Hi, everyone. Here's the end, as promised. You know that I love you for reading this, and especially for reviewing :)

eegurl: Thanks heaps! Maybe you should get a copy of that episode? It's my guess you'll enjoy it.

Ramos: I'm so flattered that you think it's funny. You know that Hinge of Fate was what made me an H/S shipper? I treasure this story.

Redundant Goddess: Your reviews never fail to make my day. And thanks for the pin, it was much needed :)

Malva: Thanks. I love Draco, and it's just so delighting to make him receive his share of suffering (I know, I'm mean … but hey, so is he!)

DragonFly: More is here. Thanks for reviewing.

SaintlySmile: That was a cool review. Now I'm stuck with the idea of glomping Draco … thanks for giving me weird mental images :)

smile7499: Thanks, I love him (well, duh, who doesn't?). He's great, and so are reviewers (that means you, btw).

Andrian: Delicious? Yay! Here's the rest of it!

Ezmeralda: And guess who was squealing with delight when reading your lovely review? You're great, thanks.

Tiani: It's great that it made you laugh … sorry for the cliffie though, I seem to be unable to resist them … it's like an addiction … got to work on myself ;) Thanks for reviewing,

Epilogue: Another Morning

Apparently, there is a Muggle song with a verse saying "How in the light of one night did we come so far?" I would know, because Hermione is constantly humming it to herself, singing softly while she's in the shower or combing her hair (I would never have guessed she actually combs it. And not only combs it, but spends a considerable amount of time doing so.) I enjoy watching her, and she does have a point with that verse.

At the beginning of what I have started to call the night, I had been in a very bad mood. Dumbledore and McGonagall had come to the dungeons to tell me they wanted to have Lupin back in the fold.

"I do think you would be a great Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, Severus," Dumbledore had stated, "But so is Lupin. And you are not replaceable when it comes to potions."

His flattering words had been wasted on me, and we had argued until late. I didn't really care all that much for the Defence Against The Dark Arts post anymore. I am past the point where I could live without spending some time in the lab each day, brewing, inventing, experimenting … making Longbottom go green with fear when I force him to test a potion …

What I objected to was Lupin, plain and simple. One of my archenemies, along with Potter, Black and this insufferable Pettigrew. Lupin and I had never gotten along, even before he tried to eat me. And now I was to concoct his monthly supply of Wolfsbane, so he could come back and continue to annoy me?

I reminded Dumbledore and McGonagall that parents usually reacted less than enthusiastic to werewolves teaching their children. They reminded me that Lupin would – technically speaking – not be a werewolf if I did a proper job with that Wolfsbane Potion. I asked them whether they wished to imply that the blame would fall to me should anything werewolf-related happen. They asked me whether anything werewolf-related could happen if I did a proper job with that Wolfsbane Potion.

You see, it was fairly obvious that they had not really come to ask for my approval. They were simply delivering facts in the guise of a discussion. I couldn't resist giving them a hard time, so I kept arguing although I knew no one – not even me! – could talk Dumbledore out of his ideas.

And in the end, it was a good thing I didn't give in so quickly. Because by the time I escorted my colleagues back out of the dungeons, Malfoy had pulled his little stunt and we became parts of it.

Of all the things that happened during the night, the moment in the small chamber just after we had regained our memories overshadows the rest. The shock of realizing who I was, and – more importantly – who the girl in my arms was. I remember looking down at her and bracing myself for her scream. I was absolutely prepared to let her run.

But for some reason she didn't, and I cannot even begin to comprehend what made her stay. I asked her, but she keeps silencing me in the most effective ways … ahem …

The only thing I knew was that I could not let this chance pass. So after her unintended slip of tongue (I still can't believe she said that), I couldn't simply let her leave. So I stopped her.

Trying to read her impression, I found no repulsion or fear in her eyes – which is remarkable, because most people wear exactly this combination when confronted with me. And I couldn't tell for the life of me who initiated the next kiss. One moment we had been staring at each other, trying to sort out what had happened and how we were to live with it, and the next we were in each other's arms again.

And somehow, in the light of one night, we came this far. Hermione is still asleep on my shoulder, but I will have to do the cruel thing soon and wake her up. If she misses so much as five minutes of class, she will torture and kill me and feed my remains to her horrible cat (I would never have guessed she owns a pet more vicious than the most poisonous snakes I've ever possessed. This cat is a weapon, and I swear he hates me. I do admit that I have toyed with the idea of putting that cat into something toxic … or putting something toxic into that cat … but I doubt it would take Hermione more than instants to figure out the culprit either way. And from what she tells me, the cat has an infallible sense when it comes to recognising dark wizards, so I maybe I should just consider it a living Sneakoscope).

Strangely, the rest of the school hasn't noticed about us. No rumours are flying, no double entendres passed on. Well, I know for a fact that Malfoy and his shadows are too scared to talk. I see them walk off to the Forbidden Forest each night with Filch and Hagrid, and come back looking weary. Hermione begins to feel sorry for them. They have done us a favour after all, she argues. Which is completely not the point, in my opinion.

Potter and Weasley I cannot judge, but it is my guess they are too embarrassed to tell anyone about their best friend and their most hated teacher.

Dumbledore has been supportive all along, even providing Hermione with an in-house two-way portkey, so she can travel to the dungeons and back unnoticed. Minerva does not know about this – she would go berserk. She has been threatening me at least once each day since the night to treat Hermione well. She even had a long talk with her Gryffindor prize student, which Hermione refuses to tell me anything about. Whenever I ask her, she just blushes and changes topics. I think they're only letting us get away with this because it's just a few more weeks to graduation.

Lupin will arrive today – trust my mind to stumble across the one thought that could ruin a perfect morning. (Perfect morning? And since when does my mind combine these two words into one notion?)

"You're scowling," says a muffled voice, and I look down to find Hermione awake, yawning and stretching. "What's the time?"

"You won't be late for class," I assure her dryly, and feel her relax instantly.

"You woke me up with all that scowling and frowning."

"You can go back to sleep for another hour," I inform her.

She looks up at me expectantly. "Or…"

"Or … you could put the time to good use, doing … something else."

She gives me the Gryffindor version of an evil grin, which is in fact sickeningly cute. Yes, I think she will settle for … something else. Yet again. So I give her the Slytherin version of an evil grin, which never fails to make her shiver.

And suddenly a thought occurs to me. Running a finger down her shoulder, I strain to keep the malicious glee out of my voice when I ask, "Do you think … can I be the one to tell Lupin?"

~ The End ~


Wow, it's finished …….. this feels sooo strange. Somehow this ended a lot fluffier (is that a word?) than I intended, but Sevvie and Hermione demanded me to write it that way. Guess they need their share of fluffy happiness from time to time (what with all the angsty stuff about them out there). I guess I got addicted to writing fanfiction in the process of writing this; and you were great to read it and urge me on with your reviews. Hope you liked it. I certainly loved your reviews!!!!

Remains the need to give credit where it's due: Apart from JK Rowling and Joss Whedon, who have provided me with the characters and ideas, I have borrowed shamelessly from other sources as well.

First of all, the spells you don't recognize from the books are actually lines from the Requiem Mass: "Confutatis Maledictis" is a verse from the Ingemisco/Lacrymosa, translating roughly to "When the accursed have been confounded" (you need the context for this line to make sense, but I thought it sounded neat).

"Quidquid latet, apparebit" is from the Dies Irae, and should mean something like "Whatever is hidden will be made known" (now that's fitting, isn't it?).

Second, Hermione's memory of nearly choking in chapter nine has been inspired by (read: stolen from) a scene from Robert Cormier's "After the First Death". Hope he doesn't mind.

And third, the Muggle song with the verse about the night does exist; it's from the Miss Saigon musical.

Most of the funny lines are taken from various Buffy episodes (Seasons 6 & 7).

And some things were actually my idea :)

A nagging voice in my head already whispers something that sounds a lot like "Sequel!" I sort of want the rest of the school to find out, and I'd love to elaborate on Draco's predicament and the things he encounters in the Forbidden Forest. I'd also love to see how the couple deals with … you know, being a couple, when they're in the potions classroom. If you'd care for a continuation sometime in the future, give me a sign *blinksandpointstothereviewbutton*.

Thanks for the great time! Hope to see you again!