Hermione's secret desire

Thsi is the sequal to my "Roll to me" fic which you don't have to have read before hand but you can if you want. Well read on.
I own nothing!

The next few days were spent in agony for both parties. Tip-toeing around the castle and making sure every thing seems normal. The incident had left both individuals in a state but another was more disturbed than Draco or Hermione. Harry lay on his bed the whole weekend contemplating on what he saw. Should he tell Ron or not? Should he tell Hermione or not? By the end of Sunday night he still had not come up with a conclusion and decided to seek out help from some one with more wisdom and knowledge on these matters. His girlfriend Ginny.

"Hey Hun. What's the problem?" Ginny asked looking up from her book. She lifted an arm and Harry sat down on the soft by her and fell into her embrace. Ginny could tell something was wrong. She always could.

"It's-" Harry paused for just a moment to consider his options once more. "It's Hermione" He said in one swift breath. This caused Ginny to raise a ginger eyebrow in his direction, prodding him to go on. "I saw do something- something bad". At this Ginny stiffened in her seat. "No nothing like that." He correct and felt Ginny relax back into the armchair.

Ginny asked "Than what was it?" obviously quite annoyed that Harry was keeping this from her.

"You know that night when she ran out of the common room in a wreak because her fight with Ron?" Harry's love made a sound of appetence before he moved on. "Well, I went out looking for her and when I found her she was- she was- she was kissing Draco Malfoy" Harry said rushing the last part. The quicker he said it the quicker it would be over and done with. But as soon as the words left his lips it all became real. To real for his liking. He felt Ginny's breath catching in her through from shock. The silence that followed made Harry curse himself.

After a few minuets Ginny spoke. "Well. What's the problem?" At the look on Harry's face Ginny continued. "It's up to her who she wants to see and kiss. If that's what she wants and it makes her happy then so what?" However, the look on Harry's face remained the same before he got up and walked back to his dorms.

And that's the end of that chapter (giggles at Simpsons quote).