Author has written 5 stories for Inuyasha, and X-Men: The Movie. N E W S as of 9/20/05 Chapter 3 of Fly Away is coming along nicely, look forward to my posting it this week. U P D A T I N G as of 9/20/05 Fly Away - Chapter three is almost finished and is first on my update list. Come Away With Me - Chapter16 up! 17 started though now second on my update list. Remember Me - Chapter 4 is up! This story is now last on my update list. Mesmerize Me - Ah, what to say, what to say...I've lost interest in this fic, I must sadly admit. It simply doesn't present a challenge for me anymore. If anyone would like to take over I would gladly explain where I was going or you're free to take it which ever way you prefer. Please email me if you wish to finish it. To those who this news will upset, I'm sorry, I truely am. (9/7/05) M U S I N G S as of 3/9/06 So I moved an entire retail store (my mother's) in less than a week. I'm exhausted. I just got bullied into directing part of the play this year on top of my cotume duties and senior thesis paper I have to write. Goody. It's almost over...and yet, I'm considering Grad school...I'm insane. Check out my LJ for more amusing musings. http:/// N O T I F I C A T I O N To be notified of updates of my stories e-mail me or leave your address in a review and I'll add you to my list. Submissions to my webpage are on hold until I can change the links from 's changing every-bloody-thing but you can go visit the other things in the mean time: |
Community: | Sesshoumaru and Kagome |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Inuyasha |