Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. 4.16.06 Okay-I just now figured something out. Those of you who left signed reviews for my story recently will know-I know how to reply to reviews! I feel smart and stupid at the same time...I should have noticed the little "reply" thing beneath the reviewers' name before this. Strangely enough, it didn't click until an author replied to me thanking me for my review. My thoughts- "Oh, yeah, this must be what the little link is for!" Hm...don't suppose I can somehow blame it on Windows, do you? They're a popular enough scapegoat... 3.18.06 I've been in and out of the hospital for various reasons these past two months. I'm beginning to recognize the people who work there, which means one of two things; either I am a hypocondriac, or very very unlucky. Considering the fact I've got four surgery scars and a bottle of vicadin, I don't think I'm a hypocondriac. Of course, maybe they just did it to shut me up :). I'm trying to get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Thanks for hanging with me! Hello! I just realized I wrote two chapters of a story- and nothing about me. That's because I'm paranoid someone will recognize me. Someone will come up to me in the street, and say "Hey! You're that chick who writes fanfiction! YOU SUCK! Bwahahahahaha!" It could happen. You never know... Actually, I have little time to write, and I'd rather be writing my story, so it will quit bothering me. You ever have a story in your head, and you're like "Aw, man, I wanna write something boyfriend will make fun of me if he sees me writing this...I just wanna watch my Law & Order SVU dammit!" but the story keeps popping up, whispering in your ear- "What if..." Course, mine's always a lot more rude. It yells. Love you all! Aspen XIII |