
Summary: Kagome Higurashi thought of herself as a normal human teen, that is until she fell into that well in her grandpa's shrine and was cursed to travel back and forth from the past to collect shards of a jewel that she accidentally broke! Anyway, things couldn't be much worse, and as things were looking great... catastrophe strikes! She finds out that she has been living a lie! What could be worse? Now, in order to figure out who she is, she has to be civil to one of the youkais who tried to kill her! Oh what is a girl to do?

Author's Note: For those of you who read my original 'Sanctuary'... Gomen Na Sai! I am so sorry! I just couldn't think of how to continue... I lost the inspiration... so I hope this will turn out better! Now as I said: THIS IS THE ONE I WILL NEVER DELETE!!! promise

Disclaimer's Note: I do not own InuYasha, its characters, or its plot... I only own the story I write and I hope you guys will enjoy it! Have fun!


Kagome barely had enough sleep but she felt vibrant and hyper. Her hair blew past her fast as a cool breeze swept across the meadows. The sun was just rising above the horizon, and she leaning on a tree to fully enjoy the serene scene that was before her.

She closed her eyes and listened to everything around her. In a few months she would be 18. Back in her time, turning 18 was the highlight of someone's life. That meant that they were now considered adults and were responsible for being one. Kagome twirled a lock of her hair and calmly listened to a sound of a little girl giggling.


Kagome's blue-gray eyes opened sharply and started scanning the vast meadow for the origin of the laughter. Her gaze fell upon a small girl who looked about the age of 6. She had short black hair tied up in a small ponytail and was dressed up in an elegant kimono. Though she looked a bit muddy, Kagome recognized the little girl and thought back to where she might have seen her.

Suddenly, she gasped and whispered: " SesshouMaru…" She began to panic. She had strayed far from the camp and was close to the little girl who traveled with InuYasha's half-brother. ' I knew this was a bad idea…'

Without thinking twice, she stood up and looked around. Her mood then darkened even more as she tried vainly to remember where she had come from. ' Oh no! I'm lost!'

" Konnichiwa!"

Kagome turned around and looked at the little girl that was in the meadow. She smiled half-heartedly and knelt in front of her.

" Hello…"

The little girl smiled and gave her a white flower. " I'm Rin, who are you?"

" I'm Kagome… um, do you think you could help me?" Kagome said smiling at her.

Rin shook her head. " SesshouMaru-sama is out pat-pat-patrolling and left Rin with Jakken… Rin is not allowed to go away far-father than this…"

Kagome sighed dejectedly and smiled at the little girl. " That's okay Rin-chan… I'm sure I can make my way from here… Thank you anyway."

Rin flashed Kagome a toothy grin. " you're welcome! Come back and play with Rin sometime, okay, Kagome-neechan?"

Kagome nodded and started to walk away, when she saw the gray clouds moving fast. ' Great… it's gonna rain… knowing that toad Jakken, he wont care about Rin…' She turned around and was surprised to find Rin still watching her.

" Um, Rin, it's going to rain soon, maybe I should walk you towards SesshouMaru-sama's place before you get soaked okay?" Kagome said sweetly. ' He may be scary, but this little girl seems very attached to him…'

Rin jumped up and down with excitement as she pulled Kagome behind her and ran towards SesshouMaru's fortress.


InuYasha cursed silently as the group trudged on. Kagome didn't return from her 'walk' and he began to get worried. Ever since Kagome had been getting nightmares she had insisted on being alone in the mornings to watch the sun rise. He didn't care before, but then again, she always returned before.

" Can you smell her yet?" Shippou asked.

InuYasha shook his head. Shippou had become attached to Kagome during the past year. Kagome had only come to Shengoku Jirai a year and a half ago, when she had turned 16. Shippou had joined shortly after a few months and had been used to Kagome and thought of her as his mother since. Although Kagome was not youkai, Shippou felt a strong bond with her.

InuYasha however used to tease Kagome and wondered why she never adopted Shippou in youkai terms yet. ' She doesn't know Youkai laws, stupid!'

" Hey, isn't this you're brother's-"

"HALF brother, and yes, Miroku, it is!" InuYasha growled as Miroku was about to ask.

Shippou became worried. Kagome was alone inside SesshouMaru's forest and did not have a single form of protection on her. Not her arrows… not even her bag. ' Oh… Kagome… please be safe'


Kagome and Rin reached the fortress before rain poured and Jakken was nowhere to be found.

" Come on, Kagome-neechan! It's wet out here!" Rin said.

Kagome shook her head softly. " I can't Rin. I have to get back. I just wanted to escort you here so that you wouldn't get wet!"

Rin nodded and Kagome waved goodbye. As she walked on, a small barrier prevented her from leaving. ' What the-?' She felt it with the hands and sensed strong magic at work. ' SesshouMaru'

'Great… I'm stuck!'

Suddenly, she felt a chill go down her spine and her body became warm. With a sudden burst of light, she was behind the barrier sprawled on her stomach. ' Huh? Oh well… might as well go before the rain stops covering my scent'


Author's Note: its… boring… so far…. Sigh… I hope the next chapter is better!