This is my first stab at a Hermione/Remus fic, and I'm desperately trying to keep it my own and original. I want to get this done before Half Blood Prince comes out because I originally wrote this after OOTP. I'll try to finish it; since I have it mostly planned out, but we'll see.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the songs.
The Beauty and the Beast Books
Book One Time Enchanting
Chapter 1
Everything is Gone
It's an illusion 'cause I'm still the same person
No matter how fast I run
And I'm trying to hold onto where it is I've come from
Now is a never ending thing
One moment turns into another
Before I've had time to run from all the other ones
And it's so hard to live a dream
When the everything that they want you to be
Is anything but me
Anything but me
I'm trying to hold onto where it is I've come from –Lindsay Lohan
Hermione's POV
With her two best friends walking at her side, Hermione Granger thought she could never feel happier. It was true Voldemort was back, true Sirius was dead and true that there was a potions lesson coming up, but the were happily talking together at their favorite place in the world. There was absolutely no place Hermione would rather be
Harry reached for her hand. She smiled and gave it to him, ignoring Ron's eye rolling. She had become Harry's girlfriend over the summer, and even though Ron pretended to find it really annoying, she knew he was happy for them. She hadn't thought of Harry having a girlfriend so soon after Sirius's death, but his emotionally state had improved with her always around.
They passed Professor Verne on the way down. Hermione liked this teacher very much. She had taken the post of defense against the dark arts, and in the few lesson's she had given them, Hermione found their views on the matter similar, if no identical.
Verne gave her a smile as she passed. She was about as tall as McGonagall with brown hair, the same shade as Hermione's and eyes the same as well. Everyone had said they were alike. Verne had even told the class that she was a muggle-born.
Even the dark eerie feeling of the dungeons did nothing to dampen her spirits. Professor Snape's presence, however threatening, seemed much less of a reason for worry than usual. It was only when Draco Malfoy swaggered in that she felt her feeling of contentedness sag slightly.
She had seen Malfoy whispering to the other Slytherins when she passed them. Even in the few days that she had been back, she sensed that he must already be planning something. His grey eyes flicked over in her direction and locked with hers for a fraction of a second, before he sat down with Crabbe and Goyle.
For the first time in six years Hermione could not concentrate on what Snape was saying. Her attention was on Malfoy. Every now and then his gaze drifted to her and he would start whispering again.
"Hermione," said Harry's voice in her ear.
"Hmm?" she said turning.
"You missed the cauldron with that murtlap essence," he said pointing. The green liquid was oozing across the floor.
"Oops," she said. "Scourgify! Sorry about that."
"Are you okay 'Mione/" Harry asked. "You seem a little distracted."
"It's nothing."
"It is not."
She looked back at Malfoy. Harry followed her gaze.
"What?" he asked
"He's been acting weird lately. He's always whispering when I pass."
"He's just trying to scare you," said Harry dismissively. "He's not doing anything."
She smiled at him appreciatively. Usually she was the one reassuring him. She felt so much happier. Her attention was called back to her potion, which was in need of abraxan horse tails.
Despite her inattentiveness at the beginning of class, she managed to brew the potion correctly and all three of them left the class un-harmed. Snape hadn't even found a criticism to throw at Harry which could only be an improvement. Harry and Hermione waited for Ron at the back of the line and they walked up to lunch together.
They were the last in the entrance hall, everyone else seemed to be at lunch already. Dismissing this, Hermione headed to the doors of the Great Hall but froze as they slammed shut of their own accord. An evil laugh sounded behind them. Hermione whirled around.
Malfoy was standing behind them, a malevolent grin on his face. All the doors leading in were closed. They were trapped and alone.
"What do you want?" Harry spat, glaring at Malfoy.
"To get this over with, I'm starving," Malfoy said casually.
"And what exactly do you want over with," Hermione said, starting to feel cautious.
"My revenge," said Malfoy. "You honestly didn't think I would let you three go for what you did to my father, did you? Because that would have been a pretty stupid thought.
"I think another scar for Potter, a break for Weasly and I'm sure Granger will have lots of fun."
Harry moved in front of Hermione, shielding her from Malfoy. "I don't think your girlfriend would really like that."
"Oh, I'm not going to be having the pleasure."
"Shove off," Ron snarled. Malfoy's smiled widened
"We mean it Malfoy," said Harry. "Open the damn doors."
Hermione pushed out from behind Harry and pulled out her wand. "Open the doors," she said in a voice of forced calm. What was he talking about?
Malfoy whipped out his own wand, pointed it at Harry and screamed "Impedimenta!" Harry dodged it and it hit a suit of armor instead.
"Ron, go get help!" Hermione yelled, throwing a jinx at Malfoy. Ron ran up the marble staircase and Hermione ran to Harry. Malfoy threw a stunning spell at Hermione which she ducked.
"Impedimenta!" she yelled. The spell hit Malfoy and threw him against the wall. He slumped to the floor, blood staining his hair. Hermione turned to Harry, who had a cut on his arm. She heard footsteps and saw Ron leading Professor Verne, who looked pale but calm.
Hermione turned, just in time to see a golden light shoot out of Malfoy's wand. It hit her in the stomach and threw her down.
"Hermione!" Harry yelled but she couldn't see him. Her consciousness failed her and she blacked out.
Harry's POV
"Reducto!" Malfoy yelled. Harry saw Hermione turn and get hit square in the stomach. She fell to the ground and disappeared.
"Hermione!" he yelled. Anger flared inside him as he turned to Malfoy, who was gasping and coughing blood, but was still managing to smirk.
"What did you do to her?" he yelled, running to hit him. Verne grabbed him before he could get close enough.
"She did it to herself," gasped Malfoy. He was dying right before their eyes, but gloating at the same time.
"Did it to herself? Did it to herself?" Harry spat, his anger taking over him.
"Harry calm down," said Verne, who was still restraining him.
"Calm down?" he repeated in disbelief. Verne's focus was on Malfoy however.
"Hello Gra-"he stared to say but his head fell to his shoulder, his eyes staring into death.
Draco Malfoy was dead.
Hermione's POV
Hermione was lying on a bed. It was a very soft bed and it was warm. She wasn't exactly sure where she was but something about the comfort she felt in the room made her think that she was in the hospital wing.
She could sense somebody sitting beside her and she remembered; Draco Malfoy the entrance hall, Harry yelling. It all came back to her now. What had he done to her?
She opened her eyes slightly. Harry was sitting on her right side, looking out the window. She tried to smile, it was so sweet of him to wait, but her face wouldn't move. It was too stiff.
She blinked and looked to her left. There was a girl sitting there. Hermione wasn't sure who she was but something about her bright green eyes seemed familiar. She sensed two others maybe, at the foot of the bed but snapped her eyes shut at the sound of footsteps.
"Has she awakened?" said a voice Hermione recognized as Professor Dumbledore's.
"No," said a girl's voice.
"Oh, well," said Dumbledore. "You may return to your dormitory. You didn't really need to stay in the first place."
"Sir, could I stay with her? It might be best for someone to be here when she wakes up," said the girl.
"A sensible idea Miss Evans, and one that certainly occurred to me. I would greatly enjoy your company tonight."
"Thank you sir," said the girl. "Go ahead James. I'll be up soon."
Hermione's mind was racing. Miss Evans? James? There wasn't anyone at Hogwarts named James, no one she knew anyway.
"Mr. Potter, Black, Pettigrew, you may go. I believe Lily and myself are enough company."
Hermione didn't even pay attention to the three pairs of feet leaving. The names Potter, Black, Pettigrew, and Lily were swimming through her mind. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible. But somehow, someway she was-
"NO!" she cried, sitting up as quickly as she could. There was no other answer, but it was impossible.
She turned to the right. Dumbledore was there, sitting in one the chairs, looking kindly but mildly concerned about her abrupt return to conscience, and on her right looking surprised and also concerned was-
"Harry's mum," she said, so quietly, that neither Dumbledore nor Lily could hear her words. It couldn't be anyone else. She knew Lily Potter's face from the pictures she had seen. Unless this was some kind of sick Death Eater trick, Harry's seventeen year old mum was sitting right next to her. This could only mean the impossible.
Dumbledore spoke. "Good to er, see you up, um I am afraid I don't know your name Miss er.."
"Hermione Granger sir," she said robotically.
"Miss Granger, I honestly have no idea of how you came to be here or even where you have come from, so I apologize if you do not feel ready to tell me, but I must know what has happened to you. Some of my students James Potter, Sirius Black Remus Lupin Peter Pettigrew and of course Lily Evans found you at the bottom of a staircase with several cuts and bruises. I don't know how, but you were found wearing robes of my school, yet I have never seen you."
All this information felt like to much to take in. She had to tell Dumbledore what had happened but she couldn't say anything in from of Harry's mum. "Professor Dumbledore, this is matter I have to speak with you about but it needs to be in private sir."
"That is fine Miss Granger. Lily, you may return to Gryffindor tower. I'm sure Mr. Potter and you friends will be waiting."
Hermione waited for Lily to leave, which she did but not before looking at her oddly, almost suspiciously. Hermione forgave her for it. Someone found covered in blood who wakes up screaming and then asks for you to leave would look odd to anyone. As soon as she disappeared, Dumbledore leaned forward slightly, intent to hear her explanation. "What is it you need to tell me?"
"Yes Professor. I'm rather afraid of the answer but do you mind me asking what year this is?"
"It's 1977."
Hermione felt herself fall back against the soft pillows. Her head was spinning. All her hope that she was asleep drained out of her heart. If this had been a bad dream she would have woken with those words. But it was real and impossible at the same time.
"Are you sure?" she stuttered.
Dumbledore chuckled. "That was the year the last time I checked it."
"But-but it can't be," she whispered.
"I assure you it most certainly can although I am curious as to why you hope it isn't."
"Because it's not my time," she said, again in a whisper.
Dumbledore's slightly amused expression was instantly replaced by a look of solemn curiosity. "Please tell me what has happened."
"I'm a student at Hogwarts in 1996. It was only my third day back and me and Har-a friend were being attacked by another student. He hit me with the Reductor curse and the next thing I knew I was here with Lily and the others sitting next to me."
Dumbledore didn't say anything and for a brief moment Hermione thought he thought she was crazy, but he leaned forward and fixed her with a stare so piercing she knew he was looking for a lie. He couldn't find one obviously because he said "You understand that you are to speak of this with no one."
"Yes sir."
"Pray do not change anything, the consequences may be dire, more so than anyone could predict. Do not tell anyone where you come from do not change anything with the knowledge of what you are doing. Your very presence could change everything.
"I suggest you take the role of a student so you do not fall behind with your studies. You can be a transfer student from Beauxbaton.
"I am not sure how long you will be here, so make yourself comfortable, but be ready to leave in case of an emergency."
Hermione nodded, concealing at the fact that she couldn't be sent home immediately
"Get some sleep Miss Granger. You will need it. Professor McGonagall will have your schedule ready for you by morning.
Hermione leaned back against the pillows, watching Dumbledore leave the room. She wanted to sleep, her whole body ached with tiredness, but her thoughts twisted around her mind, keeping her awake.
She didn't want to be here, she wanted to be with Harry and Ron, maybe in the common room doing homework or talking under their favorite tree on the grounds. She didn't want to be here in the pain strewn past and watch everything happen again. She didn't want to watch everyone die. She wanted Harry to have his family and Sirius to live, but she couldn't. She had to watch it all happen again, let Voldemort and Harry's family be destroyed, let Sirius be sent to Azkaban and then killed, let the rat Peter betray them all, let Remus go through all that and be mistrusted forever. She didn't want to but she had to. She had to let it happen again.
Remus's POV
"She woke up screaming about a minute after you three left. Her face was white and she seemed horrified to see me. I've never seen her before in my life, but somehow knew Dumbledore's name."
"That doesn't surprise me," said James. "Almost everyone knows who Dumbledore is."
"I know that but she was talking to him like she knew him, like she'd met him before. He said he'd never seen her either . But she also looked like she knew me, just the look on her face, a look of horror. Of shock."
Remus listened to Lily intently. He had found the girl earlier with them but he hadn't been able to go with them to the hospital wing because of prefect duties.
"What if she's a seer," said Peter enthusiastically. "But she doesn't realize it and she had like a dream or something and it had you in it."
Lily snorted and rolled her eyes. "'Seeing' as you superstitious pureblood's call it, is nothing but lucky guesswork enhanced by glitter and smoke."
"I don't like seeing and I'm a pureblood," said Remus.
"That's because you are a," Peter started but stopped. Lily didn't know that he was werewolf, he was trying to keep it a private as possible.
"What?" she said interestedly.
"Because he's weird," said Peter lamely. Lily didn't look satisfied but let it go.
"He's not weird," said Lily. "He's the only one of you lot who knows the meaning of the word 'rule'"
"That word isn't in my vocabulary," said Sirius lazily. "Can I go to bed now? I'm to tired to talk anymore."
"Let's all got to bed said Lily sensibly, standing up. "We can talk more in the morning. Maybe by then she'll be out of the hospital wing."
"If she survives," said Remus shuddering. They all laughed. Getting out of the hospital alive was something he happened to be good at as he there at least once a month, but it was always a struggle with Madam Pomfrey to get out.
"Why are you up there so much?" Lily said.
"He gets sick a lot," said Sirius. "He doesn't have a strong immortal system."
"It's immune system," said Lily annoyed. "I thought you took muggle studies."
"I do," Sirius said defensively. "I just don't pay attention very often."
"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes. "See you in the morning guys." She kissed James on the check as was her custom and disappeared up the girls staircase.
James turned back to them, slightly red from Lily's kiss and stood up too. "we probably should go to bed."
"You'll do anything for her," said Sirius in a just-pretend-that-I'm-not-making-fun-of-you sort of voice.
"Let's go," said Remus yawning and standing up.
Sirius stood up to and started to the stairs. Peter followed him and James and Remus walked up together.
"You should probably tell her," James said quietly.
"What?" said Remus.
"You should probably tell Lily about-"
"She doesn't need to know."
"Remus, you two have been friends for a long time. I mean you, like she said, know the meaning of rule. She'd want you to tell her."
"She's not my girlfriend."
"But she calls you her friend. Oh come on," he said slightly exasperatedly. "Lily's about five times smarter than me; she'll figure it out soon enough. She'll be mad that she had to figure it out because you didn't trust her."
"I do trust her," said Remus indignantly, stopping where he was standing.
"Then why won't you tell her? Why won't you let me tell her?" James said, frustrated.
"I just don't want to tell anyone. I just don't want anyone to know."
"Your just embarrassed."
"I am not," he said indignantly. What did James know about being a werewolf? He couldn't just make that assumption.
"You are too," said James. "Don't pretend I don't know you. You are embarrassed. That's why you never told us and left us to figure it out. You were embarrassed. I know you were, you still are. Lily won't care. It's not like I'm telling you to tell Snape-"
"There is the fact he already knows," said Remus angrily. He just wanted James to drop it.
"Irregardless, I know why you didn't tell us. You were scared we'd laugh or ridicule you. You know that Lily would never do that. She wouldn't be your friend and abandon you because of something that isn't even your fault."
Remus didn't say anything, but kept walking. He didn't want to say anything because James was right.
"I can tell you're done with this conversation," said James irritated. "I'll leave it for now, but at least think about it. It can't hurt to think it over."
Remus opened the door to the dormitory. Sirius and Peter were already in their pajamas and under the blankets of their four-posters. He hoped James didn't plan on telling them what he had said.
Hermione's POV
She followed the mass of students heading into the Great Hall. She knew that if she came in alone she would draw attention to herself. Someone would be bound to notice that she was new, and she didn't want to have to answer stupid questions. Or lie to the people asking them
She sat down at the Gryffindor table as she had almost everyday for almost seven years. Normally this didn't feel weird, but she had just received her first set of stares from a few first or second years. She ignored the whispers and the stares she was now getting from the Gryffindor's. She was surprised when someone spoke to her.
"Erm, hello Hermione," said a voice. She looked up. It was Harry's mum.
"Hi," she said, trying to erase the oddness of the night before.
"Can I sit here?" said Lily tentatively.
"Sure," she said, not sure how to act in front of her boyfriend's dead mother who she only knew from books.
"Thanks," said Lily sitting down and smiling. "How, er, are you?"
"Fine," she said, not sure how to talk to her. Hermione must have scared her last night. What was she thinking about her?
"I'm uh Lily Evans by the way," said Lily tentatively.
"Yeah uh, Professor Dumbledore told me."
"Yeah, he told you we found you, didn't he?"
"Yes he did. Thanks."
"No problem."
"I bet it was a bit odd. I mean, to find a girl covered in blood at the bottom of a staircase, a girl you'd never even seen before."
"It was a bit odd." Hermione giggled through the tension and suspense of the situation. Lily smiled too. "So what school did you go to before?"
"Beauxbaton," she said. Even thought that was the school she and Dumbledore had agreed on, the thought of Fleur Delacour flashed across her mind. "I always wanted to come to Hogwarts though."
"I don't blame you. I mean Beauxbaton is a very good school, but Hogwarts is the best." Hermione nodded her agreement through her toast.
There was a shout from the doors and Lily rolled her eyes as three boys came barreling into the Great Hall. She couldn't make out who but the expression on Lily's and the teachers faces told her without a doubt.
"Hey Lily," said a voice behind them and a head of jet black hair kissed Lily on the cheek casually. "How's it going?"
"Who taught you manners?" she said, clearly trying to snap at the boy but finding it impossible. "Don't you think you three should introduce yourselves to our guest?"
"Why it seems we have forgotten about those," said a different voice. "My fair Lady, I am Sirius Orion Black, though not in anyway connected to, as they say, the ancient and most noble house of Black."
"Act your age, not your shoe size,' Lily said, hitting him.
Hermione turned around. Standing there with his arms around Lily was a carbon copy of Harry except there was no scar on his forehead and hazel eyes gleamed under all that hair instead of green ones. He was clearly Harry's dad. Beside his was a short fat scared looking boy who made Hermione's heart bubble with anger and loathing and she bit her lip so her face wouldn't show her hatred of Peter Pettigrew. The last boy was clearly Sirius but there was a significant difference between him and the Sirius she had known. His face was full and, it had to be said, handsome. There was no dead look in his eyes only laughter. It pained her to know that it was going to disappear.
"Hermione, this is James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and of course the pigheaded Sirius Black," said Lily. Sirius glared at her.
"Hi," she said. "I'm Hermione Granger."
"She's a transfer from Beauxbaton," said Lily.
"Hey Frenchie," said Sirius sitting down. Lily hit him again.
"Just because I go to a French school it doesn't mean I am French," she said.
"Oh thank you," said Lily. "Finally someone with a mind of her own."
"What about Remus?" said Sirius, still rubbing his arm. "Weren't you saying just last night-"
"I said he knows the meaning of "rule". He does have a mind of his own, but you wouldn't know it with you three always bullying him around."
"We don't bully," said James, sitting down. 'We pester or induce. The Marauders of Hogwarts are no bullies."
"Sure you're not,' said Lily, rolling her eyes.
"Are you calling me a liar?" James asked indignantly.
"Yes, I believe I am."
"Well I suppose you're right, but I never thought of it as bullying," said a new voice. They all looked up the table and Hermione felt her heart skip a beat. Walking towards them was the most handsome boy she had ever seen. Sandy brown hair fell into the clear blue eyes that were looking at them. He was tall, almost as tall as Ron, and his face was kind.
Professor Lupin, she thought awestruck. If she hadn't known that he would be here, she wouldn't have known it was him. The change between this Remus and the one she knew equaled the change in Sirius. Everything about him was different.
"Hey Moony," said James, slapping him on the back as he sat down with them. Hermione found her haw unable to open.
"Hey," he said. His eyes fell on Hermione and he smiled. Hermione found herself doing the same.
"Remus this is Hermione Granger," said Lily. "She transferred from Beauxbaton."
"What's it like there?" he asked.
"It's uh, okay," she said, trying to speak properly. "I just er, always wanted to come to Hogwarts."
"I can't blame you, Hogwarts is the best school for magical education there is. Everyone wants to come here," he said.
"Yeah, schools like Beauxbaton and Durmstrang were created just so the people who couldn't come to Hogwarts would still have school," said Sirius laughing. Remus, Lily, and Hermione rolled theirs eyes as James, Sirius, and Peter laughed.
"Very funny," said Lily. "Come on Hermione, let's get to class. You'll like Professor McGonagall."
Sirius shuddered. "Yeah, you'll like her if you're a genius."
"You don't have to be a genius you just have to pay attention," said Lily, standing up and grabbing Hermione by the arm. "See you four later."
Remus's POV
"Well I suppose you're right, but I never thought of it as bullying," he said laughing. They all turned to him. James and Sirius seemed to be fooling around as usual and Peter was listening to them joking. Lily was sitting with the girl they had found last night
He felt his heart shoot into his throat. He couldn't tell it last night but she was beautiful. He had never seen anyone half as gorgeous as her. Her soft eyes watched him, her sweet face had a smile on it. Her luscious brown hair, however bushy, was striking.
"Hey Moony," said James, slapping him on the back as he sat down with them. "Hey," he said. His eyes fell on the girl and she smiled at him.
"Remus this is Hermione Granger," said Lily. "She transferred from Beauxbaton."
"What's it like there?" he asked. What a stupid question.
"It's uh, okay," she said. "I just always wanted to come to Hogwarts."
"I can't blame you, Hogwarts is the best school for magical education there is. Everyone wants to come here," he said. He sounded like such and idiot.
"Yeah, schools like Beauxbaton and Durmstrang were created just so the people who couldn't come to Hogwarts would still have school," said Sirius laughing. Remus saw Lily and, to his astonishment, Hermione rolled theirs eyes with him, ignoring James, Sirius, and Peter laughing.
"Very funny," said Lily. "Come on Hermione, let's get to class. You'll like Professor McGonagall."
Sirius shuddered. "Yeah, you'll like her if you're a genius."
"You don't have to be a genius you just have to pay attention," said Lily, standing up and grabbing Hermione by the arm. "See you four later." He watched the two of them walk up the table.
Sirius, who had been watching him, started to laugh. "Uh-oh, Moony's in love."
"What?" he said disconcertedly.
"You like her," Sirius said in a teasing voice.
"I am not," he said, trying to regain his usual composure.
"Are to," said James, who had joined in with Sirius. "You are too obvious."
"Come on guys, stop it." He wasn't in the mood for teasing right now.
"Somebody's upset, well I suppose you can't blame him with only a few more days to go-"
"Shut up."
"Come on, let's leave him alone," said James. Remus mouthed "Thank you" to him and James replied "Your Welcome" back to him. He really didn't need the great hall knowing about his lycanthropy. Forget the great hall, he didn't want Hermione knowing.
Hermione's POV
"Sorry but I had to get you out of there," said Lily, steering her out of the great hall and up the marble staircase. Hermione knew where Professor McGonagall's room was, but she couldn't know the layout. She went to a different school.
"What?" she said. She had no idea what Lily was talking about.
"You were too obvious."
"What are talking about?"
"You like Remus, it was written all over your face," said Lily in a knowing sort of way.
"What-I do not!" she said in a would-be-indignant voice.
"Yes you do. Don't worry, it's not like I'll tell him. Although it looked to me like he liked you to."
"I-he did?"
"You do like him-ha," she said. "But yes. I've known Remus a long time. He doesn't get that look all the time. He likes you. Come on, McGonagall will like you. She's strict but fair."
Hermione followed her up the stairs. It was different to hang around girls. She was always with boys, so it was almost like a holiday to not half to explain what girls do and to talk about regular girl stuff.
"Remus is really nice. He's so mysterious, but almost everyone likes him. I mean of course Slytherins don't like him, but they don't like anyone who hangs around with muggleborns and Sirius."
"Sirius?" she asked. She knew of course but she had to show some interest or look suspicious.
"Oh, all his family was in Slytherin, his mother was furious. They disowned him last summer when he ran away to James's house. His brother's on Slytherin. Hope to God you never meet him. He's an idiot but he listens to his family. He'll pay for it someday."
"So that's why he said he wasn't related to the house of Black or whatever it is?"
"Yeah. He hates them just as much as they hate him. All the "pureblood" families are connected and I guess his mother gave out some order that they couldn't have any contact with him except to fight. Andromeda was in Gryffindor but she graduated two years ago. They did the same to her."
"His cousin. She married a muggleborn last year. His family flipped. But why are we talking about Sirius? I thought you liked Remus?"
"I do-I-hey!"
"Got you. Here's McGonagall's room." She opened the door. Inside was merely a twenty year younger McGonagall than the one she knew, but Hermione had no doubt that she would be just a strict.
"Hello Miss Evans, Miss Granger," she said looking up. "Welcome to Hogwarts."
"Thank you Professor," said Hermione. She took a seat next to Lily and waited for the class to file in.
"What are we doing today, Professor?" Lily asked.
"We'll be doing some basic human transfiguration. Have you done any of that before Miss Granger?"
"We were just starting it actually." McGonagall smiled. Hermione had told her that morning when McGonagall gave her the schedule that she was a very good teacher, indicating that she was still the teacher in Hermione's time. A fact that seemed to make her extremely proud.
The class came in after that, stopping their conversation. Hermione felt herself flush as Remus came in. He saw her and looked away. She followed his lead. She had completely forgotten about Harry. In a lost time or not, she had to think about him. He wouldn't go around falling for someone when she was still there for him. She had to stop. She hoped Dumbledore would be able to get her back soon.
When you start fallin
Who's gonna catch ya
I'm willing to betcha
It will be me
Who's gonna love ya
Like there's no other
Search and discover
It will be me
When all of the others
Have gone and hurt you
Who won't desert you
It will be me
Weighing the options
So much to think of
But when you think love
It will be me- Faith Hill
So what do you think? Please review!