Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, King Arthur, Covenant, and Greek Mythology.
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"B R E A T H I N G"
a Covenant fic
Name: Rita
Age: 18
Weapon Of Choice: Mostly, I do romance...I am a sap by heart
Writing Philosophy: I have five; namely:
1. I don't write stories, they write themselves...I am just the lowly typist
2. Characters have a mind of their own so I can't force them to do whatever I want. I am a writer, not God
3. Human emotion is what makes a story good, lose it and you will lose your story.
4. To capture an audience, you must be able to relate to them. Write something universal, not something fantasmagoric
5. The imagination is a cute little puppy, it may be energetic for a while...but it needs to rest too.
The Lines I Draw: I have one for each of my dear categories. You will find that these are not open to negotiations and I am very protective of them all.
Harry Potter
Draco/Hermione - this is my HP OTP. I am not delusional because DHr is canon and anyone who says otherwise is just blind to the technique of reading between the lines, among these ignorant disbelievers is a woman named JK Rowling.
Tom/Hermione - people say this is creepy...these people find themselves proven wrong everytime. He is not an old man yet people...give the guy a break.
Cedric/Hermione - it could so happen! Ever heard of behind the scenes!
Seamus/Dean - they are so cute! This is the only slash I read so the pairing is great!
Sirius/Hermione and James/Hermione - i like the young version ones...they are both so hot! i realize that james and harry are like carbon copies, but very diffrent attitiudes mind you
Little Women
Laurie/Jo - am I the only person frustrated that this didn't come to pass!
Pride and Prejudice
Mr. Darcy/Elizabeth - a classic.
Lord Of The Rings
Faramir/Eowyn - don't tell me that you didn't get angry when they cut this from the movie...this couple is so underated
Legolas/OC - ok give the elf a girl! He can't be that gorgeous and not have one.
Recca No Honoo
Tokiya/Fuuko - anyone who claims otherwise is a big fat liar...admit it people! They belong togther!
Raiha/Fuuko - he calls himself her prince. Nuff said.
Recca/Yanagi - monkeys need their zoo keepers and Yanagi was the most patient they could find
Kurei/Fuuko - he needs a girl who can deflate that ego of his. Come on people, Kurei-chan needs some lovin' too!
Fushigi Yuugi
Hotohori/Miaka - this is the way it was written. The rest of the story was a misprint.
King Arthur
Knights/OC - everybody deserves some lovin'
Tristan/Isolde - they were meant to be together, whether in this life or the next
The Covenant
Caleb/Sarah - cutie! that is all i have to say
Wayne/Beatrice - young or old, the chase is still the best part of the game
Pogue/OC - ha. i don't like Kate. sorry to the fans.
Reid/OC - badboys getting the girl?! is there anything like it?
Tyler/OC - Baby Boy with a girl is adorable!