Author's Note: Ok, here we go. This is the sequel to Let the Music Heal Your Soul. I'm hoping for this one to be a little funnier and lighter. I hope you enjoy. I'll have to explain some of the characters as we go along.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from the Harry Potter books. I did, however, make up their children.


Hermione Malfoy stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom examining her body. She turned to the side and gave a frustrated sigh before pulling her shirt over her head and looking closer. That was how Draco found her.

"Sweetie, what on earth are you doing?" he asked. He set down his jacket, pulled his shirt off, and came to stand behind her in his wifebeater. He bent down and kissed her neck. "Are we looking for something special?" Hermione shook her head.

"No, just imagining," she said. Draco grinned and kissed her again.

"Imagining what exactly?" She smoothed her hand across her flat stomach and shrugged.

"Just what I'll look like in a little bit when I get bigger and my pants won't fit anymore and…" She saw Draco's eyes widen and turned to face him with a grin spreading across her face.

"You're… we're… I'm…?" he sputtered. The grin widened.

"Yes, I'm, we're, you're," she said. Draco grabbed her and spun her around the room before kissing her long and hard.

"We're going to have a baby?" he said, laughing whole-heartedly.

"Yeah, we are."


Hermione shook herself out of the memory with a sigh. That had been seventeen years before, and every time one of the kids did something stupid she tried to call up that memory so she could recall how happy she and Draco had been when they found out one was coming, and so she wouldn't kill one of them. She felt the beginnings of a headache and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Alexis, Phillip! Get down here right this minute!" Hermione yelled up the stairs. Her two youngest children came thundering down the stairs and skidded to a stop.

"Yes Mum?" twelve year old Alexis asked innocently. Hermione stood with her hands on her hips.

"Would either of you care to tell me why your brother is tied to a chair in the backyard? Or better yet, why your brother is tied to a chair five feet above the ground in the backyard?"

"I don't know," Phillip said quietly. Hermione knelt down in front of her seven year old son and looked him straight in the eye.

"I think you do Phillip," She said. He looked at his mum and then glanced at his big sister.

"It was Lexi's idea!" he cried.

"You little brat!" Alexis yelled.

"Quiet down both of you and please tell me why you tied Oliver to a chair and why he is suspended from a tree."

"He fell asleep," Lexi said.

"You tied him to a chair because he fell asleep?"

"Before he fell asleep he wouldn't stop talking about Delia. He was so bloody annoying. When he fell asleep, I tied him up. He struggled quite a bit but by the time he woke up he was already tied to the chair so there was really nothing he could do. And I figured there was no better time to try out the pulley system Dad taught me about. He was right; it took almost no physical effort." Hermione sighed.

"Where's your father?"

"He got home a few minutes ago. He's upstairs."

"Thank you Alexis. You and your brother got to your rooms. We'll talk about punishment later. Draco!" Draco Malfoy passed his daughter and son on his way down the stairs.

"Hey honey," he said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey honey. Thanks to your little physics lesson with Alexis, you get to go retrieve your son, who is currently handing from a tree five feet above the lawn," she said. Draco's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No, she didn't!" She nodded. "She did. Oh wow honey I'm sorry. I'll go get him down." Draco sprinted for the back door and Hermione could hear him yelling.

"Hang on Oliver. I'll have you down in just a second."

She waited for a few minutes before her eldest son came stalking in from the yard. He pushed his curly blonde hair out of his eyes and his bright blue eyes met his mother's brown ones.

"I'm going over to Delia's. I hope that Alexis actually gets called on this one." He glared up the stairs and a few seconds later Hermione heard the front door slam. Draco came in a few minutes later.

"Where's Oliver?" Hermione crossed her arms over her chest.

"He went over to Harry and Ginny's to see Delia."

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I never imagined she would take it this far. I'll talk to her."

"Damn right you will. I just don't understand why she can't seem to behave," she sighed. Draco came up and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'll have a talk with her and we'll work something out. Don't worry too much about it okay?" Hermione nodded and Draco dropped a kiss on her forehead.

"Go talk to her, but don't forget we have to go over to Liam and Lekeliene's to plan Harry's party." Draco nodded.

"Finally, some adult time." Hermione grinned and kissed him soundly. "Though hanging out with our friends is not the kind of adult time I was hoping for…" He lowered his head to kiss her and heard a little voice from the bottom of the stairs.

"Eww, that's gross!" They turned to see Phillip looking very disgusted.

"Yeah, yeah, you say that now, but just you wait," Draco told his son. Phillip pulled a face.

"No way, I'll never ever kiss a girl!" he yelled. Draco laughed and scooped him up as he headed up the stairs.

"Whatever you say little man." Hermione listened to her husband and son giggle as they disappeared up the stairs and smiled. She turned back to the backyard and found herself frowning.

There was still the matter of the chair in the tree.


Okay, so let me explain some of the characters we've been introduced to so far.

Oliver is Hermione and Draco's oldest son, he's 17.

Alexis is the next oldest of their kids, she's 12

Phillip is the youngest of Draco and Hermione's, he's 7

Delia is Oliver's girlfriend and also Harry and Ginny's daughter. She's 16.

What I need to explain from the get go is that Draco and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, Liam and Lekeliene, and Blaise and Jennifer are all really close. Their kids are all really close too. They're pretty much this huge group of friends, and since they're all witches and wizards they don't really have any other friends. Mainly because they live in a muggle community and they have had a hard time making and keeping muggle friends because they can't tell anyone about being witches and wizards. So everybody's really close. I'll explain the other characters as they're introduced.