Disclaimer: Don't own it. *sob, whimper, sniffle, moan*
A small piece of him wilted at that necessity, but all he had to do was remind himself of his goal, control of Tetsusaiga and peace in his lands, to squelch the intensifying weakness.
He ignored that snide little voice he had just murdered, which whispered something along the lines of 'if you had truly killed that weakness, you would not have given in to the girl's request to find the shard at all'.
Dammit, it was right-again. And he couldn't find more than a shred of remorse over his capitulation, either.
Chapter 10
The silence was deafening in its thick and oppressive weight. No one in the spacious room dared to so much as breathe-even the breeze seemed to be halted at the open shoji, afraid to trespass upon the territory of whatever wielded such amazing viciously jaki.
Against her will, Kagura shuddered at the imminent threat of bloody violence.
No, she thought to herself dismally, Naraku would not waste the energy and simply crush my heart.
Cold sweat trickled between her shoulder blades as the stillness lengthened to unbearable proportions.
Just as the wind user thought that her nerves would snap from the strain of waiting, Naraku shifted on the raised dias he was seated on. The movement was so slight as to be almost unnoticeable, but as keenly tuned as her senses were to every nuance of her enemy and master, the soft rustle of silk sounded like the loud scrape of a knife on bone to her tense ears.
Though she gave no outward appearance of apprehension, her shoulders tightened slightly at the warning of imminent danger. Naraku was about to react to the news she had delivered. She and Kohaku had failed him, letting the miko escape the battle just past. They had not gained any new information on whether or not the group had located any new shards, and that bastard Sesshoumaru had suddenly appeared, decimating all but a handful of the youkai army sent to destroy the hanyou and his companions.
And to top of her humiliating defeat at the hands of a half-wit mongrel and his human friends, Kagura had to give a report to her lord and master. Even though he was present at the scene, courtesy of his puppet.
A niggle of cold satisfaction swirled through Kagura as she remembered that she was not the only one defeated today-Naraku's kugutsu had been slaughtered by the demon lord, along with half his army. She fought to keep the tiny smile threatening to curve her lips, only managing the feat by reminding herself that she was still in Naraku's presence...and he had yet to deliver his punishment for failure.
For his part, Naraku was not giving much thought to punishing Kagura and Kohaku. It was enough that they suffered the weight of failure on the battlefield. He had no doubts that the thoughts and fears running through Kagura's mind were almost as creative as anything he could mete out at this time. Let her stew for a bit, then he would turn his thoughts to how to deal with her.
Some scrupulously logical portion of his brain acknowledged that, to her credit, Kagura's youkai legions had been winning the battle while he himself was off entertaining the half-breed via his puppet. A scowl pulled at Naraku's handsome features when he recalled the reason the tide had turned. It was when that cursed pompous Sesshoumaru had unexpectedly joined in the fray that everything had gone to hell.
Damn! He thought to himself, crimson eyes glowing with the vicious force of his hatred for the youkai lord. What the hell was Sesshoumaru doing there, anyway? Was he there to steal Tetsusaiga?
Naraku thought on that possibility for a moment, but dismissed it rather quickly.
No, if that were truly the case, then why bother to save the miko? She has nothing to do with the Fang, other than the fact that she follows Inuyasha.
A sudden idea occurred to him, and his brows raised in surprise at the new direction his speculations took him in.
Unless...her powers are expanding beyond simply being able to detect the Shikon no Tama...? Does he desire the miko's powers for himself? To use against me? Or...could Sesshoumaru have developed a taste for something other than his father's fang? Does he desire the Shikon for himself?
It did not fit with the picture of the coldly unemotional and disturbingly honor-bound taiyoukai Naraku had developed in his mind through years of personal interaction and remote observation.
But, if he found a lead to the final Shikon shard's location, he thought to himself with growing alarm, then it would explain his sudden interest in the little miko, as the only use someone as boringly shortsighted as him would be as a shard detector.
"Kagura," he spoke sharply, even in his growing alarm enjoying the way she jumped at the sound of his voice, "you and I will discuss your dismal lack of reliability at a later time."
Kagura relaxed slightly, relieved to be spared a painful reassertion of Naraku's dominion over herself-and her heart-for the time being. She knew, though, that this would only give the sadistic being more time with which to prepare even greater and more effective punishments.
"Bring Kanna to me. I have a use for her. You will wait for further instructions."
When Kagura turned to carry out his orders, Naraku's voice, rich with threat, rolled out of the dimness of the shadows which seemed to cloak him in perpetual darkness, "And do not stray from the grounds, or I will be forced to remind you of your origins."
The wind-user paled at the implicit threat of reabsorption, then nodded her head jerkily and left the room.
Naraku settled himself more comfortably in his seat, resting his arm casually on the wooden stand by his side. Once again, he adopted a pose of nonchalance, an air of consanguinity flowing out around him like a cloak, a refreshing change from his previous malicious miasma despite the falseness of his attitude.
He was completely composed when Kanna made her way quietly into the room, even though Naraku knew his aura did not effect the emotionless white youkai.
He smirked slightly. The girl-child form was one of his better ideas for a detachment, but sometimes he grew frustrated that she never showed any hint of reaction to anything that occurred around her. But she was a true reflection of the qualities he most prized in a slave: unaffected by anything except the instinct to obey her 'father', and no free will of her own to mar the smooth perfection of her emotionless face-unlike Kagura, the deceitful bitch.
No, Kanna was the ideal daughter. Dutiful, quiet, obedient, and best of all, eminently useful.
Thus were his thoughts, so that when Kanna finally entered the room, he bestowed a rare smile on his offspring. As expected, it was lost on her, for she did not show any reaction to the extraordinary expression on her creator's face. She simply paced to stand before him, her ever-present mirror held before her like a shield.
"Show me Inuyasha," he commanded softly, "I wish to see his broken and bloody body again...watch as the reincarnate weeps over his lifeless form..."
Kanna inhaled softly, as if gathering her strength, then rotated the round mirror slightly, as if tuning a radio knob. Immediately, the surface reflected the recent battle scene-a round portal into a foreign world of blood and destruction, pain and death...Naraku felt a tremor of excitement trip down his spine at the sight of trees ripped from the earth, the ground churned into mud red with gore. Ah, the beauty of death, he thought with an inner sigh. But the sight that met his startled crimson gaze caused him to tremble in rage.
The hanyou was indeed bloody, but far from dead. In fact, if he were to judge by the agitated ranting Inuyasha seemed to be indulging in at the moment, Naraku could only conclude the cursed half breed was in the best of health.
How did...? What...? the thoughts stuttered in his mind, tripping over themselves in his shock to make sense of the reality of Inuyasha, alive and well.
With a snarl of fury, the most likely answer came blasting to the forefront of his benumbed brain, ripping through all confusion in a haze of rising red rage.
"The miko!" Naraku seethed. "I do not know how she accomplished such a thing, but her powers have obviously expanded far beyond what even Kikyou had possessed."
The idea stoked his already sparked interest in the reincarnation of his one fleshly obsession, and the fire of possessiveness flared into an all- consuming inferno.
I must have her...I must command this power of hers, he vowed to himself, the manic light of greed making his claret-colored eyes seem to glow like embers in the dying daylight.
Naraku's fingers itched to trace patterns on her delicate, ivory flesh-to mark her as his own with lips and teeth and bruises and blood.
"Show me the miko," he commanded Kanna.
The colorless youkai silently did as requested, and the images on her mirror shifted.
At first, all the watchers could see was the dim, spangled shade of the forest. Then, she became visible, standing in a shaft of fading sunlight, dust motes drifting around her like a host of tiny fairies come to pay homage.
Naraku sucked in an involuntary breath as the hazy light limned her lithe figure with hazy, molten gold.
Such perfection, he thought with the same reverence he reserved for the Shikon no Tama. Power and beauty to tempt even the most mighty creature.
A flash of white caught his attention, and the villain let loose a noise of surprise, his gaze narrowing in silent speculation.
Yes indeed, he thought in reference to his last observation, enough to tempt even the Lord of the Western Lands himself.
An anticipatory grin split the handsome features of his face, and sharp teeth flashed whitely in the thickening gloom of the room.
I believe this temptress will have multiple uses for me.
While his sadistic fantasies played out in the back of his mind, Naraku noted the direction the unusual pair were traveling in, and returned to observing the hanyou and his remaining companions. They were all headed in the same north-easterly direction-Naraku had more than a fair idea of their destination, though he wondered what it had to do with the search for the Shikon-with Inuyasha obviously pushing the humans to be faster.
No doubt anxious to get his little miko back. Did Sesshoumaru steal the wench? He wondered absently. Not that it matters much how she came to be in his company, but it would be most unusual if she went willingly.
After a few more silent minutes of watching the steady reflection of events occurring miles away from his hidden retreat, Naraku dismissed Kanna.
Settling against the frame of the slightly opened outside shoji, he propped his arm on an upraised knee in his favorite posture of noble contemplation and stared out at the brilliant colors of fading day.
"Ah, Inuyasha, you make it so easy to gather all of little eggs into one basket by following the woman." A small, grim smile tilted his sculpted lips at the corners.
"You and your esteemed brother think you have hidden from me everything that goes on in your pitiful little brains." His expression hardened and his eyes glinted in the twilight.
"You have no conception of all the knowledge I possess...and soon, I will possess those things which you both hold so very dear..."
As the last light of the sun faded from the edge of the world, the soft sound of laughter could be heard drifting into the night on the rising wind. A storm was brewing.
"Inuyasha!" Sango called from the back of Kirara. The fire cat was lagging behind, obviously exhausted from the combined exertion of a pitched battle followed immediately by this rushed chase over rough country.
"We have to stop for the night, Inuyasha! Kirara won't be able to go much farther."
Inuyasha made no response to the taijiya's logic, but did slow down enough to cast an appraising eye over the transformed youkai. True to Sango's word, Kirara did indeed seem much the worse for wear. Her eyes gleamed dully in the lowering sunlight, and her coat was matted with dried blood. Inuyasha frowned. Some of it appeared to be fresh. When did Kirara get hurt? He thought with a wash of guilt.
A scowl crossed his handsome features as he nodded to the humans perched upon the fire cat's back, agreeing curtly to the plea to make camp. Impatience and fear washed over him, though, as he thought of all the time they would waste in their effort to find Kagome before his ruthless brother did anything to harm her.
If he touches one hair on her head...Inuyasha let the silent threat dangle in his mind, afraid to play out his violent revenge fantasies, even to himself. His control was tenuous enough as it was without the added spark his wild imagination could set to the dry tinder of his smoldering rage.
Miroku and Sango remained quiet as they went about the routine tasks required for setting up a hasty camp. A nearby stream offered cool, clean water for tending their wounds, so the humans set about washing the various slashes and scrapes. For once, Miroku kept his hands to himself, a sure sign of his profound worry for Kagome.
Later, when everyone was grouped around the small, smokeless fire, the monk broached the subject weighing heavily on everyone's minds.
Clearing his throat, he began hesitantly, "Inuyasha, I've been meaning to ask you," he paused at the harsh glare the hanyou pinned him with. Clenching his fists, Miroku plowed ahead, "what do you think Sesshoumaru- sama wants with Kagome?"
At the red tide of blood rising in his tanned cheeks, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou pulled back a bit in fear of the imminent explosion of fury from Inuyasha.
Just as suddenly as his ire ignited, it faded, leaving the golden-eyed hanyou with slumped shoulders and drooping head. He appeared to have collapsed in on himself slightly, as if he had lost some vital internal support.
Perhaps he has, thought Miroku. Kagome-sama has been taken from him before. But even though it was to save his life, this time...she left him willingly. And that, the holy man realized, made the already burdened man's load of guilt even heavier. First Kikyou-sama, and now Kagome-sama...
The object of the houshi's introspection stirred himself, though his silver hair still shielded his eyes from view.
"I don't know exactly what that bastard wants Kagome for," he admitted in a voice rough with emotion, "but you can bet it has something to do with the Tetsusaiga."
Sango gasped. "Do you think he knows about what has been happening with the sword? About how it isn't performing as it should?"
Inuyasha grimaced at the reminder, but shrugged his shoulders.
"How should I know what the hell my brother is thinking-besides 'kill Inuyasha'?" he retorted with more of his trademark gruffness, but softened the rude tone with, "But I think it's likely he knows something, and has come to take advantage of Kagome's role in it."
Sango nodded her head in depressed agreement, absently stroking Kirara's soft fur for comfort.
Miroku let the silence stretch out for a moment more before bringing up the other worry he had.
In a voice, firm with purpose despite the soft tone, he said, "Do you think Sesshoumaru-sama had anything to do with why Tetsusaiga lost it's transformation during the battle today?"
Inuyasha stiffened, his head snapping up to lock his amber gaze on the monk. Miroku could see the remembered anger burning in the golden depths, but he also recognized the fear his friend experienced when he had been unable to reach Kagome.
No, not 'fear', he corrected himself, utter terror.
"What are you saying, priest?" the hanyou snapped out, "You think that Sesshoumaru made Tetsusaiga change back so he could save Kagome himself, or that I would get killed?" He shook his head in contempt of that theory. "It's not like that bastard to let someone else kill me-he wants to do it himself so badly he can taste it!"
Even as he said this, though, a traitorous thought wormed its way though his mind. If he wants you dead so badly, then why did he let Kagome convince him to heal you with Tenseiga?
Inuyasha didn't know what thought unsettled him more: actually dying, or being brought back from the brink of death by his hated brother. These uncomfortable revelations were scattered when Miroku presented his own theory for Tetsusaiga's behavior.
"Actually," he said in a tone of deep contemplation, "I don't think Sesshoumaru-sama had anything to do with transforming your sword-though by his sudden appearance and 'request' for Kagome-sama's assistance, it is likely he knows something. And it also remains to be seen whether or not Naraku had a hand in it." A deep growl laced the monk's words at the mention of the evil creature who cursed his grandfather-and ultimately him.
"What do you mean, houshi-sama?" Sango asked quietly.
"I mean, if we take into account Kaede-sama and Toutousai's theories on the relationship between Kagome-sama, the Shikon no Tama, and Tetsusaiga, we can conclude a very different cause for the Fang's lost transformation."
When all eyes were riveted to him, Miroku laid out his idea. "Inuyasha, Tetsusaiga lost its demon blade form right after Kagome-sama purified all of those youkai, correct?"
When the hanyou gave a reluctant nod of confirmation, Miroku settled back onto his elbows, legs stretched before him, his posture screaming confidence in his conclusions. "Then Kagome-sama's massive output of energy drained the Tetsusaiga, as well, causing the reversion. I imagine such an outpouring of purifying force also drained some of your youryoku, as well, Inuyasha." Miroku forbore to mention that, if everything connected to the Shikon no Tama and Kagome was tapped, then Sesshoumaru was an unwilling donor of energy, as well.
Just because the circumspect monk didn't voice it, though, didn't mean Inuyasha couldn't put the pieces together...and draw conclusions that went beyond the course of the battle just past.
The hanyou remembered all Kagome had told them of her strange, repetitive dreams, and he felt a growl work its way up his throat. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou fell blessedly silent, letting their exhausted bodies slip into healing, revitalizing sleep while Inuyasha stayed awake and stewed.
He welcomed the cleansing power of his betrayed fury that washed away the debilitating guilt and fear for his friend, instead concentrating on the realization that Kagome had known all along that the other man in her dreams was his pompous, arrogant, blood-thirsty, back-stabbing brother.
What the hell is she doing dreaming of Sesshoumaru?!? he ranted wildly.
A sudden fear gripped him that Kagome was forming a personal bond of some sort with Sesshoumaru-one that excluded him. His heart wrenched in his chest at the thought that he could lose her because of a dammed dream.
Inuyasha fell into a cycle of increasingly vicious and horrifying imaginings, all revolving around one thought: Sesshoumaru probably knew something about what was happening to the Tetsusaiga, which meant that he probably knew about Kagome's dream.
And she was with him now-alone.
Oh, gods, Inuyasha thought, dropping his head into his hands in despair, please, I don't want to lose her.
Sess: *sneering at Inu* Yes! You will forfeit your wench's affections to me!
Inu: *growls and swings claws at Sess* Like hell I will!
TT: *sweatdrops* Um, guys? Could you maybe keep the property damage to a minimum?
*Inu and Sess keep fighting. Both are using swords now*
TT: *sigh* Well, I guess there's no help for it. Time for my secret weapon. *raises voice* Sit, boys!
*Inu and Sess crash to ground*
Inu & Sess: What the hell...?!? How did you do that?
TT: I had my lawyers work it into your contracts. *sighs happily* Ah, the power of justice.
Sess: What does justice have to do with lawyers?
TT: Hmm...good point.
Author's Note:
Really quick...just to explain my thinking about why Naraku would draw the (erroneous) conclusion that Kagome was responsible for Inuyasha's healing. Upon due reflection (meaning I thought about it for a few minutes), I don't remember Naraku ever learning of Tenseiga's special power. So, if the spider doesn't have all of the facts (a rare occurrence, indeed), then he would have to go with the next obvious conclusion: Kagome's miko abilities, probably powered by the Shikon itself (remember, he already suspects this link).
Oh! And 'youryoku' is literally 'youkai power'.
Okay, so there it is. I know it was shorted than usual, but I had to stop it there or end up going on and on and on for miles. Tell me what you think! (In other words, review me!)
Review Responses:
The Fallen Angel of Death: *laughs* Yes, well, if I had a nickel for every time I've been told I'm strange...let's just say I really would own Inuyasha! (Or at least Sesshoumaru) Let me know if you go on crusade against the 'establishment' ;p...I'll follow you anywhere, Master! Thanks for the love *huggles*!
Rain of Stars: Damn demons and their distracting...um, 'ness'! I perfectly understand why you got side-tracked from the awarding of my cookie-Hell, I even sympathize (I do have to share a set with him)! But, Sess running around in nothing but a pair of black ballet tights (what do you want, it was the only thing I could find for him to wear...I swear!)...well, it's putting this project behind. *sigh* So, if you turn over his wardrobe, I won't have to sic Sess on you. Er, that's not a very convincing threat, is it? Let's try that again: If you turn over his wardrobe, I won't have to sic my lawyers on you. There! That's much better! (P.S.: Could you maybe leave out whatever underwear he had? I've always wanted to know of he's a boxers or briefs man, and the best way to find out is to have to take him shopping!) Oh! And Inuyasha got 'sat' into Australia for eating MY COOKIES! So, he won't be coming around for, oh, about 4 days or so. Just thought I'd warn you! *hugs*
Aki no Yume: *sighs and wipes away tear* Ah, someone who understands me! *hugs* Yes, writing in a new character is such a screw-up to a well-formed plot! Of course, that would be a better reason if I truly had a well-formed plot-I'm half making this up as I go, and events may change without notice. (Besides, inserting an 'outside' character is just a creative pain in the ass-'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.Course, that kind of precludes the whole Sess/Kag romance, but...hey, what can you do when you crave that hot demon body?) I hope this gave you a little more Naraku insight, not that we really want to know what's going on in his head: 'kill Inuyasha, take over the world, absorb more youkai, kill Sesshoumaru, kill Kikyou/Kagome, lust after Kikyou/Kagome...' I think you get the point. Thanks for the review, and look for some more Sess/Kag interaction next chapter-and maybe even Sess/Inu confrontation!
Jaredono: *squeals in delight, hugs* Wai! Wai! Hisashiburi da ne! Wow! I've missed you! Of course, that's my own fault for not updating Force of Destiny...but, we won't dwell on that! I'm so glad you understand, though! And of course, as soon as I officially put it on hold, I got this mad desire to write some more. Maybe I'm suffering from performance anxiety? *snicker, twitch* Sorry...couldn't help that. You're the only reviewer who I know for certain is a male, so...just had to sneak that in. Sorry if that offended you, but my husband always seems to think it's a funny joke...as long as it's not said in reference to him! Aaannnnyway, yeah, I've been an Inuyasha fan long before I ever heard of Furuba, but never had the inspiration to write a fic. But now...Gah! Brainstorm overload! Don't worry, I've even got ideas for FB, but those won't be posted until this is done-unless it's another one-shot like Using Your Head. And, you need to be my beta! OMG! I COMPLETELY forgot about Rin! (Well, what hot-blooded woman/gay man wouldn't when dealing with Sess?) First I forget about Shigure, now that cute little girl! Not to fear, she's being taken care of by the loveable, huggable Jaken *snicker, snort*. Ahem! I mean...I'll take care of that little detail. *cough* Thanks for saving my lazy ass from another plot hole. Ugh. Questions...can't tell you what Naraku's planning. But, I can tell you this: Inuyasha's brain is finally starting to put the pieces together (*gasp* Inu thinking!), and we should have a confrontation next chapter. Stress the 'should', as it may run longer on some preliminary events than I anticipate. *sigh* The story of my...well, stories. I'm glad to see you taking a Japanese class-I always loved mine! Anime and manga are perfect practicing grounds. Start with things like "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service". Don't worry about kanji in manga-in all young- people manga, the kanji are spelled out with kana beside it, so no problem. Just a lot of dictionary work! Itsumo review wo kaite kureta, arigatou gozaimasu!
Soudesuka-Shurikens: *crying in relief* Oh! Oh! I thought I had lost you! I missed you! Your wit! Your intelligence! Your humbling praise! No! I didn't mean hat last one! (Yes I did.) I'm so glad I've been able to increase the intelligence quotient of another reader...no guarantees on that actually affecting your I.Q., though! And you think Sess's comments are 'powerful'? *scratches head* I don't know which ones...all I seem to remember are things like 'humans are scum' and 'must possess Tetsusaiga'. Thank you so much, though! I am completely guided by all the great writers I have read before, therefore take credit for nothing (except the plot and the really weighty words). Oh! And did you think of any more psychological illnesses for the Inu gang? LOL.
Star*e*Night moon: Thanks! Here's the next one!
Mistress Fluffy: *huggles* I can't tell you how much I appreciate the reliable reviews-every chapter! *sigh* This is bliss! And, look for updates once a week (unless I get really inspired). Life is getting a bit more hectic about now...
Kidoairaku: O.o Well...I'll just pretend I didn't hear that. *whispers* But I completely understand the 'addiction' thing! *blushes* And I'm so flattered that my crappy works is considered 'good fanfiction' by you! (That is what you were saying, right? *hopeful Shippou eyes*) Anyway..yes, Volpa is one of my absolute favorites. Completely unfair that she writes such damn good work-then leaves it for a month or two! Argh! But I totally empathize with the hectic life-style getting in the way of fun pursuits like fantasizin-I mean, writing. (Oh! And the only pathetic review is an unwarranted flame!)
Valeska: Thanks! You are now on my e-mail update list.
Youkai Yume: LOL I think the lemon-er, 'adult dream sequence' (pesky censors!) Was one of my favorites, too! *sigh* Just something about getting to put your innermost fantasies down in words for all to see and enjoy...Gah! Put that way, it's terribly embarrassing, ne? *laughs* But that's what we're all doing here, right? Keep it up yourself...I just finished reading one of your fics last night. I left a review, too! Yay, me!
South Beach Girl: Let me guess...you're from South Beach? Ah, totally beside the point! Thank you for the honest review! (Although I totally love those who lie and say everything's completely understandable and perfect ;)) The "completed" thing is just an editing error from when I loaded the chapters. It means each chapter is complete, I thought. Hmmm...maybe I goofed there? Anyway, no, it's not a complete story. Still have quite a few chapters to go, though I'm not sure how many yet. It all depends on which ending I want to choose. Was this update fast enough? Thanks for the reivew!
Whit: Thanks! The ending is a little ways off, but not very long in coming.
Sesshyangel: O.o Huh???? Oh! Two different chapter numbers because of all the Author's notes/Review Responses stuck in between chapters. *blushes, scratches head* Sorry about that. Yeah, Sess is totally wrapped around Rin (and soon Kagome's) pinkies! (Alright, everyone together now: Awwwww!) And about the life-size Sess plushie...trust this writer/director when I say: it's much more comfortable than the real thing! Spiked armor and poison claws hurt! Ahem. Back to business. I had the best laugh about the whole dictionary thing! You see, when I was growing up, my mother used big words...then told me to go look it up rather than explain it. As a result, I would get caught up in *cringes, blushes* reading the dictionary. How embarrassing...and my friends used to call me the 'Human Dictionary'. (Then they wondered why I always got such good grades in school-except math, of course. *shudder*) Well, as long as you don't mind it, I'll keep it up! Besides, I get so tired of using the same words over and over again...synonyms are so much better, don't you think?
Lady Sesshoumaru: Yes, well, I only have one fic that I'm angsting over n regards to ff.net story removals. And I think I left it at [R], but...I know I'm going to have to go back and check it. *sigh* And I already edited it for ff.net once! BTW, where is everyone getting this info that FF is even censoring at all? I've checked the news board, but nothing! Is this a word-of-mouth thing from people who have already been warned by the admin? It just doesn't make sense!(Of course, censoring never does.) Now the actual response! Yeah, I was going to have Sess execute Routarou (believe you me, he was really pushing for more bloodshed), but just couldn't do it. Want to know why? (This is dumb) I named him after the voice actor who speaks for Shigure in Fruits Basket *sigh, drool*. Told you it was dumb. Besides, I just had to slip in that little bit of caving on Sess's part. *laughs* And the image of Sess being 'pulled around on a string'!! *snicker, snort* Priceless! Thanks for the review, from one of my very favorite authors! Update soon, PLEASE?!?
A small piece of him wilted at that necessity, but all he had to do was remind himself of his goal, control of Tetsusaiga and peace in his lands, to squelch the intensifying weakness.
He ignored that snide little voice he had just murdered, which whispered something along the lines of 'if you had truly killed that weakness, you would not have given in to the girl's request to find the shard at all'.
Dammit, it was right-again. And he couldn't find more than a shred of remorse over his capitulation, either.
Chapter 10
The silence was deafening in its thick and oppressive weight. No one in the spacious room dared to so much as breathe-even the breeze seemed to be halted at the open shoji, afraid to trespass upon the territory of whatever wielded such amazing viciously jaki.
Against her will, Kagura shuddered at the imminent threat of bloody violence.
No, she thought to herself dismally, Naraku would not waste the energy and simply crush my heart.
Cold sweat trickled between her shoulder blades as the stillness lengthened to unbearable proportions.
Just as the wind user thought that her nerves would snap from the strain of waiting, Naraku shifted on the raised dias he was seated on. The movement was so slight as to be almost unnoticeable, but as keenly tuned as her senses were to every nuance of her enemy and master, the soft rustle of silk sounded like the loud scrape of a knife on bone to her tense ears.
Though she gave no outward appearance of apprehension, her shoulders tightened slightly at the warning of imminent danger. Naraku was about to react to the news she had delivered. She and Kohaku had failed him, letting the miko escape the battle just past. They had not gained any new information on whether or not the group had located any new shards, and that bastard Sesshoumaru had suddenly appeared, decimating all but a handful of the youkai army sent to destroy the hanyou and his companions.
And to top of her humiliating defeat at the hands of a half-wit mongrel and his human friends, Kagura had to give a report to her lord and master. Even though he was present at the scene, courtesy of his puppet.
A niggle of cold satisfaction swirled through Kagura as she remembered that she was not the only one defeated today-Naraku's kugutsu had been slaughtered by the demon lord, along with half his army. She fought to keep the tiny smile threatening to curve her lips, only managing the feat by reminding herself that she was still in Naraku's presence...and he had yet to deliver his punishment for failure.
For his part, Naraku was not giving much thought to punishing Kagura and Kohaku. It was enough that they suffered the weight of failure on the battlefield. He had no doubts that the thoughts and fears running through Kagura's mind were almost as creative as anything he could mete out at this time. Let her stew for a bit, then he would turn his thoughts to how to deal with her.
Some scrupulously logical portion of his brain acknowledged that, to her credit, Kagura's youkai legions had been winning the battle while he himself was off entertaining the half-breed via his puppet. A scowl pulled at Naraku's handsome features when he recalled the reason the tide had turned. It was when that cursed pompous Sesshoumaru had unexpectedly joined in the fray that everything had gone to hell.
Damn! He thought to himself, crimson eyes glowing with the vicious force of his hatred for the youkai lord. What the hell was Sesshoumaru doing there, anyway? Was he there to steal Tetsusaiga?
Naraku thought on that possibility for a moment, but dismissed it rather quickly.
No, if that were truly the case, then why bother to save the miko? She has nothing to do with the Fang, other than the fact that she follows Inuyasha.
A sudden idea occurred to him, and his brows raised in surprise at the new direction his speculations took him in.
Unless...her powers are expanding beyond simply being able to detect the Shikon no Tama...? Does he desire the miko's powers for himself? To use against me? Or...could Sesshoumaru have developed a taste for something other than his father's fang? Does he desire the Shikon for himself?
It did not fit with the picture of the coldly unemotional and disturbingly honor-bound taiyoukai Naraku had developed in his mind through years of personal interaction and remote observation.
But, if he found a lead to the final Shikon shard's location, he thought to himself with growing alarm, then it would explain his sudden interest in the little miko, as the only use someone as boringly shortsighted as him would be as a shard detector.
"Kagura," he spoke sharply, even in his growing alarm enjoying the way she jumped at the sound of his voice, "you and I will discuss your dismal lack of reliability at a later time."
Kagura relaxed slightly, relieved to be spared a painful reassertion of Naraku's dominion over herself-and her heart-for the time being. She knew, though, that this would only give the sadistic being more time with which to prepare even greater and more effective punishments.
"Bring Kanna to me. I have a use for her. You will wait for further instructions."
When Kagura turned to carry out his orders, Naraku's voice, rich with threat, rolled out of the dimness of the shadows which seemed to cloak him in perpetual darkness, "And do not stray from the grounds, or I will be forced to remind you of your origins."
The wind-user paled at the implicit threat of reabsorption, then nodded her head jerkily and left the room.
Naraku settled himself more comfortably in his seat, resting his arm casually on the wooden stand by his side. Once again, he adopted a pose of nonchalance, an air of consanguinity flowing out around him like a cloak, a refreshing change from his previous malicious miasma despite the falseness of his attitude.
He was completely composed when Kanna made her way quietly into the room, even though Naraku knew his aura did not effect the emotionless white youkai.
He smirked slightly. The girl-child form was one of his better ideas for a detachment, but sometimes he grew frustrated that she never showed any hint of reaction to anything that occurred around her. But she was a true reflection of the qualities he most prized in a slave: unaffected by anything except the instinct to obey her 'father', and no free will of her own to mar the smooth perfection of her emotionless face-unlike Kagura, the deceitful bitch.
No, Kanna was the ideal daughter. Dutiful, quiet, obedient, and best of all, eminently useful.
Thus were his thoughts, so that when Kanna finally entered the room, he bestowed a rare smile on his offspring. As expected, it was lost on her, for she did not show any reaction to the extraordinary expression on her creator's face. She simply paced to stand before him, her ever-present mirror held before her like a shield.
"Show me Inuyasha," he commanded softly, "I wish to see his broken and bloody body again...watch as the reincarnate weeps over his lifeless form..."
Kanna inhaled softly, as if gathering her strength, then rotated the round mirror slightly, as if tuning a radio knob. Immediately, the surface reflected the recent battle scene-a round portal into a foreign world of blood and destruction, pain and death...Naraku felt a tremor of excitement trip down his spine at the sight of trees ripped from the earth, the ground churned into mud red with gore. Ah, the beauty of death, he thought with an inner sigh. But the sight that met his startled crimson gaze caused him to tremble in rage.
The hanyou was indeed bloody, but far from dead. In fact, if he were to judge by the agitated ranting Inuyasha seemed to be indulging in at the moment, Naraku could only conclude the cursed half breed was in the best of health.
How did...? What...? the thoughts stuttered in his mind, tripping over themselves in his shock to make sense of the reality of Inuyasha, alive and well.
With a snarl of fury, the most likely answer came blasting to the forefront of his benumbed brain, ripping through all confusion in a haze of rising red rage.
"The miko!" Naraku seethed. "I do not know how she accomplished such a thing, but her powers have obviously expanded far beyond what even Kikyou had possessed."
The idea stoked his already sparked interest in the reincarnation of his one fleshly obsession, and the fire of possessiveness flared into an all- consuming inferno.
I must have her...I must command this power of hers, he vowed to himself, the manic light of greed making his claret-colored eyes seem to glow like embers in the dying daylight.
Naraku's fingers itched to trace patterns on her delicate, ivory flesh-to mark her as his own with lips and teeth and bruises and blood.
"Show me the miko," he commanded Kanna.
The colorless youkai silently did as requested, and the images on her mirror shifted.
At first, all the watchers could see was the dim, spangled shade of the forest. Then, she became visible, standing in a shaft of fading sunlight, dust motes drifting around her like a host of tiny fairies come to pay homage.
Naraku sucked in an involuntary breath as the hazy light limned her lithe figure with hazy, molten gold.
Such perfection, he thought with the same reverence he reserved for the Shikon no Tama. Power and beauty to tempt even the most mighty creature.
A flash of white caught his attention, and the villain let loose a noise of surprise, his gaze narrowing in silent speculation.
Yes indeed, he thought in reference to his last observation, enough to tempt even the Lord of the Western Lands himself.
An anticipatory grin split the handsome features of his face, and sharp teeth flashed whitely in the thickening gloom of the room.
I believe this temptress will have multiple uses for me.
While his sadistic fantasies played out in the back of his mind, Naraku noted the direction the unusual pair were traveling in, and returned to observing the hanyou and his remaining companions. They were all headed in the same north-easterly direction-Naraku had more than a fair idea of their destination, though he wondered what it had to do with the search for the Shikon-with Inuyasha obviously pushing the humans to be faster.
No doubt anxious to get his little miko back. Did Sesshoumaru steal the wench? He wondered absently. Not that it matters much how she came to be in his company, but it would be most unusual if she went willingly.
After a few more silent minutes of watching the steady reflection of events occurring miles away from his hidden retreat, Naraku dismissed Kanna.
Settling against the frame of the slightly opened outside shoji, he propped his arm on an upraised knee in his favorite posture of noble contemplation and stared out at the brilliant colors of fading day.
"Ah, Inuyasha, you make it so easy to gather all of little eggs into one basket by following the woman." A small, grim smile tilted his sculpted lips at the corners.
"You and your esteemed brother think you have hidden from me everything that goes on in your pitiful little brains." His expression hardened and his eyes glinted in the twilight.
"You have no conception of all the knowledge I possess...and soon, I will possess those things which you both hold so very dear..."
As the last light of the sun faded from the edge of the world, the soft sound of laughter could be heard drifting into the night on the rising wind. A storm was brewing.
"Inuyasha!" Sango called from the back of Kirara. The fire cat was lagging behind, obviously exhausted from the combined exertion of a pitched battle followed immediately by this rushed chase over rough country.
"We have to stop for the night, Inuyasha! Kirara won't be able to go much farther."
Inuyasha made no response to the taijiya's logic, but did slow down enough to cast an appraising eye over the transformed youkai. True to Sango's word, Kirara did indeed seem much the worse for wear. Her eyes gleamed dully in the lowering sunlight, and her coat was matted with dried blood. Inuyasha frowned. Some of it appeared to be fresh. When did Kirara get hurt? He thought with a wash of guilt.
A scowl crossed his handsome features as he nodded to the humans perched upon the fire cat's back, agreeing curtly to the plea to make camp. Impatience and fear washed over him, though, as he thought of all the time they would waste in their effort to find Kagome before his ruthless brother did anything to harm her.
If he touches one hair on her head...Inuyasha let the silent threat dangle in his mind, afraid to play out his violent revenge fantasies, even to himself. His control was tenuous enough as it was without the added spark his wild imagination could set to the dry tinder of his smoldering rage.
Miroku and Sango remained quiet as they went about the routine tasks required for setting up a hasty camp. A nearby stream offered cool, clean water for tending their wounds, so the humans set about washing the various slashes and scrapes. For once, Miroku kept his hands to himself, a sure sign of his profound worry for Kagome.
Later, when everyone was grouped around the small, smokeless fire, the monk broached the subject weighing heavily on everyone's minds.
Clearing his throat, he began hesitantly, "Inuyasha, I've been meaning to ask you," he paused at the harsh glare the hanyou pinned him with. Clenching his fists, Miroku plowed ahead, "what do you think Sesshoumaru- sama wants with Kagome?"
At the red tide of blood rising in his tanned cheeks, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou pulled back a bit in fear of the imminent explosion of fury from Inuyasha.
Just as suddenly as his ire ignited, it faded, leaving the golden-eyed hanyou with slumped shoulders and drooping head. He appeared to have collapsed in on himself slightly, as if he had lost some vital internal support.
Perhaps he has, thought Miroku. Kagome-sama has been taken from him before. But even though it was to save his life, this time...she left him willingly. And that, the holy man realized, made the already burdened man's load of guilt even heavier. First Kikyou-sama, and now Kagome-sama...
The object of the houshi's introspection stirred himself, though his silver hair still shielded his eyes from view.
"I don't know exactly what that bastard wants Kagome for," he admitted in a voice rough with emotion, "but you can bet it has something to do with the Tetsusaiga."
Sango gasped. "Do you think he knows about what has been happening with the sword? About how it isn't performing as it should?"
Inuyasha grimaced at the reminder, but shrugged his shoulders.
"How should I know what the hell my brother is thinking-besides 'kill Inuyasha'?" he retorted with more of his trademark gruffness, but softened the rude tone with, "But I think it's likely he knows something, and has come to take advantage of Kagome's role in it."
Sango nodded her head in depressed agreement, absently stroking Kirara's soft fur for comfort.
Miroku let the silence stretch out for a moment more before bringing up the other worry he had.
In a voice, firm with purpose despite the soft tone, he said, "Do you think Sesshoumaru-sama had anything to do with why Tetsusaiga lost it's transformation during the battle today?"
Inuyasha stiffened, his head snapping up to lock his amber gaze on the monk. Miroku could see the remembered anger burning in the golden depths, but he also recognized the fear his friend experienced when he had been unable to reach Kagome.
No, not 'fear', he corrected himself, utter terror.
"What are you saying, priest?" the hanyou snapped out, "You think that Sesshoumaru made Tetsusaiga change back so he could save Kagome himself, or that I would get killed?" He shook his head in contempt of that theory. "It's not like that bastard to let someone else kill me-he wants to do it himself so badly he can taste it!"
Even as he said this, though, a traitorous thought wormed its way though his mind. If he wants you dead so badly, then why did he let Kagome convince him to heal you with Tenseiga?
Inuyasha didn't know what thought unsettled him more: actually dying, or being brought back from the brink of death by his hated brother. These uncomfortable revelations were scattered when Miroku presented his own theory for Tetsusaiga's behavior.
"Actually," he said in a tone of deep contemplation, "I don't think Sesshoumaru-sama had anything to do with transforming your sword-though by his sudden appearance and 'request' for Kagome-sama's assistance, it is likely he knows something. And it also remains to be seen whether or not Naraku had a hand in it." A deep growl laced the monk's words at the mention of the evil creature who cursed his grandfather-and ultimately him.
"What do you mean, houshi-sama?" Sango asked quietly.
"I mean, if we take into account Kaede-sama and Toutousai's theories on the relationship between Kagome-sama, the Shikon no Tama, and Tetsusaiga, we can conclude a very different cause for the Fang's lost transformation."
When all eyes were riveted to him, Miroku laid out his idea. "Inuyasha, Tetsusaiga lost its demon blade form right after Kagome-sama purified all of those youkai, correct?"
When the hanyou gave a reluctant nod of confirmation, Miroku settled back onto his elbows, legs stretched before him, his posture screaming confidence in his conclusions. "Then Kagome-sama's massive output of energy drained the Tetsusaiga, as well, causing the reversion. I imagine such an outpouring of purifying force also drained some of your youryoku, as well, Inuyasha." Miroku forbore to mention that, if everything connected to the Shikon no Tama and Kagome was tapped, then Sesshoumaru was an unwilling donor of energy, as well.
Just because the circumspect monk didn't voice it, though, didn't mean Inuyasha couldn't put the pieces together...and draw conclusions that went beyond the course of the battle just past.
The hanyou remembered all Kagome had told them of her strange, repetitive dreams, and he felt a growl work its way up his throat. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou fell blessedly silent, letting their exhausted bodies slip into healing, revitalizing sleep while Inuyasha stayed awake and stewed.
He welcomed the cleansing power of his betrayed fury that washed away the debilitating guilt and fear for his friend, instead concentrating on the realization that Kagome had known all along that the other man in her dreams was his pompous, arrogant, blood-thirsty, back-stabbing brother.
What the hell is she doing dreaming of Sesshoumaru?!? he ranted wildly.
A sudden fear gripped him that Kagome was forming a personal bond of some sort with Sesshoumaru-one that excluded him. His heart wrenched in his chest at the thought that he could lose her because of a dammed dream.
Inuyasha fell into a cycle of increasingly vicious and horrifying imaginings, all revolving around one thought: Sesshoumaru probably knew something about what was happening to the Tetsusaiga, which meant that he probably knew about Kagome's dream.
And she was with him now-alone.
Oh, gods, Inuyasha thought, dropping his head into his hands in despair, please, I don't want to lose her.
Sess: *sneering at Inu* Yes! You will forfeit your wench's affections to me!
Inu: *growls and swings claws at Sess* Like hell I will!
TT: *sweatdrops* Um, guys? Could you maybe keep the property damage to a minimum?
*Inu and Sess keep fighting. Both are using swords now*
TT: *sigh* Well, I guess there's no help for it. Time for my secret weapon. *raises voice* Sit, boys!
*Inu and Sess crash to ground*
Inu & Sess: What the hell...?!? How did you do that?
TT: I had my lawyers work it into your contracts. *sighs happily* Ah, the power of justice.
Sess: What does justice have to do with lawyers?
TT: Hmm...good point.
Author's Note:
Really quick...just to explain my thinking about why Naraku would draw the (erroneous) conclusion that Kagome was responsible for Inuyasha's healing. Upon due reflection (meaning I thought about it for a few minutes), I don't remember Naraku ever learning of Tenseiga's special power. So, if the spider doesn't have all of the facts (a rare occurrence, indeed), then he would have to go with the next obvious conclusion: Kagome's miko abilities, probably powered by the Shikon itself (remember, he already suspects this link).
Oh! And 'youryoku' is literally 'youkai power'.
Okay, so there it is. I know it was shorted than usual, but I had to stop it there or end up going on and on and on for miles. Tell me what you think! (In other words, review me!)
Review Responses:
The Fallen Angel of Death: *laughs* Yes, well, if I had a nickel for every time I've been told I'm strange...let's just say I really would own Inuyasha! (Or at least Sesshoumaru) Let me know if you go on crusade against the 'establishment' ;p...I'll follow you anywhere, Master! Thanks for the love *huggles*!
Rain of Stars: Damn demons and their distracting...um, 'ness'! I perfectly understand why you got side-tracked from the awarding of my cookie-Hell, I even sympathize (I do have to share a set with him)! But, Sess running around in nothing but a pair of black ballet tights (what do you want, it was the only thing I could find for him to wear...I swear!)...well, it's putting this project behind. *sigh* So, if you turn over his wardrobe, I won't have to sic Sess on you. Er, that's not a very convincing threat, is it? Let's try that again: If you turn over his wardrobe, I won't have to sic my lawyers on you. There! That's much better! (P.S.: Could you maybe leave out whatever underwear he had? I've always wanted to know of he's a boxers or briefs man, and the best way to find out is to have to take him shopping!) Oh! And Inuyasha got 'sat' into Australia for eating MY COOKIES! So, he won't be coming around for, oh, about 4 days or so. Just thought I'd warn you! *hugs*
Aki no Yume: *sighs and wipes away tear* Ah, someone who understands me! *hugs* Yes, writing in a new character is such a screw-up to a well-formed plot! Of course, that would be a better reason if I truly had a well-formed plot-I'm half making this up as I go, and events may change without notice. (Besides, inserting an 'outside' character is just a creative pain in the ass-'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.Course, that kind of precludes the whole Sess/Kag romance, but...hey, what can you do when you crave that hot demon body?) I hope this gave you a little more Naraku insight, not that we really want to know what's going on in his head: 'kill Inuyasha, take over the world, absorb more youkai, kill Sesshoumaru, kill Kikyou/Kagome, lust after Kikyou/Kagome...' I think you get the point. Thanks for the review, and look for some more Sess/Kag interaction next chapter-and maybe even Sess/Inu confrontation!
Jaredono: *squeals in delight, hugs* Wai! Wai! Hisashiburi da ne! Wow! I've missed you! Of course, that's my own fault for not updating Force of Destiny...but, we won't dwell on that! I'm so glad you understand, though! And of course, as soon as I officially put it on hold, I got this mad desire to write some more. Maybe I'm suffering from performance anxiety? *snicker, twitch* Sorry...couldn't help that. You're the only reviewer who I know for certain is a male, so...just had to sneak that in. Sorry if that offended you, but my husband always seems to think it's a funny joke...as long as it's not said in reference to him! Aaannnnyway, yeah, I've been an Inuyasha fan long before I ever heard of Furuba, but never had the inspiration to write a fic. But now...Gah! Brainstorm overload! Don't worry, I've even got ideas for FB, but those won't be posted until this is done-unless it's another one-shot like Using Your Head. And, you need to be my beta! OMG! I COMPLETELY forgot about Rin! (Well, what hot-blooded woman/gay man wouldn't when dealing with Sess?) First I forget about Shigure, now that cute little girl! Not to fear, she's being taken care of by the loveable, huggable Jaken *snicker, snort*. Ahem! I mean...I'll take care of that little detail. *cough* Thanks for saving my lazy ass from another plot hole. Ugh. Questions...can't tell you what Naraku's planning. But, I can tell you this: Inuyasha's brain is finally starting to put the pieces together (*gasp* Inu thinking!), and we should have a confrontation next chapter. Stress the 'should', as it may run longer on some preliminary events than I anticipate. *sigh* The story of my...well, stories. I'm glad to see you taking a Japanese class-I always loved mine! Anime and manga are perfect practicing grounds. Start with things like "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service". Don't worry about kanji in manga-in all young- people manga, the kanji are spelled out with kana beside it, so no problem. Just a lot of dictionary work! Itsumo review wo kaite kureta, arigatou gozaimasu!
Soudesuka-Shurikens: *crying in relief* Oh! Oh! I thought I had lost you! I missed you! Your wit! Your intelligence! Your humbling praise! No! I didn't mean hat last one! (Yes I did.) I'm so glad I've been able to increase the intelligence quotient of another reader...no guarantees on that actually affecting your I.Q., though! And you think Sess's comments are 'powerful'? *scratches head* I don't know which ones...all I seem to remember are things like 'humans are scum' and 'must possess Tetsusaiga'. Thank you so much, though! I am completely guided by all the great writers I have read before, therefore take credit for nothing (except the plot and the really weighty words). Oh! And did you think of any more psychological illnesses for the Inu gang? LOL.
Star*e*Night moon: Thanks! Here's the next one!
Mistress Fluffy: *huggles* I can't tell you how much I appreciate the reliable reviews-every chapter! *sigh* This is bliss! And, look for updates once a week (unless I get really inspired). Life is getting a bit more hectic about now...
Kidoairaku: O.o Well...I'll just pretend I didn't hear that. *whispers* But I completely understand the 'addiction' thing! *blushes* And I'm so flattered that my crappy works is considered 'good fanfiction' by you! (That is what you were saying, right? *hopeful Shippou eyes*) Anyway..yes, Volpa is one of my absolute favorites. Completely unfair that she writes such damn good work-then leaves it for a month or two! Argh! But I totally empathize with the hectic life-style getting in the way of fun pursuits like fantasizin-I mean, writing. (Oh! And the only pathetic review is an unwarranted flame!)
Valeska: Thanks! You are now on my e-mail update list.
Youkai Yume: LOL I think the lemon-er, 'adult dream sequence' (pesky censors!) Was one of my favorites, too! *sigh* Just something about getting to put your innermost fantasies down in words for all to see and enjoy...Gah! Put that way, it's terribly embarrassing, ne? *laughs* But that's what we're all doing here, right? Keep it up yourself...I just finished reading one of your fics last night. I left a review, too! Yay, me!
South Beach Girl: Let me guess...you're from South Beach? Ah, totally beside the point! Thank you for the honest review! (Although I totally love those who lie and say everything's completely understandable and perfect ;)) The "completed" thing is just an editing error from when I loaded the chapters. It means each chapter is complete, I thought. Hmmm...maybe I goofed there? Anyway, no, it's not a complete story. Still have quite a few chapters to go, though I'm not sure how many yet. It all depends on which ending I want to choose. Was this update fast enough? Thanks for the reivew!
Whit: Thanks! The ending is a little ways off, but not very long in coming.
Sesshyangel: O.o Huh???? Oh! Two different chapter numbers because of all the Author's notes/Review Responses stuck in between chapters. *blushes, scratches head* Sorry about that. Yeah, Sess is totally wrapped around Rin (and soon Kagome's) pinkies! (Alright, everyone together now: Awwwww!) And about the life-size Sess plushie...trust this writer/director when I say: it's much more comfortable than the real thing! Spiked armor and poison claws hurt! Ahem. Back to business. I had the best laugh about the whole dictionary thing! You see, when I was growing up, my mother used big words...then told me to go look it up rather than explain it. As a result, I would get caught up in *cringes, blushes* reading the dictionary. How embarrassing...and my friends used to call me the 'Human Dictionary'. (Then they wondered why I always got such good grades in school-except math, of course. *shudder*) Well, as long as you don't mind it, I'll keep it up! Besides, I get so tired of using the same words over and over again...synonyms are so much better, don't you think?
Lady Sesshoumaru: Yes, well, I only have one fic that I'm angsting over n regards to ff.net story removals. And I think I left it at [R], but...I know I'm going to have to go back and check it. *sigh* And I already edited it for ff.net once! BTW, where is everyone getting this info that FF is even censoring at all? I've checked the news board, but nothing! Is this a word-of-mouth thing from people who have already been warned by the admin? It just doesn't make sense!(Of course, censoring never does.) Now the actual response! Yeah, I was going to have Sess execute Routarou (believe you me, he was really pushing for more bloodshed), but just couldn't do it. Want to know why? (This is dumb) I named him after the voice actor who speaks for Shigure in Fruits Basket *sigh, drool*. Told you it was dumb. Besides, I just had to slip in that little bit of caving on Sess's part. *laughs* And the image of Sess being 'pulled around on a string'!! *snicker, snort* Priceless! Thanks for the review, from one of my very favorite authors! Update soon, PLEASE?!?