Author has written 10 stories for Dear Frankie, Cast Away, Phantom of the Opera, and Twilight. Important: If you've not been receiving alerts and have a Yahoo or Gmail email address, try checking your spam folder & adding [email protected] to your contacts. This was happening to me, and it was such a simple fix. Hi there & welcome to my profile! Born and raised in California, I'm 42 and have been married 22 years (Geez!). My daughter Kelsi (hence the name- Kelsismom lol) is 16 years old. I got hooked onto fan fiction years ago with "Caroline and the City" and then with "Frasier." (esp. Niles and Daphne) From there I spent a couple of years in the Phantom of the Opera fandom which eased my dissatisfaction with that ending. It always amazes me how many talented writers there are out there. Truly amazing! I also enjoy reading other fan fictions as well, but am most attracted to romantic storylines. I have no formal training in writing (with the exception of the online class I took a few years ago). The act of reading and also writing is a valuable learning experience in itself. It's very enjoyable for me and I love feedback! Truly nothing is more satisfying than hearing what readers think of your work- even if it's not positive, it still shows that the reader took time to critique your work. Speaking from experience, it is easy to turn a blind eye to the negative, or for me, even easier to obsess over it, but constructive criticism is vital for growth. I have to say that I've been blessed with a lot of positive feedback overall and am grateful to those who have given it. My journey with writing fanfiction began when about three or so years ago, I saw a little known foreign film - Dear Frankie - a sweet story, full of heart and promise that left me with an ending that was less than satisfactory. Therein became my inspiration and my love for writing was reborn. Prior to that, I had only dabbled in short stories and poems in high school. With fan fiction there are so many possibilites- not just in unhappy, incomplete, or sad endings, but also back stories and characters that were never given enough life or attention. So, through this little obsession of mine, I was able to explore the life of Chuck Noland and Wilson, the volleyball from Cast Away, write alternate realities for characters from Dear Frankie, and a couple of alternate realities for Erik - the beloved Phantom of the Opera. Back in February '09, I was introduced to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, which my daughter dragged my husband and I to see, and I had only begun to read the book (again at my daughter's insistence). At that point, I completely fell in love with the movie, and then the books, resented the movie, but then loved it, accepting it for its own goodness, and then still refer back to the books. Relatively new to the Twilight fandom, I found inspiration to create a backstory for Esme - not realizing that on Twilight Lexicon there already was one - thank you, Elise Shaw - and then posted my own version of the events leading to her would be suicide. Those who nominated and voted for The Demise of Esme in the Indie Twific Awards, I am sincerely grateful to, even though it did not win. A personal thanks to EliseShaw, who guest wrote an article on Esme for The Lazy yet Discerning Ficster and reviewed The Demise of Esme. Check it out here: http:///2009/09/characterexploration-esme-heart-of.html?zx=7cb3e987f457aba6 Since then I found inspiration to write another Twilight fic - Remember Me, which has also received a lot of love as well. 2/6/10 - Having finally completed my manuscript for my Young adult novel, I'm working to edit and polish before I get it into the right hands for publishing. 2/14/10 - My wonderful beta Truckingal has inspired me to write a Freaky Friday-like story that explores Edward and Jacob walking in each other's shoes. I just posted Fire Becomes Ice - Thanks to Kim for the title, help, and your endless ideas and support. Should be fun! 3/17/10- I was both flattered and ecstatic to have a review recommendation for Fire Becomes Ice posted by a fellow fic writer- javamomma0921. Check it out! http:/// Thanks, Jen! 4/19/10- As of last weekend, I've begun posting teasers of upcoming chapters of Fire Becomes Ice on The Fictionators blog for Teaser Mondays. Take a look! http:/// 5/1/10 - A great thanks to javamomma0921, who is hosting a readalong for Fire Becomes Ice on May 21st on Twitter! Please go to http:/// for details and join us. 5/17/10 - Come check out my new banner on photobucket for Fire Becomes Ice designed by a very talented mama - ArmyWifeMommyx3. Awesomeness! http:///albums/ae234/Kelsismom/ 7/25/10- Yay! My article for Fire Becomes Ice has been featured on The Twilight Awards "Under the Radar" -- Check it out http:///2010/07/under-radar-fire-becomes-ice-by.html 10/21/12 -- New story: Inspired by Katy Perry's song Wide Awake, I imagined a newborn Bella, making her way through the forest. This was going to be different, though, as she was not going to already be a resident of Forks, nor have any previous knowledge or acquaintance with the Cullens. I liked the idea of an E/B love story beginning with such an unusual conflict and decided to work from Bella having been created from a different coven. My original idea was that she would have to capture Edward but Alice being their goal seemed to make more sense, thus "The Mission" was born. I plan on posting teasers on the . I am so fortunate to have Emerald Star73 as my beta- she has such wonderful ideas and input! 10/28/12 The lovely and talented Kassiah was kind enough to make a banner for "The Mission"! Check it outhttp:///albums/a86/Kassiah/TF/Banners/themission.png I love it! 3/20/13 - I'm so grateful to my reviewers and followers, and appreciate each and every one of you! Also, I can never say enough thanks to my beta Emerald Star73, who has not only supported my ideas but has given some incredible ones of her own. Fear not! This story is taking on a new direction with some twists and surprises to will always be E/B, so please have faith in where I'm going with it. As it stands, I've calculated it to go to a total of 20 chapters, and since my sanity requires me to be a number of unedited chapters ahead, I have a pretty clear idea of how it turns out. Hang in there with me, please. 7/26/13 --Please be patient with me as I work out the details for the "Showdown" chapter as it's been much more challenging and complex to figure out than any of my other stories. Bear with me please. Update 1/8/14- Still plugging away...slowly but surely and will post an update sometime today. ;) Thanks for reading! Kelsismom |
CJSeaborn1800 (9) Emerald Star73 (2) Kat097 (77) | N.S.L. Jewelles (10) The-Owlet (7) | Wandering Child (6) wzlwmn (4) |
Community: | Dreams of You |
Focus: | Movies Dear Frankie |