ok guys, be gentle with me it's my first laby fic ( i couldn't get it out of my head and thus couldn't work on my other story til i got this out of my brain, so, i've got upto chapter 3, if ya'll like this, click the little box at the end on the left and leave me a word of advice or a flame, threats usually get get me motivated to write hint hint so! on with the show!
Standard disclaimer: i don't but wish with all my wittle heart i owned the labyrinth, it would mean i was royalty and had a hottie for a husband.
Part 1: I Do
Robert Williams beamed proudly at the girl… No woman, he corrected wistfully, in front of him. She was a vision of beauty in her shimmering white dress, twirling once for the full effect of gorgeousness.
"Soo…. How do I look?" she asked, nervously biting her lip and blushing.
"A vision of beauty honey… Oh Sarah, I've dreamed and dreaded this day since you were two and kissed your little friend George on the cheek. I've thought of who would steal the love of this precious jewel," Sarah blanched a bit, going white around the mouth before pasting a plastic serene smile on her face and straightened her shoulders as her father continued, "And to see you with that man in the flesh, you've made me so proud."
He hugged her tight whispering how he didn't know how she grew up so fast on him. Clearing his throat and wiping his eyes he offered her his arm, which she accepted with a deep breath and a short, expectant then disappointed look towards the mirror above the vanity in the church's Lady's Room and walked out to greet her future with her head held high and no backward glances.
--------------------Flash Back--------------------
Sarah stood in front of the vanity mirror in her wedding gown looking beseechingly into the mirror.
"Hoggle... Sir Didimus... Ludo? I…I need you…" Waiting on baited breath, Sarah searched the mirror for her friends' unique faces.
"Sarah?" The trio gasped as one (with the exception of Sir Didimus who exclaimed "My Lady!").
Grinning Sarah turned to greet her friends in the flesh.
Hoggle….Ludo… Sir Didimus! I'm so happy to see you all!" She cried hugging each in quick succession before standing and twirling around so her friends could see the whole of the dress. "Soo… What do you think?"
"I thinketh that My Lady looks most wondrous on this glorious day of days! Why I was just telling His…" Sir Didimus was about to ruin the mood and peace of the day till Hoggle, realizing what he was about to do, cut him off.
"What 'e means to say, Sarah, is that ye look lovely on that there dress is all." He said while trying to subtly elbow Didimus in the ribs.
"Yes, yes, that's what I was just telling His Majes…YOW! Sir Hoggle! I must insist that you desist this outrageous attack on my person at once! Why, if this was not such an important day for our Lady Sarah and you not my brother, those would be rounds for a duel!"
"Shhhh, Sir Didimus, I'm sure Hoggle didn't mean it. We have to be quiet or someone will hear us." Sarah stood wringing her hands, " I just wanted to tell you all how much you've meant to me these last six years and that no matter what, whether He bans you from seeing me now, or I can't call on you for some reason…Well I just wanted you to know that I love you, you've been the best friends I've ever had and stuck with me through everything…"As her voice was breaking and tears threatening to fall, she felt three sets of arms embrace her, conveying in that simple action what words could not .
Blotting at her eyes, she sniffed and smiled wobbly at everyone.
"I've asked for a mirror to be brought into the balcony so that you guys can watch the ceremony. But you must be quiet or you could get caught."
--------------End of Flash Back--------------
An organ starts playing The Bridal March as the Sanctuary doors opened to reveal a veiled woman in all her youthful glory, standing next to an aged man who beamed with pride and later when questioned, would say that the shimmer in his eyes was not a fathers' sadness and despair at giving up his first born (not-to-mention first and only daughter) and the said shimmer was definitely not tears threatening to fall. And when asked, Sarah would say that the faltering step she took when being passed from father to groom was not hesitance, or waiting, but merely stepped on the train of her dress…
Lounging lazily on his crescent-like throne, the room blessedly devoid of goblins and their antics (upon threat of death if they so much as breathed within his ear shot), the Goblin King tapped his ridding crop impatiently on his upraised boot. He was dressed in unrelieved black on this Oh-so-'Glorious'-day as Didimus would say. Morbid day had such a more appropriate ring to it. His mesmerizing, mismatched eyes of blue and amber were gazing fully into a crystal.
At a distance it appeared as if he wore a bored expression on his regal face, but if one dared draw closer, they'd see his beautiful eyes burning with fury, his usually sensuous lips pressed into a thin line and a muscle ticking at his temple belying his clenched jaw.
Suddenly gone was the pretentious bored look, replaced with full fledged Rage as the object of his obsession promised herself to another and sealed the bond with a kiss among the silent cheers of the crowd.
"NO! I will not accept this, Sarah Williams, you are MINE!" He snarled, hurling the orb into the nearest wall.
Standing, he threw on his cloak with a flourish and ease that would make General Kunzite green with envy, he crossed the planes into the Aboveground with a thought and stood in the shadows, gazing at the occupants until he saw his desired prey dancing with her 'husband' –even in his mind it came out as a snarling sneer. The mortal wasn't worth having neither the honor of the title he possessed nor the love of the precious jewel in his arms.
As the song came to an end The King glided over to just behind the woman, deftly avoiding the grasping hands of ladies (attached and unattached alike), savoring the heady scent all her own, which affected him like a fine wine. Placing a gloved hand on her shoulder he leaned down to murmur in her ear.
"A dance, Milady?" he asked seductively and without a moment's pause spun her out of her husband's arms and into his own as the next song began, trumpeting the sound of a waltz.
"Jareth! What are you doing here?" she gasped breathlessly, then giving herself a mental shake, steeled her features upon seeing his rakishly predatory smirk, ground out harshly, "As I recall, Goblin King, you have no power over me and were not invited here."
Tightening his grip he growled and pulled her closer to him bruising slightly where his fingers rested.
" I was contemplating on how to deliver my justice to your human, My Sarah." He stated casually as if he was commenting on the weather, grinning like the cat who caught the cannery, " After all, he is trying to claim what is already mine own. You didn't think I was blind to what was going on did you dear Sarah?…" he continued smugly, reveling in the flash of deadly silver in her emerald eyes as she spoke soft steel.
"You will not touch him, Goblin King. He is my husband and you will respect that and as you will recall: You. Have. No. Power. Over. ME! If you ever had a claim on me you threw that to the dogs by not coming for me sooner. Now," straightening her shoulders and pasting a polite smile on her face, "If you will excuse me, Your Highness, I have guests to attend to." Turning to leave she was stopped by the iron tight grip on her arm and was spun back into his arms.
"Know this, Sarah-mine, had you called on me, for anything, ANYTHING, I would have answered and killed those who brought tears to these cruel, jaded eyes of yours. Eyes that have haunted me for six agonizing years, Sarah." He ground out, pain and hurt breaking through the armor in his flinted eyes and showing in he raw emotion in his voice as he brought a slightly trembling hand up to brush against her forbidden cheek in sorrow.
Gasping in shock at his confession, her eyes widened at the once aloof King, humbling himself before her, begging her through his eyes to forget this place and come with him. Finally, she found her voice.
"Why are you telling me this now, after six years have passed and not a word? And now, when I get married you suddenly get the urge to come and profess undying love for me? Not one single Word, Jareth. Not even a mystery gift to let me know you were even interested much less bloody alive! Do you know what that could do to a girl? Where you not looking?" She ended in a whisper; tears closing her throat as she furiously fought them down, refusing to cry in front of him, especially him.
Clenching his jaw anew, "I was waiting for you to grow up enough to realize what I was offering you, what I'm still offering you, Sarah." Lifting his hand from her waist, he showed her a Crystal, a plea in his eyes as he waited for her answer, "All you have to do is say the word and all will be as it should be."
Taking a shaky breath, "And what of Phillip? Does my word mean so little now, Jareth? What's done is done, for better or worse, I am bound to him unless he breaks his vows to me…" tears welled again in her eyes and she bit her lip to keep them from falling.
Nothing could have prepared her for the level of pain and heart ache she saw in his eyes before he shuttered them under the cold mask of indifference that, if you looked right, hardly hid how deeply her words wounded him.
"Then I bid you ado, Milady." Turning to go, he caught himself as if he forgot something and looked back at her, a flicker of longing crossed his eyes as he committed her image to memory, but that soon gave way to granite eyes and a smug smirk.
"What a pity that your guests missed out on our little scene, Sarah. It would have been quite amusing to see you explain to them who I am." Flicking his wrist he conjured a crystal for her, "Here, a wedding present." He tossed the orb to her as he faded from her world to his study where he remained for no one knows how long, staring blankly into the flames.
Sarah looked around at the crowd of people who were slowly coming back to life around her. Glancing at the crystal she walked slowly over to the gift table and carefully set the crystal on top of the gifts as tears rolled down her face. Later the guests would right the moment off as post-wedding gitters finally leaving her system, and overlooking the grief in her eyes.
The crystal was, according to Phillip, not showy enough to be placed on display in their home, so for six months it waited in their bedroom. Patiently biding it's time until its mistress needed it and it was time to reveal the true purpose of the gift.
Hate it? love it? needs improvement? let me know! yells to the old man with the hat Hey hat! quit slacking!
alright alright already, shesh... please leave a contrribution in the little box! thank you, thank you, buhbye!