Hello people of fanfiction!

As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't updated this story in four years. Even after all this time, I still get reviews on this story, begging me to write more. I started this when I was 16, and now I'm 20 years old. While I do think of this story from time to time, I have no real plans of writing the end. Mostly because I'd love to rewrite it, but going through the chapters is very time consuming (unfortunately, I'm a busy college student with a job). I'd love to tell you all that I'll write more this summer, but I mustn't make promises I don't intend on keeping.

SO! (I have a point!) Someone suggested I put this fanfic up for adoption.
That is precisely what I plan to do.
If you're interested in rewriting and/or finishing this fanfic, please contact me (send me a message or leave a review) and we'll set up a switcheroo of sorts.

PS – You wouldn't like the ending I had in mind anyway. I've never been one for happy endings.