face
"That's were you belong Malfoy " I said spitting on the floor at his feet.
"Why you little bit-"
"Mr. Malfoy finish that sentence and you will start your year with detention" McGonagall said walking out of the Great Hall.
I brushed past Malfoy quickly and went into the hall. I found Harry and Ron and sat in front of them. They were talking about Quidditch. After dinner we went to Gryffindor tower together and then after goodnights we went to our respective dormitories.
The next morning I heard Harry and Ron's voices drift from down the boys dormitory. I stopped to listen.
"Hermione has changed hasn't she. In appearance I mean?" Ron asked Harry.
"Yeah she looks like a woman now."
I smiled in spite of myself and continued down the stairs to greet my friends.
"Morning guys. I can't wait to get down to breakfast and see our new schedules." I said leading the way to the Great Hall. During breakfast Harry and Ron stuffed their faces while I waited anxiously for the class schedule. It came and I read it happily to Harry and Ron:
"First thing Care of Magical Creatures, Then Herbology, and after lunch double Charms"
We headed for Hagrids hut after breakfast. When we got there Hagrids voice called out to us.
"Ello Harry, Ron, Hermione. Gotta real treat fer ya today. couldn't wait to show ya."
Just then the rest of the class came into view and Hagrid began to speak again.
" Gather roun gather roun. Can ya all see? Good. Now wha I'm bout to show ye is a very rare magical creature" he said indicating a covered cage " now I'm gonna tell ya not to scream or make sudden movements. He won' like it. Ready? " he slowly lifted the cloth off the golden cage. Inside was an elfish looking creature onlt it was all white with gold runes all over its body. "now this is a Time Keeper. It can travel back an' forth in time. The special thing bout a time keeper is it can take people with it throu time. I's dangerous caus ya don' choose wha time ya go at. It chooses for ya. Now if ya have a question raise your han very slowly" I slowly began to put my hand up when someone shoved me hard from behind. I flew straight into the Time Keepers cage before anyone could react.
To me it seemed as if time had stopped then a blinding light appeared followed by swirls of seemingly every color. Then it stopped and I fell face first into the grass. I picked my head up slowly and looked around, the castle was still there as well as Hagrids hut so I can't have gone to back or forward in time. I stood up and grabbed my bag from the floor and went up to the castle. As I entered I looked around for anything hinting to what time I could have been in other than a few different portraits it looked the same. I made my way to the headmasters office. Half way there a voice stopped me in my tracks.
" you should be in class young lady" he said I turned around to face him and nearly fainted. It was Dumbledore but he was at least fifty years younger. It started to get hard to breathe and I began to sweat "what Year is it " I gasped out.
He looked a bit puzzled but answered any way, " the date is September 2nd 1943 " I should have known. I burst into tears suddenly. I felt Dumbledore leading me somewhere he sat me down and I felt a tissue being pressed into my hand. The tears finally stopped
"I'm sorry professor for reacting that way" I said my voice a little choked.
"its quite alright miss…"
" Granger, Hermione Granger."
"well then miss Granger care to share why a date can cause you so many tears?" he said smiling kindly. I smiled back and told him my story. He seemed very deep in thought for a while then finally looked at me.
" well Miss Granger I believe you but I don't think it wise to go parading about telling people you know what happens in the future. So I was thinking a cover story would be good until we can find you a way home. So we will tell the headmaster you are my niece and your parents have died in a freak accident so you have come to school with me, for you are in my charge. You are Hermione Dumbledore okay?" I gave a weak smile "okay uncle Albus" " perfect lets present our story to headmaster Dipit" I followed him from the classroom he led the way to the heads office. We reached the stone gargoyles and Dumbledore said the pass word (pride and prejudice) and we went up the stone staircase and knocked on the door. " come in" came an agitated voice. We entered as the headmaster sat behind his desk." Ah Albus what can I do for you?"
"Well Armando you see my great niece here has lost her parents and they left me to take care of her I was hoping you would allow her to attend Hogwarts as a student." Dumbledore said not unkindly. Armando took in my tear stained face and black cloak. "very well. Your name?" he said pulling out a piece of parchment.
"Hermione Dumbledore" I told him
"Alright miss Dumbledore you have to be sorted" Armando said fetching the sorting hat off the shelf behind his desk. He placed the hat on my head. I waited for the voice of the sorting hat. 'interesting' the hat said ' you don't belong here miss Granger but I have to sort you. You were Gryffindor before well you will definitely need courage now. But how about a warning before I let you continue with your journey, you mustn't interfere with the past go about as how you live stick to your story do not tell anyone you aren't from this time or you will definitely alter something that should not have been changed. if you change the past you will alter the future. Gryffindor!" the hat was pulled from my head as it shouted the last word.
" excellent miss Dumbledore you are a Gryffindor like your uncle as he is your head of house hw will show you around get you situated and everything. Now if you don't mind I have some important matters to attend to good day Albus" Armando said Dumbledore nodded and we left his office. We went back to Dumbledore's office and he spoke
"before we go further what classes did you take back home?" I told him which classes I had taken. He wrote them down and tapped the parchment and gave it to me. It was now my class schedule.
"you will start classes tomorrow but first we have to get you some new things. To Hogsmeade I believe" he said smiling and he led the way to Hogsmeade. In Hogsmeade I got everything I would need for the year plus some then Dumbledore insisted we go into Honey Dukes and get tons of candy. When we finished shopping he took me to Gryffindor tower he waited while I got cleaned up and changed. then we headed to dinner together.
When we got there is sat nearest the head table. I got curious looks but no one said anything. Finally the hall was packed and Armando stood up
"I have an announcement before we start dinner we have a new 6th year joining us her name is Hermione Dumbledore and yes she is kin to our very own transfiguration professor. Hermione please stand up." I stood and smiled everyone clapped there were even a few cat calls then everything settled again as dinner started. I ate quickly then left the hall praying for solitude before I was forever questioned by my new dorm mates. I was at the bottom of the stair case when someone called out to me. I turned around and there stood an extremely handsome boy of about my age.
/this is the first story I've posted on a fan fiction network it's a Hermione/Tom Riddle ship I hope you guys review it gets better and your reviews will encourage me to write more. THANKS/